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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • CreativeImagining embodies exceptional understanding and patience, setting them apart as a rare gem within the realm of Role-Playing. Their contributions are not mere posts but intricately woven narratives brimming with enthusiasm. Engaging in Role-Play with them is a delight beyond measure. Those fortunate enough to partake in this experience should hold onto it dearly, for the joy it brings is unparalleled. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • TYSM FOR ALWAYS being around to cheer me up and support meπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ«΅πŸ» Kind and understanding Helpful - pinkydrawss

  • Josey is truly a wonderful writing partner! He's incredibly sweet and patient. We come up with amazing ideas for the story we're creating. It is an honor to consider him my friend! Kind and understanding Drives the plot forward - SmallTownWitch

  • Creative and fun! your lore for your universe and The Order of The Eclipse is very interesting and I like the range you can playβ€”aggressive characters, collected characters, friendly characters etc. very friendly and kind and funny! You can do both long and short replies very well! Kind and understanding Creative ideas - cosywarm

  • I have to give kudos to Stormy for stepping in as a Modern World group moderator and recently, the administrator when I asked. She is a driving writing force in the group, and her help has removed much of the stress I have been experiencing. She would tell me to pull my head in when I got a bit flighty, And Stormy, please know that no matter what, I appreciate you to no end! Helpful - Dawnia

  • Magnificent Artist!
    Very in-touch with customer by sharing some of the creation process, A++ communication for my tastes.

    Give this artist your money!!!!! I am so Pleased!!!!

    Discord: Kaizarel
    Instagram: young.lyndis


    Amazing! Lovely! Wonderful experience!
    πŸΊπŸ’–πŸ‡ Great sense of humor Creative ideas - .the.MILK.theef.

  • i had so much fun completely destroying their ocs. 10/10, wld recommend! virgil is very silly and has really good ideas, their ocs are really interesting and their ideas are all wonderful. rp-ing with them feels very natural, and they're rlly fun to talk to ooc Great sense of humor Creative ideas - anyaskillon

  • yum yum yum ROLEPLAYERRRR
    RIP maxine, RIP test subject esther (037???)
    you are a really good roleplayer! you give detailed replies, and it makes me very happy to be your friend. i love your humour and your creative ideas !! Great sense of humor Creative ideas - ghostdays

  • i literally couldn't pick just two qualities lmfao. this is a very nice silly who is rlly creative and has resparked my rp life when i needed it most.
    sometimes i feel like i don't deserve them as an rp partner ^^" Great sense of humor Creative ideas - anyaskillon

  • nicest rp'er ever lived very nice roleplayed for like 2 and a half years already very nice do recommend nice long posts (apparently i don't know proper grammar. i'm writing so oddly. LMAO) Wonderful writer Concise posts - ghostdays

  • the bestest bestie. you are so kind and understanding! you have helped me through hard times and i love how creative you are. Kind and understanding Creative ideas - ghostdays

  • Lai
    One of the kindest people I have come across, not just in game, but in real life too. He will go out of his way for others and when it comes to writing stories, he is incredibly engaging. I literally don't want to go to bed sometimes because I just want to keep writing with him or talking about things we want to do with our characters. I'm glad we met. Thank you for all the stories and fun talks, Lai! Creative ideas Drives the plot forward - Vicious

  • I can't say enough kind and true things about Vic. Their creativity in their plots and writing as well as the versatility and range of character concepts are phenomenal. They are a good friend, a wonderful partner to play with, and though they might protest, they are a lovely person to just exist in friendship with. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Lai

  • The realpenman is a real penman! He’s an amazing writer who truly knows how to capture every single emotion that the characters are going through, and very descriptive and knows how to pace the story well. I’m so happy to be his writing partner. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Aya

  • Currently planning on writing a new story with Jenna with two new characters made from scratch. Not only do I enjoy her writing style but love her creativity that she puts into her characters. She is great to talk to OOC and is usually quick to respond both IC and OOC! She is a Gem of a person! Get to know her! Great sense of humor Creative ideas - Blues-Guy

  • I have been enjoying our 'Returning Soldier' roleplay with Charlie since we started a story together a while ago. It is rare to connect with a like-minded writer that one can mesh so easily with. It seemed the RP request backstory was made to mesh with Scott! I am enjoying the intensity of this story with Charlie, and I hope we write together for a long time as we build our character's lives together!
    - Scotty Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Blues-Guy

  • Have been writing an epic story with Stormiedayz and I can say she goes all in with her writing, putting such feeling behind the words. It in turn inspires me to do the same, and we have a hot mess of emotions pouring out of our characters in the story! In addition to the two allowed checked boxes, she is filled with creativity; is a most kind and understanding writing partner; drives the plot forward with comfortable-sized posts; and, has wonderful tastes in music! Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Blues-Guy

  • Very epic and creative and cool !!the bestie! I’ve rped with them for 2 years :D Great sense of humor Creative ideas - cosywarm

  • I feel like this is a long time coming and I am honored to be able to get to writing one now! Ormiee, the fantastic writer behind RyΕ«, is sooooo creative, detailed, eloquent, insanely fun to talk with and overall just a really nice guy. His posts are pieces of dialogue I am ALWAYS excited to read. Plus, he is always super patient with my replies when it comes to scheduling and carving in times for replies 1, 2, or 3 weeks apart. Can't wait to build a more thorough story with our characters! Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Danaros

  • Kami is a long time friend and a very very patient one. He is awesome and a amazing role player and friend. He is a great help with story development and always keeps me on my toes to make a good story for our role plays. I couldn't of asked for a great friend and roleplayer many many kudos definitely don't pass him up!!!! Drives the plot forward Long-term partner - LyricalPanda