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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Official Event: Winter Masquerade 2021

Hoshiko (played anonymously)

"I may have an idea, though i'm not sure if it'll work" Hoshiko spoke up suddenly after a while of silence "I could do some temporal manipulation to create a separate instance of the flower, it may not hold the absolute same power as the one you've lost but it just might be enough to save your world" she says "Though that's just a theory, i've never replicated items of such power before"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"When this blossom fades at the end of this party, I replant it the following day," offers the Duchess to Light Raygun. Then, to Hoshiko, "Is there any risk of the flower being harmed in the process?"
Saved Character's (played anonymously)

Asmodeus's head bobs at Hoshiko's suggestion. "That's what I was trying to say, that we make a duplicate of the rose," he continues to hum, suddenly dropping Elliot on Pans shoulders without a word, ditching the small demon, immediately scuffling to the other side of the crowd before Pan can pass them back.
Rhens was silent. They both raised good cases for the scenario, and the second duchess seemed genuine in his eyes. "Should circumstances require, I would be willing to assist you in finding your rose. A world doomed to a frozen winter is not one that I would be willing to allow fall so easily."
Aquatic Wyverian (played by Samiakki)

"I didn't know this party would include a scavenger hunt. Are we really off to find another rose?" The Wyverian crossed their arms, pondering. "I mean, not that I'd turn away from that challenge, obviously. Just not in this. . . frippery."
Elliot Scratchclaw (played by Riik)

"I can jump real high... will that help?" Elliot asked, not wanting to be outdone by everyone else here. They immediately made themselves comfortable on the shoulder they were set down on, leaning against Pan's head
Ollie (played anonymously)

"Hello Wander! Would you like to play? I'd like to chase you and bark at you!" Ollie responds with a waggy tail.
Wander (played anonymously)

"Umm... no thanks, I've chased enough for a month."
Ollie (played anonymously)

"Oh. Okay." Tail down, head hangs.
"So in each realm there should be one and just one", Light Raygun mused. "The best bet would be finding where the other rose is...." Looking around for Ollie in the crowd, she called out: "Ollie, you think you could follow the track of a flower?"
Hoshiko (played anonymously)

Hoshiko shook her head "The flower will be completely unharmed, all i would do is take a sample of an earlier stage in the flower's life, as the flower has already passed that point no difference would be made" she answered "Temporal duplication is... complicated to explain, but there is no risk of either beimg damaged, just the replication may be weaker in terms of raw power"
Flightless Byrd (played anonymously)

Byrd looks confusedly between the two Duchesses. To her, they both seem to tell the truth; that would leave the trouble of the missing rose. Listening to some of the other suggestions, she's unsure which course is the best one to take. Find another rose? Duplicate the current one?

Hoshiko's suggestion intrigues her, but she knows the decision is not hers to make and instead looks to the Duchess, curious to see what the outcome will be.
Wander (played anonymously)

"I'm sorry, but maybe someday I could bring an energetic Eevee," Wander said, trying to make Ollie feel better
Definitely the Duchess (played anonymously)

Second Duchess looks around at those continuing to offer suggestions. "That... sounds as if it might work, though of course if I could find MY original flower, it would be the best solution. I'm willing to try anything, though!" She seems to have calmed down quite a bit, now just looking just as nervous as the other Duchess.
Aquatic Wyverian (played by Samiakki)

They glance to Ollie with a hand on their hip. "You can chase me, Canyne! I'd probably have to warn you though, I play a little bit rough."
Ollie (played anonymously)

Ollie swings his head to look at Light Raygun and borks, with perfect delight, "I don't know!" as if not knowing was a source of great excitement and wonder.
Anul karana (played by Thatnerdychick)

"well, then I suppose, you folks have a choice to make. I am sadly not at all equipped for a winter trek. so I'll stay here."
Wander (played anonymously)

"By the way, other Duchess, I'm sorry for immediately attacking you."
" oh hello, my freind, I guess I'm taking care of you now" he said as he looked at the small creature.
"It could not be worth a shot?", Light Raygun asked to the Anti Duchess. "While they work on a duplicate, we could help look for your original one. So if you retrieve it, all the better; if not, you'll at least have a replacement to try."

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