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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Vulture symbol discussion (Solved)

Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the vulture symbol in Epic Week 2019. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people noodling together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!

How do I answer the third one?

Ilmarinen Moderator

Pandas71 wrote:
How do I answer the third one?


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Could it be the labyrinth? A maze of fantasy (yep), cruelty could link to it as many could get lost.. I'm not sure about self though...
I agree with definitely seems like the Labyrinth is the answer, but perhaps it could also mean the mind or spirit of something.
Might I suggest the Palaces in the Persona series? In Persona 4 and 5, Palaces are quite literally labyrinths of the soul/mind/spirit, and when you explore them, you discover the people's intentions, inner thoughts and feelings, etc.

The heart, actions and desires of a person can be cruel. No question there.

And it's quite a fantastical thing in itself. Shadow monsters, etc lurk around every corner.

Edit: The vulture might be a symbol of greed, feeding off other people's work. It makes be think of the famous con painter in Persona 5, Madarame. He stole paintings from his own apprentices and claimed them as his own. You explore his twisted Palace in Persona 5.
I want to say that the answer may be in the story of the first labyrinth, the one made by Daedalus to house the monstrous Minotaur. Once more clues are revealed, I'll take a look into it.
Ilmarinen Moderator

TheNightmareSavage wrote:
I want to say that the answer may be in the story of the first labyrinth, the one made by Daedalus to house the monstrous Minotaur. Once more clues are revealed, I'll take a look into it.

This riddle has a category of sci-fi, so it'll be related to a sci-fi franchise! Pooooossssssibly Westworld, which I know nothing about.
Yeah, I'll most likely be checking to see if there are any connections between that and anything I know of. For now, I'll be forging the path through the enemies.
for some reason my first thought was Maze Runner?? Its not the answer i tried it but yea
I've only seen the first season of Westworld, but I have a high feeling that this puzzle is linked to it.

There is a maze depicted several times over throughout the show that is a big point of interest within Westworld. The setting itself is fantasy of its own kind (worded like that to avoid spoilers to anyone that might not know what Westworld is, but wants to watch it later). Throughout the series that I've seen thus far once characters have more... awareness, there is contention in what is considered cruel to those within Westworld. From there, there is also a lot of searching as to what it means to be who they are.

Westworld might seem like a western on the surface, but I can definitely confirm its sci-fi elements without spoiling it.

I still have to pick up the series, but the first season alone that I can remember definitely makes me feel like there is high potential in the answer being Westworld related (the vulture symbol also influences that thought as a common beast found in the desert-y west that often is a carrion eater).
After doing some research on Westworld, I believe that FreeJayFly is correct and that the answer lies within the first season. Looks like I have some binge-watching to do!
The first season of Westworld is called The Maze (aka the labyrinth in the Spanish version of these TV series ) but labyrinth was already the answer to another riddle
Addendum on my initial post because I just looked up some of the old promotional stuff for Westworld: they use a mechanical looking vulture on their stuff. Kind of slipped my mind since it's been a while for me. So a more direct connection to the series rather than just being, "it's a common animal in a western setting!" lol
I was thinking The Maze Runner series by James Dashner could be a possibility. In the books/movies the characters need to head through a maze like labyrinth to reach the outside world. The maze is filled with all kinds of dangers that mean to harm the characters. It also creates a feeling of isolation and mistrust with the people trapped inside the maze. Not sure if it fits with the others clues but that was my first thought hearing about a maze/labyrinth
New clue available
Dragonfire Moderator

I think it is definitely Westworld-themed, aye. The 'park' spoken of - the whole series revolves around theme parks, no?
Yes, that would be correct. The setting itself is a theme park.

I admit I am a little lost on the destruction part. I'm not sure if they mean by guests that come into the park, or because there is later an uprising, and that is truly when the ball starts rolling. Either way, there are elements there that are applicable.
List of all the words or phrases I tried when I had the opportunity:

Preserving Life
Playing God
Living in Fantasy
Life Without Loops
These clues sound an awful lot like they might be referencing Jurassic Park... That could be considered a maze of sorts, yes?

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