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Forums » General Roleplay » Official Event: Spring Masquerade

April O Neil (played anonymously)

Vector wrote:
Noticing the camera, Vector orients toward April like a moth to a flame, giving her most radiant smile right into the camera. "It's such a pleasure to be here! Of course I - and all my sponsors! - support centers like this one that make the world safer." She gives a wink that's a little too hammy to be natural, but somehow drips with photogenic charisma. "Here, uh, why don't we set up the cameras... over there!" She points to a random corner that seems to have good natural light coming in from a big window. "I'd be happy to give you an interview, of course."
(OOC- Sorry for my lapse... outside interference)

“Hey yeah, you have an eye for such things.” April nodded as she spoke. She pointed Jimmy over to where to set upas April made some notes. “So you’re...?” April asked as she started to walk over to the suggested corner to check light angles. I’d love to find out more, like what led you to attend such an event... other than your sponsors made you the face of their product...”

April didn’t want this to be a free infomercial, but she realized she had come woefully unprepared for what she walked into.
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz seemed to get distracted for a moment, not expecting to be any further relevance to conversation, but when they looked back over at the others, they realised one of the guests was looking at them. Not quite sure if anything was expected of them, they tilted their head to one side questioningly at Zyn, antennae twitching a little as though to ask about the attention now placed on them.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura nods, punching a few things into the panel by the door as Seraph makes their way inside the bay. As the door shuts, the word "dodge" appears in the air in front of them, followed shortly thereafter by a sudden on-rush of what appear to be holographic boulders bouncing down a mountain-side, straight at Seraph.
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

An expression of shock briefly crosses the teen's face as April asks who she is, but she quickly shakes it off and turns her star-power smile back on. "I'm Vector, crime-fighting teen, and star of the hit Bisney show 'Vector Explains It All,'" she declares, placing her hands on her hips and popping one hip out in a thoroughly jaunty pose, just a little too exaggerated to be natural. She could easily have her photo put on a movie poster in this moment.
He steadied himself, eyes wide and arms out.

“…What. The absolute—”

The place was huge, that much was certain. A strange shape for a building, impressively modern, with a lovely pond and oh god he was just teleported? He teleported. WHAT.

There was an almost dazed look at the wristwatch. Despite himself, he couldn’t help but laugh. This may as well happen today. No lie, he was horrified when he received the message, having come home from a fairly slow day at work. How did—did someone know?

But it was the mention of discovering powers that did it. Some unwritten promise that at the very least, there were probably more like him. Now that he was there, however.. He tried to process the tech (like something out of Stellar Battles, if Mike could SEE this—), all the different people—was that a tiny alien, robot THING—he couldn’t help but shrink back a little closer to the teleporter, sheepishly readjusting his makeshift disguise. He was definitely different, but super?

He just stood for a while uncertain, a little overwhelmed by it all.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"Oh, what am I saying--you've got to be one, right?" she asked, crouching down in front of Sylyntz to get closer to his level. "Unless your kind comes from some other dimension? I've never seen anything furry be so vibrantly colored. Usually that's for aquatic monsters, or reptiles or the like--"

She cut herself off again abruptly. "Er, not that I'm saying you're a monster, of course, just that's... what the job's about." she said awkwardly. "Things that aren't supposed to exist in the 'normal' world of humans."
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz nodded ever so slightly in confusion as though exaggerating a blink - necessary to portray the relevant emotion, given their eye was currently fully covered. In response, the lens of their mask seemed to shift and whirl until in an unexpectedly liquid fashion, the fiery oranges and reds swirled into a jet black colour, and green LED-like letters blinked into existence one-at-a-time like a rudimentary display screen. Slow enough to be comprehended, but as fast as was otherwise possible to ensure as little time as possible would be required to read the full message.

O N E ?
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

With Zyn speaking with the little furry creature, Vector mugging for the cameras, and Seraph busy dodging holographic boulders, Datura found a moment to gaze around the giant room. Her eyes fell upon the new arrival cowering back in the little indentation in the wall where one of the transporters was inset. "Excuse me a moment," she said to no one in particular, or whoever had been standing in her immediate vicinity, and jogged over toward the arrival area. "Welcome! I'm so glad you're here. Are you alright?"
Seraph (played anonymously)

"St. Peter, keeper of the gates of heaven, one of the twelve, grant me protection from harm." it was said like a prayer, their eyes closed as they pressed their hands to their heart. The air shimmered, and a pearly arch appeared before them. As each stone passed through it felt apart like sand unto the floor of the training area. Each falling to dust as it neared them even as they simply stood there in silence. Despite having done very little, they did seem a little tired.
Time Ghost (played by randomentity777)

A sudden flash of light indicates a new arrival via the transporters. A young woman, clad in a black and white costume with a yellow starburst insignia, her face covered by a typical superhero face mask, falls into the arrival area and rolls along the ground. "Augh! Oof! Ow!" She sprawls onto the floor. "I'm alright...just got caught off guard from the suddenness of it." She gets up and dusts herself off. "Anyways, where am I?"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The holographic boulders obligingly fall apart as they pass through Seraph's gate. After a few satisfying moments, the boulders vanish, and the word, "Cheating" appears in the air in front of Seraph.
Time Ghost (played by randomentity777)

The woman makes her way over to Datura. "You must be the person who organized all of this. I'm Time Ghost."
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura's eyebrows shoot up. "Time Ghost? You don't have time traveling or twisting powers, do you? My goodness, those are rare! It's a pleasure to meet you. I go by Datura. Plant growth and controls, for my own skill set. Comes in handy in more situations than you might think, but certainly not so many as time-based powers. Love the outfit, by the by."
Unfortunately, he only seems able to offer a startled “AUGHA” at first. Once he’s processed that he’s being welcomed, he shrugged with something of an awkward laugh. “I… I think? This is a lot to take in, I’m… listen, I got some kind of invitation back home, and full disclosure this is.. I mean, I’m pretty new to this, is what I’m saying? I don't even have a proper costume or name.” Let alone proper powers, he added privately.

He paused. “….I’m not in trouble or anything am I—Oh dang?” The new arrival got him to jump again. To his credit, he did offer a small wave.
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"One? Oh! I meant a genetically-engineered creature." she explained to Sylyntz. "Where I come from, we're not nearly as advanced. Speaking of which... where are you from? "

"Er, not that you have to spell that out." she added, remembering the creature's form of communication might be rather slow and painful to process. "Maybe you could act it out, and I could guess?" She suggested, waving her arms in a way that vaguely resembled... a tree?
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura reaches out a steadying hand toward Jeremy, but lets it hover about an inch away from him, clearly asking for some sign of consent before she touches his shoulder. "Steady on, friend. It's wonderful to have you here. If you need help grappling with a... new discovery, shall we say? You've come to exactly the right place. Costumes and names we can help with too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, hmm? Not everyone with a special talent feels the call to go into service, of course."
Time Ghost (played by randomentity777)

"Thanks." She smiles, "Well, they are kind of time twisting in a way. I can phase myself out of sync with the flow of time, meaning that I'm not affected by anything that changes history or some sort of erasing time paradox thing." She thinks. "Even I don't understand it. Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Datura." She gives a friendly wave in Jeremy's direction as she hangs around the room, taking everything in.
Seraph (played anonymously)

"rather rude, the rocks didn't touch me after all." they quietly told themselves as they began to dust themselves off with their hands "Though honestly I could
Seraph (played anonymously)

"rather rude, the rocks didn't touch me after all." they quietly told themselves as they began to dust themselves off with their hands "Though honestly, I could have picked any other saint. Would they have preferred Joriel? Perhaps Michiel? Those are rather boring options though. Hardly any pageantry in them at all".
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz's head lowered a little. Act it out... easier said than done. Still... they tried. And by tried... it was more of a moment of stumbling about as though drunk, hopping from foot to foot, antennae wiggling about, almost falling over on more than one occasion. In the end, Sylyntz settled for spelling out: N E A R B Y . G E N E W E A V E R = S U P E R - S M A R T . It took a few seconds to display, but it was the best they could coherently offer.

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