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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Puzzle8 symbol discussion

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

wow I never would have seen that. I had to watch it fifty times
Dragonfire Moderator

It really is the 'seeking protection' one that I'm not sure of! Is there another animal that we're missing...?
Has anyone considered that the Knight and Princess may be the ones seeking protection? There's two of them, an even number, and they're trying to protect themselves from the labyrinth (I think??), so it may work??
Dragonfire Moderator


Dragonfire Moderator

...Bull? Minotaur? Angry Labyrinth Guardian??
that would be pretty clever, use an enemy and make us think it's in a video

It make sense to do that. Cause you don’t expect it. I was going to say turtle cause there she’ll protection. But it does not fit the rest.”
Dragonfire Moderator


cat bull unicorn bull unicorn
cat minotaur unicorn minotaur unicorn
cat labyrinth guardian unicorn labyrinth guardian unicorn
cat angry labyrinth guardian unicorn angry labyrinth guardian unicorn
knight bull unicorn bull unicorn
knight minotaur unicorn minotaur unicorn
knight labyrinth guardian unicorn labyrinth guardian unicorn
knight angry labyrinth guardian unicorn angry labyrinth guardian unicorn

...No luck.
Woofa you riddlers with all your smarts...y'all scare me...and make my head hurt. How do you guys do this without your heads exploding?

...less than 5 minutes until the next wave of baddies, just a lil heads up. I'm gonna go lurk around the warrior forum topic until then...
I'll defend the obelisk for a bit.

Same here
"The first animal needs to watch its step"

Could it refer to this monkey?

Animals I've noticed:

- Unicorn - before they go into the portal;
- Scorpion - as they enter immediately;
- Snail - the Princess leaves one in place as she takes the key;
- Fish - three fishes swimming next to the submerged city;
and did we use the Atlantean numbers in the comic anywhere?
Dragonfire Moderator

DorianM wrote:
and did we use the Atlantean numbers in the comic anywhere?

Yup! They were part of the solution to Puzzle6.
What if the first animal was scorpion?
DorianM wrote:
What if the first animal was scorpion?

Possible too, since if you step on one...
Dragonfire Moderator

I mean, if you've got potential guesses, the portal what year is this DF c'mon obelisk's open! Go to! :D

I've been translating the literal wall o' text, just to see if there's anything helpful in there. So far -

"...the stars. We realised its power would attract more enemies so we hid (it?) in a pocket dimension. Only those smart (and?) brave enough to pass the tests can find the device.
Seeking new adventure we moved to another plane of existence but ( we knew our ancient city was the"

...and that's as far as I've gotten as of yet. It seems the Princess's translation is fairly faithful, but it doesn't hurt to check.

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