Look at you, bribing us with exactly what we want...
We didn't quite manage that last challenge, but never fear, I have another one for you...
If we meet or exceed the funds raised by the 2019 Bake Sale ($13,715) before the Lemonade Stand closes (September 5th), I'll immediately design and release another official character style for everyone to enjoy on a theme chosen from this topic.
If we meet or exceed the funds raised by the 2019 Bake Sale ($13,715) before the Lemonade Stand closes (September 5th), I'll immediately design and release another official character style for everyone to enjoy on a theme chosen from this topic.

Watches Fundraiser tick up.
Guess I should make a request
I'd love to see a sci fi template reminiscent of a spacecraft's HUD
Something like this
Guess I should make a request

I'd love to see a sci fi template reminiscent of a spacecraft's HUD
Something like this
seconding the heck out of Claine's idea
Thirding Claine's idea, it's so good. Also seconding more Japanese themed character styles, and Victorian character styles~
this is all very useful hehehe
this is all very useful hehehe
I dunno if this is still a thing, but a more file-like thing like in the Artemis Fowl graphic novels?
Just an idea
Just an idea
DigitalDevil wrote:
I dunno if this is still a thing, but a more file-like thing like in the Artemis Fowl graphic novels?
Just an idea
Just an idea
I agree with this

DigitalDevil wrote:
I dunno if this is still a thing, but a more file-like thing like in the Artemis Fowl graphic novels?
Just an idea
Just an idea
Can you link me to a reference? I don't know anything about Artemis fowl
Maybe do something cute like pocky themed with video games?
I have a new topic for 2024, for those wanting to make some new requests! https://www.rprepository.com/community/forums/topic/110000
You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Character Style Requests (2022/2023)
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus