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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Though life has been a drag on both of us, I love talking to Sunspot whenever we do. She's so fun to RP with, brings great plot ideas to the table, and her characters are richly designed and fleshed out. She's wonderful to work with as a client. She gives great references, good feedback, and is so gracious when receiving the end result. 10/10 <3 Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Auberon

  • Summer is very sweet. Though we go stretches without chattering, I love seeing her post her art to my Discord community. I remember commissioning her a few years back for a sketch, and the growth I've seen in her work since then has been frankly astounding. Def recommend chatting her up! Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Auberon

  • Sammiches is a gem of a human. They are kind and possessed of endless warmth. I love talking to them, and I love working with them as an artist. They give great references, constructive feedback, and always seem enthusiastic about the process. It's really motivating for me. I also love their characters! I've gotten so invested in some of them from drawing them over the past couple of years. Definitely check them out and RP with this wonderful person! Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Auberon

  • Mokes and I may not talk as much as we used to, but few people have shown as much support for my creative endeavours than Moki has. They have always made me feel like my art is worth the price tag and have given me wonderful challenges that have helped push me further as an artist. They're also a great writer, and I am in love with their characters. Kind and understanding Creative ideas - Auberon

  • Foks is truly someone who has always been in my corner. Whether it's bouncing TOS wording or commission ideas off of her or art trading, she's a great friend to have in my life. She's always so insightful and a straight shooter, to boot. I can always count on her to be a good communicator. I cannot recommend commissioning her enough. I've loved everything I've ever gotten from her! Helpful Creative ideas - Auberon

  • Eri
    Eri and I may not talk as often as we used to, but she's a bright light in my life whenever we do. She's so supportive, kind, and fun to chatter with. I love seeing her pop up in my streams, and her streams are also great when I can catch them! Def recommend RPing with her as well if you can! Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Auberon

  • Long ago, in the Before Times, others tried to convince me that Dylan did not like me. I am so, so glad that I didn't let that color my impression of her because we've become very good friends over the years. She's one of the first people I talk to when I wake up, and I chatter with her daily. She's kind, supportive, and an incredible writer. I love fleshing out characters together and plotting with her. Her characters are all SUPER fun to draw, too! Kind and understanding Drives the plot forward - Auberon

  • Dndmama and I have not RPed, but I've been fortunate enough to draw some of her characters and enjoy them immensely. Their designs are so fun! She is also incredibly kind, and her support for me as an artist has been tremendously appreciated. She is also a delight to chat with and has been wonderful to have in my Discord community! - Auberon

  • Bobbin and I may not speak every day, but I know that if I hit a low point, she will always be there to help me get back on my feet. We've been mutually supportive for a couple of years now, and I treasure our connection. Her well of empathy never seems to run out, and her kindness is seemingly endless. All around a delight. 10/10 *chef kiss* Kind and understanding Helpful - Auberon

  • Bunny and I may go stretches without chattering, but I know that we'll always pick back up where we left off. A more steadfast friend would be hard to find. She's kind, empathetic, and has the greatest OCs! They're fun to draw and so delightfully designed. I treasure our friendship immensely. Kind and understanding Great sense of humor - Auberon

  • Auggie has been a dear friend of mine for just under half my life at this point, and with good reason. They are a no BS friend -- you will always know where you stand, and he will talk to you from one adult to another. She is a fantastic writer, and an amazing artist as well. Def recommend commissioning and RPing! I've loved everything I've seen from them and treasure all of the art he's done for me. <3 Great sense of humor Creative ideas - Auberon

  • Claine is someone that I really look up to. As a mod, she is firm but fair. As an artist, she is honestly #goals. Seeing the explosion of growth in her work over the course of her comic has been aspirational to behold. Her characters are richly fleshed out and interesting, too, as well as very, very fun to draw! She's also just lovely to chat with, and SO funny! Great sense of humor Creative ideas - Auberon

  • Mercy is someone that I admire tremendously for their resilience, courage, and endless empathy for others. She has been a delight to have in my life, and her support is something I never take for granted. They are well worth taking the time to get to know, and anyone would be lucky to have them in their life. Kind and understanding Helpful - Auberon

  • Woofer here is one of my best friends. Through several ups and downs, she's been here for me. Our friendship is a big light in my life, especially this year as we've gotten to know each other better. She's not only willing but happy to watch Barbie movies with me at midnight.🤣

    She's a good writing partner as too! She is absolutely stocked sky high full of ideas, hilarious memes relating to our characters, lovely writing, and a barrel full of patience during post droughts. <3 Great sense of humor Creative ideas - MercyInReach

  • I've gotten to know Claine much better as a friend this year in particular and I'm so hugely grateful for that. She has introduced me to some really cool things, people, and art. Whether I'm having a good or a bad day, my day is always ten times better after talking to Claine, and I feel so supported and encouraged in my work. Her art, and writing (both seen in her comic) are so stunning, and I really look up to Claine as an artist, I always have. Thanks for being in my life! Kind and understanding Great sense of humor - MercyInReach

  • I consider JulieL not just a writing partner but a friend. I adore the story we have created and continue to create together. She is astounding at collaboratively creating huge amounts of angst and emotion between two characters, making you care about them and their future to an extreme. As a friend, she's incredibly kind and patient. I'm very grateful to know her! Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - MercyInReach

  • Jared Ford (played by Blues-Guy)
    I've been reading along with the writings of Jared Ford and Jane Harper on a private group forum and have enjoyed watching the story between the characters develop through to a conclusion. Now they're writing a sequel! A well-presented character and a very good writer! Looking forward to knowing the character more! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Archivalist

  • In the short time I have known Ciela, she has shown herself to be kind, understanding and, best of all, forgiving. I even got to write a little with her and it was beautiful! I love writing with published authors! And her characters are quite unique & interesting too. But its the stories behind those characters that is truly fascinating & the rather creative approach Ciela has towards it. If you haven't Role-Played with her yet, what are you waiting for? Take the chance! You won't regret it. ^_^ Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - -Knight-

  • My dear friend Aquacharm is such a wonderful, caring person, and I am glad to have met and got to know her over the last couple years. We roleplay together erratically on a deep and wonderful storyline, but I want to give her recognition for her level-headed common sense and wisdom and am always good to hear it from her no matter what the topic is. I miss you much when you are away, and jump for joy when you are here! Love you much girlfriend! Kind and understanding Helpful - Dawnia

  • Knight was the first person to greet me onto this platform. Ever since he and I have been speaking. He has shown genuine interest in my inspirations, books, and my journeys as an educator and author. Knight is a genuinely sweet man whose messages always put me into a very happy mood.
    I have roleplayed casually with him and his writing is wonderful! And do not get me started on his poetry! And I feel a kinship with him.
    He is always welcome to my Observatory! Thank you, Knight so much! Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - CielaAzure