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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Peepy (played by Jooters)

Binty wrote:
Binty apppeared with her small crate of bananas and plaintains, she'd walk over to Oliver and Papupi, and offers them... I guesss really either of the two, they look similar-

Papupi was about to take a banana, but the Ouioui in his pouch suddenly eats it before he could take a bite.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

Oliver rose an eyebrow
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

Oliver Williams wrote:
He looked at silvera "lady juts leave me alone, im not going to do anything, so back off alright, im talking to peepy here and binty, if i wanted to attack any of you id do it by now, so chill"
"Really? You think you are unique in the fact I prepare for you to go feral? I'm the bouncer, it's my job to prepare for all the people here to suddenly become violent."
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

"i didn't say i was unique, i am saying to leave me alone and let me visit, get it ready or whatever, but let me enjoy my time here, and just don't assume that just cause i am a vampire im going to go rabid. " he fixed his shirt, before grabbing a beer and walking off to another part of the building
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

((OK, her prepping it like this was due to your first actions when you first showed up))
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

(i know lol just adding a bit of drama to make it some fun )
Peepy (played by Jooters)

Suddenly, a Peepy bursts into the bar.

"Oh God... Not this again..." Papupi said.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

OLiver looked over and rose an eyebrow
Peepy (played by Jooters)

The Peepy that just burst in was carrying a plastic toy gun, pointing it at everyone in the bar.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

oliver came over and grabbed it from him looking at it "this is a toy?"
Peepy (played by Jooters)

"HEY! GIVE THAT BACK! THAT IS MY PROPERTY!" Peepy shouted before biting Oliver.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

Oliver looked down at the peepy biting him, blinking before handing it back to him "ah ow that hurts so bad-" he said with no emotion
Peepy (played by Jooters)

Peepy proceeded to shoot the gun at Oliver, which shot out a plastic bullet... But at the speed of a real bullet, not drawing blood or piercing skin, but hurting like hell. An annoyance, like a Peepy.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

They only bounce off of oliver and he didn't flinch, but he said "ouch that hurt" he said but not looking like he is in pain
Karlach (played by randomentity777)

Karlach sits at the bar, literally fuming, as steam is coming out of the exhaust vents on her shoulders.
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

Oliver looks at her and walks over "Whats up with you?"
Karlach (played by randomentity777)

Karlach glares at him. "Go away. I prefer vampires that don't look like they want to disembowel you and leave your body in an alley somewhere."
Peepy wrote:
The Peepy that just burst in was carrying a plastic toy gun, pointing it at everyone in the bar.

He grabbed Peepy and tossed him into the fireplace. "Well. That's that"
Oliver Williams wrote:
He looked at silvera "lady juts leave me alone, im not going to do anything, so back off alright, im talking to peepy here and binty, if i wanted to attack any of you id do it by now, so chill"

"Sir, you really don't want to get violent here. If Silvera doesn't get you, I'm calling the Big Guy"
Oliver Williams (played by Joshie2003)

He sighed "For the last time, im not being violent, not all vampires are bad, cant a guy just come and make friends? Thats why I was talking to that stuffed peeps " l

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