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What foods can you simply not eat without becoming nauseous?

For me, I'm not a particularly picky eater, I'll eat pretty much anything you throw at me without issue. But I do have one weakness. RANCH DRESSING
Oh god, its just so.....BLEH!
When I was 9 I was eating salad and my dad tried putting ranch on my salad. Upon tasting it I began to violently throw up until I had nothing left in me. Of course, I try it every now and again but I still get very sick upon the taste of it

BUT THAT'S JUST ME, I wanna hear what you peeps simply cannot eat

  • Beetroot - I had it once and I was sick eveywhere-.
  • Coleslaw - Had it the same with beetroot
  • Chocolate + sweets - I love em, but after having only one I become extremely nauscious
  • Orange Fanta - It tastes like sick to me.
Anything with artificial peach flavoring makes me feel sick and always has. Those peach rings candy is particularly bad and that's how I found out about this too.

Onions and mushrooms don't make me feel sick but still I cant eat them. With onions it's just a texture thing but mushrooms its texture and flavor.
Tomatoes and those weird gelatin lollies.
The latter makes me vomit and to be honest I just don't like tomato.
- Beets - bad experience when I was young. I thought they were jellied cranberry sauce.
- Radishes - don't like the taste.
-Mayonnaise - yeah..
-Anything spicy - my body is sensitive to excessively spicy things
-Any steamed veggies except corn and potatoes. The smell and taste makes me sick.
-White rice - used to have it with Chinese food until I had the flu...
-Coleslaw - Taste and smell... Ugh

Yeah. I am a bit of a picky eater ^^, but funny enough I like trying new things.
Mushrooms - I am not sure if I am allergic to them or what. But if I ingest them I have a night of terrible stomach pain and vomiting. I wonder if I just cant digest them properly.

Mayonnaise- The smell alone makes me gag. When I was very young I got head lice and my mom covered my head in mayo in an attempt to rid me of the things. That kind of traumatized me and I have a very sensitive nose. Imagine the smell making you sick but you had to sit with it in your hair for an hour. I wont touch the stuff.

Boiled eggs/deviled eggs/egg salad sandwich - Just gross and again, the smell

Coleslaw/macaroni salad/ potato salad - The smell and mayo

Seafood - I dont like the smell. I used to eat fish as a kid, now I wont touch it at all.
I will eat tuna if I HAVE to, as in my choice is tuna sandwich or egg salad.
----As a side note I will not eat crustaceans. I was raised with crawdads and spent my life collecting them for science with my father. I don't eat them out of respect. (Imagine my surprise when I found out cheese wontons had crab in them. I can now no longer enjoy cheese wontons #rip )

Most things I wont eat revolve around smell. As I said I have a very sensitive nose and it will 1000% determine if I'll eat it.
meh (played anonymously)

chicken. I made food for my family around a year ago or so, and I made chicken. Everyone got pieces that were fine, but the one I got apparently wasn't because I got food poisoning and was sick for 2-3 days. I could only taste chicken those 3 days. I haven't really eaten it since.

and most porridge make me sick, because of the consistency, lol.
Voldarian_Empire wrote:
Anything with artificial peach flavoring makes me feel sick and always has. Those peach rings candy is particularly bad and that's how I found out about this too.

I hurt

(Also, I can't eat certain gummies without getting sick. I once ate some brand of healthy vitamin gummies and lost my stomach. I can't even smell certain fruit gummies without the smell producing nausea. The only one I can have is the Mot's brand and I love them.)

Salad and solterito salad makes me nauseous, but ever since I was in the military, nausea doesn't bother me as much.....I was nauseous literally every meal in boot camp and never vomited so now when salad makes my tummy ache I just deal with it 'til it goes away.

I still don't like it obviously but I need salad in my diet.

Sometimes bananas and citrus fruits makes me nauseous as well....but the same principle applies. Milk used to do the same to me until one month when I was 22 years old I decided to drink milk everyday until I got used to it (trying to gain weight). It worked, but dairy isn't good for my sinuses! Smh... I'm still finding a balance for my life concerning these foods.
I'm known for my ability to stomach absolutely anything except for those affordable and convenient 20-cent instant ramen packs that university students live off of. I eat them out of spite, sometimes, but I can never keep them down. No clue why.

(It's specifically a Canadian brand that makes me sick, though. All the others are fine.)

Pickles. Just can’t stand them. When I order a burger I always state ‘no pickles’ and twenty-nine times out of thirty I get no pickles. I get to trusting and suddenly on the thirtieth burger... crunch... ‘bleh’.
JustAGuy Topic Starter

Dunedain-Ranger wrote:
Pickles. Just can’t stand them. When I order a burger I always state ‘no pickles’ and twenty-nine times out of thirty I get no pickles. I get to trusting and suddenly on the thirtieth burger... crunch... ‘bleh’.

Now they don't make me throw up like ranch does, but they really are a nasty food
Off the top of my head, artificial sweeteners. I first started paying attention to them back when we realized that aspartame in diet coke was the primary cause of my mom's near-constant migraines, but it's been my reaction when I didn't know artificial sweeteners had been used that solidified it for me.

Usually, I can taste them. It's just not quite right and has a weird aftertaste.

I remember just completely failing to realize they'd been used in a "lite" yogurt I'd gotten, though, and I actually didn't pick up the taste, either. It left be feeling mildly nauseous. Since this was within weeks of me having unexplained seizures, I sort of panicked and stayed home from a pretty important college class (teacher was very understanding, fortunately). It wasn't until later that I looked at the yogurt cup again and finally realized I was just reacting to an artificial sweetener (the nausea, not seizures) and felt super dumb because I'd already experienced that before.

I did find a drink syrup once though that has little enough that I didn't taste it or react.

Yea! I shun onions on my burgers! Can't stand em!

Novalyyn's Artificial sweeteners
Novalyyn wrote:
Off the top of my head, artificial sweeteners. I first started paying attention to them back when we realized that aspartame in diet coke was the primary cause of my mom's near-constant migraines, but it's been my reaction when I didn't know artificial sweeteners had been used that solidified it for me.

Usually, I can taste them. It's just not quite right and has a weird aftertaste.

I remember just completely failing to realize they'd been used in a "lite" yogurt I'd gotten, though, and I actually didn't pick up the taste, either. It left be feeling mildly nauseous. Since this was within weeks of me having unexplained seizures, I sort of panicked and stayed home from a pretty important college class (teacher was very understanding, fortunately). It wasn't until later that I looked at the yogurt cup again and finally realized I was just reacting to an artificial sweetener (the nausea, not seizures) and felt super dumb because I'd already experienced that before.

I did find a drink syrup once though that has little enough that I didn't taste it or react.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I'm of the generation where Saccharin was the 'be-all-end-all' of sugar substitutes. I had a couple cans of TAB and... bleh! I didn't much like Aspartame when it came out either (Nutrasweet trade name). after the 'drowned rat' cancer testing was done on Saccharin. I wouldn't drink diet coke or anything else, but kept on with the regular product.

It took a change of countries for me to discover that a natural sweetener was the cause of some of my troubles. When I came to Australia, cane sugar was the primary sweetener. In the USA it was HFCS (High Frucose Corn Syrup). My reflux stopped and I lost weight, even though I was still drinking a can of Coke a day. I've since pretty much given up drinking Coke or any other soft drink, but the difference was clear to me weeks after moving here. I know that there are studies that say HFCS is little different from refined Cane Sugar, but my personal antidotal experience says otherwise.
Sweetner - makes me feel sick, it's just so SWEET and clawing and it stays in your mouth for hours and euuugh.

Cornflakes, plain cornflakes. - This stems from when I was pregnant with my eldest and I learned the hard way that when battling morning sickness, never eat anything that becomes mushy when partially digested. *bletch*
I lived off carrots for months after that, carrots and apples, not gross when brought back up.
But now I can't eat cornflakes, it makes my stomach churn.

Minced meat - Specifically lamb and beef. I dunno, it's just so... meaty. I mean I love meat but there's something about minced red meat that makes it taste strong and unpleasant to me and unless it's utterly DROWNED in other spices, I just can't eat it without gagging.

Rocket - It's bitter and I hate it.

Black olives - they taste like mud and have this gross texture and just no. nah uh.

Fresh peanuts - I love peanut butter, I love peanut flavoured things, I cannot stand fresh peanuts. Shelled or unshelled I just... no. Too peanutty, don't like. My mother when I was a kid used to make peanut brownies and I was always SO ANNOYED she'd spoiled a perfectly nice brownie with dang whole peanuts!
they overpowered everything.

Kiwifruit - actually I really like kiwifruit, I just can't eat it not because it makes me nauseated but because i'm horribly allergic to the skin or something on the skin. Peeled and washed kiwi is fine but skin on or peeled but not rinsed like crazy? I get a skin rash from touching it AND open weeping sores in my mouth! AIEEE!
So yeah, no kiwifruit is allowed in this house.

Sulphite - Same as kiwifruit, i'm horribly allergic. Sulphite is generally used to preserve citrus fruits or in sparkling alchoholic beverages like fizzy wine and stuff. Now in small quantity I can have it, regular wine contains small amounts of Sulphite and doesn't set me off but it's like there's a threshold. Anything over that threshold and my throat starts to swell shut.
Yeah.. fun.
So I can't have any drinks with lemon or lime "from concentrate", can't have the lovely passionfruit cider a lot of pubs sell, can't have some of the "traditional lemonaides" if they use concentrate, definitely can't drink roses lime cordial or anything with lime cordial in it (which rules out a rather large chunk of cocktails in bars as well) and I can't drink prosecco. The reaction isn't severe enough to block my airways, but it's enough to make swallowing extremely difficult and be really uncomfortable. It takes hours to go away.
It's mild anaphylaxis apparently, not enough to kill you but enough to make you dang miserable.

Honestly there's not actually a lot I won't eat. I'm one of those people who'll happily tuck into offal, loves snails, adores seafood and would totally eat crickets. It's mostly a texture and smell thing for me. Mushy textures put me off and really strong aromas can be overwhelming.

Oh, I also refuse to eat anything that's gone soggy. Chips with gravy (HELL NO, soggy chips why!??), toast with egg ON IT (soggy bread, gross), cereal that's sat too long (turns to mush). I just can't, the soggy mushyness turns my stomach more than anything else you could put in front of me.
That and cold or lumpy mashed potato. I can't even TOUCH cold mashed potato, it makes me recoil and just... ew.
Anything with cream cheese. That includes cheesecake. It just does not sit well with me and makes me gag and get sick. I’m told I’m really missing out with cheesecake.
I have a thing with green peppers, I don't like them raw and I don't like them cooked. It only got worse after pregnancy and having a child. I was six months pregnant and we went out to eat, I ordered a pizza sub not realizing green peppers were in it. The smell of them cooking made me violently ill, my son's dad and I ended up swtiching meals, but I still didn't eat that sweet smell they have while cooking completely killed my appetite. To this day the smell of them cooking gives me a twinge of nausea. Strange thing is red, yellow and orange bell peppers don't do it, just the green ones.

The other food is olives - any kind of olives; they stink and are salty as all heck. I tried them as a kid and gagged so hard I was sick, recently this past NYE I was brave and gave green olives a shot. I wasn't sick or anything but blegh, nope, ick definitely not for me.
  • Yogurt - I can't even smell it without feeling nauseous.
  • Broccoli with melted cheese - My mom used to get mad at me for violently gagging when she tried to get me to eat this. I'm feeling nauseous just thinking about it now. It took until my 20s to finally have broccoli alone and realize broccoli is delicious.
  • Anything cheesy.
  • Milk.

I've also recently come to realize...I'm most likely allergic to dairy, so I get the feeling all these things are just my body's way of saying 'STAY AWAY, DANGER DANGER!'.
I'm insanely fussy, to my shame.

Foods I hate with a passion... tuna and most seafood, Marmite, coffee, sandwich pastes and pates, most chocolates, toffee, most vegetables (except potatoes, sweetcorn, peas and carrots), most fruit (aside bananas and satsumas/tangerines), organ meats (e.g. liver, kidney, etc)... I could go on.

However, those are merely ones I hate. Ones that make me physically sick are mushrooms, puff pastry and blanchmange.
Also overly spicy things make my throat seize up!

I'll try most things once... but yeah. Fussy...

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