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Forums » Smalltalk » What CANT you eat?

Not much of what I originally hated eating stuck around, oddly. I used to DESPISE kiwis and olives, now I enjoy them.

I think I created most of my food aversions by eating too much of them, which is hilarious. I can't eat fried sprat fish because I consumed an entire large plate of them my first time around trying them, for example.

The only thing I've never ever been able to eat is any homecooker part of an animal other than the muscle (when it's well salted). Skin makes me throw up in my mouth a little. I've cleaned animal intestine, I know what was originally in there. Soft tissue is a mushy mess. Etc. Sheep liver is fine. Just sheep, my body has oddly decided. I've got no clue what it's doing
One word:

B A C O N.

I can't eat cooked eggs by themselves. Sunny side up, over-easy, scrambled, doesn't matter, can't eat it. I ate too many of them as a kid and at some point they started making me sick. Bleh. I can eat boiled or incorporated eggs, though!
Cooked carrots and broccoli.

Blech. Carrots and broccoli are so good, why do you have to ruin them by making them this... gross, mushy blob? Eww-
I have avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, so most foods I cannot eat without panic attacks. If the smell, appearance, taste, or especially the texture is wrong, or if it's not on my "list" of "safe" foods, I can't eat it even if forced to.

Disregarding that, tomatoes and especially tomato sauce make me nauseous. I'm not allergic to them (I've been tested for food allergies, and the results all came back negative), but they make me want to vomit all the same. The current theory is that they're too acidic for me. As a result, whenever I want pizza, I have to order it with no sauce... Half the time the pizza place gets it wrong, but I'm pretty understanding. It's not every day someone wants a sauceless pizza.
For some reason I can’t eat sweetness corn??? It makes me vomit no matter how hard I try
Cornbread is ?? Mostly fine though??
Cockroaches-fried or not.

Any insects

Snake wine-definitely not

Frogs- even if cooked.

Animal guts and tongue- organ meats basically.

Also, soy milk for some reason.

This is more of a personal preference but I really can’t stand tomatoes and anything cooked with sweet potato leaves. (Sambal in particular), laksa is another one that I don’t like- too sour.

I just don’t enjoy sour foods much I think.

Ah, right, yam.

I hate yam.

No reason why, I just hate it.
JustAGuy Topic Starter

Man as I said, I can eat ANYTHING but ranch, my friends back in high school would give me the nastiest stuff to eat for like 5 bucks, and I would eat it. Once they offered me 20 bucks if I ate ranch, knowing dam well it made me sick. But I still drank it and threw it up in the trash can for the good ole 20 bucks XD
Carrots... They are almost as evil as geese! They make me gag and choke.
For me, it has to be raw tomatoes. They're just... blegh.
Ketchup, tomato soup and tomato sauces used in recipes do not taste like raw tomatoes.

Raw, they're like the spawn of the devil and why they're always popping up in my restaurant food, ruining my burgers and salads I'll never know.
I know I could always order and ask for no tomatoes, but then I'd feel like I'm being a nuisance haha.

Celery. Doesn't matter if there is anything on it or not, I eat even just a nibble and my body gets instantly sick.

Also. I cannot eat avocados or certain spicy things or spices in general anymore either. But I believe it's due to the fact I had a stressful move from city to city a few years ago. So my body is now unable to handle things, and I've become allergic to stuff too. But the allergies do not involve food, so I will not mention those.
Peanut butter.

I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the same day I got really sick. Since then, I just can't eat it without getting sick. Even the smell makes me nauseous.
Can't stand the taste of pineapple (unless in a dish where it is well disguised) or any candy with the artificial cherry flavor.

I also find it tough to eat sweet potatoes. Something about the texture makes me want to gag when I swallow. Only way I can get around it is to cut them thin and fry them til they're crispy.

They are a type of cacti (their leaves are oval-shaped and flat) and it's a really iconic Mexican dish but I absolutely hate them.
It's not so much the taste, but their mucilaginous texture.
I've tried them many times but I just get grossed out by the mucus-like texture everytime.

Also pickles and anything with Splenda.

I can't eat mozzarella sticks; you know, those little sticks of cheese you used to get in your lunches during primary school? Yeah, I ate one of those when I had the flu... it didn't end very well.

I also refuse to eat liver and onions. My biological father (don't like him that much) made liver and onions for my mom and wouldn't make anything separate for my brother and I to eat. It was so gross.

I'm not a picky eater in any regard. I used to force my cousin to eat when we were younger because she was so picky- still is. Those things are just gross.
Pickled food in general. All of it has mentioned already, but I abhor that acidic, vinegary taste.
I cannot eat lima beans. I hate the texture and just the very thought of them makes me nauseous.

I have no gallbladder now, so eating some foods go right through me, and I should probably stop eating those foods, but I won't.

Doesn’t make me sick like upset stomach sick but makes my skin freak out

I can’t eat a lot of carbs or else my skin gets revenge
I canNOT stand milk. I was fine with it until I turned 5 years old. My mom poured milk into my Carebear rainbow glass, I’ll never forget! I drank a sip and just... screwed up my face in disgust. It was awful! Since that day, I cannot stomach milk alone, but I’m fine using it in cereal, coffee, or other recipes. Mom thinks the milk was bad, but I think my tastes have changed, because I just can’t drink it to this day without gagging.
There are very few foods I won't eat, even if I do so very unhappily.

Pesto is one of those rare exceptions. I hate pesto. A small amount is fine, but even just a smidge too much and I start gagging uncontrollably.

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