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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Maximum Ride RP (closed RP)

What the labcoats didn't know was that the sedative had worn off a little bit faster than they had anticipated.
She was bound, she could feel metal restraints against her wrists and ankles, tethering her into almost a cross position. Her wings were pinned beneath her and the could feel the wired sensors attached to several points on her head, especially her forehead. Even though she couldn't see anything, being encased within their contraption, she could hear voices.

I can't believe the results of this! God, what I would give to have a brain sample...

Calm yourself. If you ever got that sample, there would be no more data to go off of.

It gives great promise, especially if it can be used to our advantage. And if the time comes that we cannot...

Then we dispose of it. Such a pity and a waste. I sincerely hope we don't have to resort to such measures.

It. It. Like she was an object. And to them, she probably was; just a being to be studied and used. Just the thought of the word made her feel sick to her stomach. As much as every failure discouraged her more, she figured that she would try again today, while she was conscious, and while the machine wasn't on.


A winged girl, looking about five years old, huddled her mottled wings closer to herself as she wandered barefoot throughout the halls of the School, wearing only a teal scrub-dress. She shied away from the labcoats, making sure she never touched them, and they seemed to ignore her entirely as if she wasn't there. She looked lost, as if she had no idea where she was going. "Hello?" she called out. "Can anyone hear me?" Even as she spoke, the scientists bustling by seemed to be deaf to her cries.
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

So what's the deal with this one?

Him? He's got a temper. Boss said to keep him blind, gagged and chained.

A chuckle was heard.
How bad can one of these things be? You just gotta show them who's in charge.

Footsteps..Getting closer. They sounded heavy, the gaurd must be carrying alot of gear.

The gaurd walked up to a young man, trapped in a straight jacket and hung a foot above the ground, heavy chains shackled around his ankles. His eyes covered by a thick black cloth and mouth covered with a gag. The young man couldn't see, couldn't move. He didn't remember how long he has been suspended in air. It wasn't until ge felt the presence of the gaurds hand nearing his face did he flinch.

Don't move brat. Be a good boy for me alright? Maybe I'll give you a treat.

The gaurd spoke to him as if he was a dog. Talking down on him. If only he knew.

The gag was removed first, allowing the boy to freely stretch his sore jaw,"..Let me out."

Oh! It can talk! Here I'm thinking you things were brain dead.

"Let me out.."

The gaurd chuckled, the sound of his partners footsteps nearing.

Nah. I don't think so.

He felt fingertips beginning to pull away at his blindfold.

I don't think you should do this man.
These things are freaks.

What'd I just tell ya? Gotta show dominance. Besides this one can't do anything when He's tied up like this. Ain't that right? he mocked.

As soon as the blindfold was removed, a pair of green eyes flashed open, locking eyes with the man, as he was then lifted up into the air by an invisible force.

What the hell?!

The young man continued to stare at the floating gaurd, who desperately grabbed his throat, as if trying to break free from a grip.

"Let me out!!" The young man yelled,"I want to get out of here!!"

The floating gaurd began to lose consciousness before a sharp pain struck the young mans neck, the second gaurd managed to inject him with a tranquilizer, the young man felt his strength leave him, as the floating gaurd was dropped and gasping for air, all the young man could muster was his plea to be released.

What the hell was that!? The hell did that thing do!? yelled the gasping gaurd.

His partner, quickly putting the gag and blindfold back on answered,"I told you it was a bad idea! Let's just get out if here before the next guy shows up, this never happened!

The two gaurds quickly left the young man in his cell, the prisoner trying to force himself to stay awake but to no avail. His final thoughts before fading into consciousness was.

Help me.
And this one?

Boss said this is the good one, the one that escaped. Orders are to punish it, but don't hurt it too badly.

Whatever. Jeez, how long had it been up on there?

One day, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 43.8 seconds, with nothing more than a small stumble. It's insane, it's like one of those ninja guys on TV.

The dark-skinned teenager gritted his teeth and held his pose on the metal polepole in the wide open, dimly lit room. He was standing on a single pole, 50 feet in the air, balancing on one foot and using his outspread wings to assist. The boy was in a lot of pain; he hadn't eaten in days, every muscle in his body ached, and his blue wings screamed for a rest. But he didn't dare move, for a fall from this height would be much more painful.

This wasn't the boy's first time in the School; he was born here, and even liked it here at some times. The experimenters treated him relatively well and he was given better food than the others. And yet the avian hybrid wanted more. He had heard rumors of the world outside of the School and was curious to find out what was beyond the sterile white walls. So, about two years, the blue-winged boy escaped from the school and flew to the Caribbean Islands where he was hired at a popular tourist's restaurant.

He discovered his skills of balance as a waiter as he entertained patrons with incredible feats of agility. The boy would carry full platters of food on a single finger while holding dessert atop his head. It was there that he felt like he was just another human, adopting the name Jamarco Comerford to blend in. The School, however, was not fooled by the pseudonym and kidnapped Jamarco after two years and 10 months of freedom. As punishment for forsaking the quite easy life at the institution, the boy underwent brutal physical and psychological trials meant to destroy his extraverted personality. It was thought that these measures were ineffective, but that didn't stop him from hurting.

"P-please!" Jamarco screamed desperately at the two-way mirror where the experimenters were standing and observing. He had picked up a Caribbean accent during his period of freedom. "I've learned my lesson! I won't run away anymore, just stop this! Please!!"

After hearing no response, the boy's body simply couldn't take anymore. Jamarco's knees buckled and he yelled out as he fell from the pole. Instinctively, he spread out his wings and tried to glide down to the bottom, but his wings collapsed before he could make it and the boy fell the last 8 feet to the cold, hard floor with a sickening smack. Jamarco curls up on the floor, whimpering and clenching his teeth to prevent tears from falling. Meanwhile, the whitecoats see him writhing and look to each other.

Should we put it back up?

Nah, I think it's had enough for now.

The two walk away from the observation bay, leaving the dark-skinned teenager on the floor. His muscles tremble and twitch, but he was too weak to move. His breath was raspy and echoed against the walls of the room. Jamarco couldn't form any coherent thought because of the waves of pain rippling through his body, save for one:

Please stop this...

(Edit: Sorry, wrong character XD)
Xyla Kailani (played by 8TigerBunnyTora) Topic Starter

The dreams that Drake had in his chemically-induced sleep weren't always pleasant. Scratch that, they were never pleasant. There were some days where the black nothing was almost welcoming in comparison to the torment that haunted him in his waking, but having dreams at all were often worse than the treatment itself. It was a coin toss where there was no good outcome, only a lesser evil.

The dreams this time were indistinct, fragmented pieces that hardly made any sense, but were terrifying all the same. But they seemed to end much too soon, fading to black. Only the one difference was that he felt a sort of presence there, like someone was watching, or at least wandering in the same dark.

There was a voice. A young, female voice. Hello? Is someone there? I can feel you.

There was a moment where the presence seemed to get inexplicably closer, like someone was feeling along the wall in a dark room.

There was some silence for a few moments before the voice resounded again. She sounded disappointed, and a little disheartened. You're not awake, are you? That's too bad... I'm sorry...
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

And how is our little owl this evening?

This one may be a bit groggy, we've had to inject him many times because of his temper. Is it really worth keeping one this dangerous?

Of course it is! Think of all the data we've collected so far! I have a feeling that we've hardly scratched the surface. Now prepare him for testing.

The young man was dropped harshly on the ground, the voices filling the room echoing.

Carefully! We can't afford to damage him, otherwise the tests results may be invalid.

A hand grabbed the young man's chin, turning it slightly, a low sigh was heard.

Dear God, how many injections has he had? His neck looks like a crack fiends!

I told you this one has a temper. If we can't keep it calm or blind, who knows the damage it can do.

We are the best School in the nation,
He isn't the first of his kind with these abilities but each of them are a precious resource. Just get him in the chair and take him to the testing room!

A low groan was heard from the young man as he was hoisted onto a wheelchair. It was rare they let him down, in his drug induced mind, he wondered if he was going to be set free. Able to run away from this hell. Eventually, he slowly began to feel normal, his system cleansing itself as the movement came to a stop.

Hello again 35890031. It's time for today's test, as usual we'll remove the gag first.

That voice again. The young man recognized this one, it forced him to play strange games.

He felt the gag in his mouth quickly removed.

How does that feel? Better?

The young man moved his jaw slowly, it's bones cracking a little,"...Let me out."

You know I can't do that. I'll tell you what, if you play today's game, I'll allow you to have regular shackles instead of that tight Straight jacket. Sound good 35890031?

"Get me the hell out you monster!! I swear I'll--" before he could say anything else, he felt electricity force itself through his body, courtesy of the cattle prod held by a nearby gaurd.

Sorry about that. But you know we can't have you mouthing off like that.
My offer still stands, but now you have to play the game and produce great results. Now, we'll have our friend here attach your helmet.

The young man gave a small growl as he felt something being strapped onto his head, that familiar snug feeling.

And now the blindfold.

The Student raised his head up, ready for the moment to strike. Unfortunately, as soon as the blindfold was removed, he was greeted by a bright white light, when it faded, he heard the sound of a door sealing itself behind him, while in front was a table with multiple different blocks and puzzles. He slowly looked down, only to see his straight jacket, the light blue sweatpants given to him and a pair of white sneakers, he wondered how long it had been since he'd seen his hands.

The room the Student was currently in was all grey, no windows and only one exit.

No escaping this room kid. Now, do you see that puzzle in front of you? Five thousand pieces. You have to put it together using that special gift of yours. Can you do it?

He hated this. Being spoken down too by a person to afraid to reveal their face. But the young man had no choice.
"Fine." He mumbled, slowly the box was lifted into the air, an unseeable force opening it as the peices began to spin around him, assembling themselves one by one.

'How can I get out of here..? There has to be a way..'

Meanwhile, in a separate room a bunch of white coats were gathered in a room, surrounded by various machines and monitors, revealing the young man at various angles. Some simply monitored while others wrote down the readings from the machine.
However, one white coat in particular stood above the rest, holding a microphone. The one our student was obeying.

"Good boy. Take your time." He chuckled, he slowly released the button and looked at the white coats gathering the data,"Well?"

Everything looks normal, nothing spectacular so far.

Think it's holding back?

"Well if he is, we'll find out eventually."
Xyla Kailani (played by 8TigerBunnyTora) Topic Starter

"What the hell?" one of the monitoring labcoats muttered, and one by one the others began to look around. "Power outage?"

There was a frustrated slamming of a pen on the desk. "Someone send a message over down below. This shouldn't happen."

"Have them turn on the power generator."

"Where's the emergency call buttons when you need it, it's too dark in here..."


Drake could've sworn that he heard this voice before, but he couldn't quite remember where. It was a young, feminine voice, familiar and almost comforting. Can you hear me?
Cerai (played by Dragoncat)

"You still want to try to breed this one with THAT ONE?"

"They're both owl based."

"But the male is..."

"Violent with a temper. I know. We can make him straighten up. This female is a bit more mellow, hopefully the offspring won't be as troublesome as its father. We'll be using artificial insemination anyway. Once we're sure both are fertile..."

The sooty owl/human hybrid heard nothing of that conversation. The two scientists had quieted down long before they reached her cell. It was early morning, the morning after the great horned owl/human had had his outburst and been wheeled down a hallway for testing.

Smoke had been born at this facility. She knew nothing different. And she thought she was the only one like her there. She was dosing off, her owl genes had kept her up all night as usual, and she usually took random naps throughout the day.

Hello? Is someone there?

That woke her up. She found herself replying, although she didn't know why or how.

I am here...

One of the whitecoated men blinked and turned to his companion. "She seems to sense something..."

"Just feed her her breakfast. We have more work to do."
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

The young man looked around slowly, the floating puzzle peices halting their progress. Did that voice come from his head? Has his mind finally snapped?

He wasn't sure. But he recognized it, he had hoped it would be enough for him to retain his sanity,"Yeah..I hear you.
But I don't see you. Please tell me I'm not losing my mind.

While the other white coats worked on ensuring the data was safe as well as maintaining power, the one who spoke to Drake continued to monitor him, noticing how he was looking around the room. The subtle changes of his expression,"..Something isn't right here." He mumbled. He then picked up a walkie talkie,"Security, are you noticing anything strange near Student 0031?" He asked, shortening the I'D number for the gaurd.
Xyla Kailani (played by 8TigerBunnyTora) Topic Starter

(with Drake)

You're not, the voice replied, withdrawing a little, as if recoiling in slight surprise that someone had answered. But the fact that you can hear me means that I'm in the next room, or a couple of rooms away.

Maybe...maybe we can help each other. The voice was a little strained and spoke quickly, like she was worried about something. Please. I'll help you get out of here. It's a long shot, but its now or never.


"Everything's kept clear, sir, is there something wrong?" the guard replied via the walkie-talkie.

The other labcoats in the room were typing rapidly, encrypting their data before saving it, just as their screens began to flicker, and then turn blue. One of the scientists slammed his hands against the keyboard in frustration. "Tell them to check the School's firewall. I think we got a hacker in our hands."


(with Smoke)

Help me. Please.
I heard them talking. I'm scared. I think they're going to kill me today.
Get me out of here.
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

The young man noticed the slight change in the voices tone but became intrigued when it mentioned a way out.

How exactly are you gonna do that?," he asked,"I'm tied up in some stupid jacket, there is probably a gaurd outside..Tell you what. If, by some miracle, you get me out. I'll do anything you say to get out of here " the way he spoke sounded as if he had very little hope of the voice helping him. But whatever hope that was left begged him to try.

The White coat speaking to the gaurd continued to glare at the young man through the monitor,"There is a possibility we have a hacker, we're cancelling today's tests, get someone to check the firewall and move in to secure the boy!" He ordered
Xyla Kailani (played by 8TigerBunnyTora) Topic Starter

Tell me what you can do, I know lots of us here are special, it's the reason you can hear me, because I'm special too. Make it quick, I'm stalling the people watching you already. Maybe about three minutes left before someone walks in to where you are.


"We'll be on it, sir, commencing evaluation of virtual firewall," the guard affirmed through the walkie-talkie.
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

I can move stuff with my mind..And when i look at someone, I can make them do what I want..Its why they keep my eyes covered. the young man answered.

He looked at the toys in front of him,'I can probably do something with the puzzles they gave me..
Xyla Kailani (played by 8TigerBunnyTora) Topic Starter

I can make people see things that aren't there. Or taste, smell, or touch. Or hear, which is why you can hear me. I can't make them do anything though, and they have to be close to me.

The people who are testing you can't see you right now. They'll send someone to check on you. When he comes, I'm going to make it look to him like you're struggling to take off the blindfold. He'll try to put it back on you. When he grabs your blindfold, yank really hard.

As if on cue, the door behind Drake, the one he had been wheeled to, began to unlock as someone inserted a key and turned it.

Hurry and find me. Please, her voice began to sound panicked. Its only a matter of time before they shut me off.
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

Drake nodded slowly as he began to 'struggle' during his removal of his blindfold,"Cmon dammit.." he muttered.
The guard blinked as he noticed the young man trying to remove his blindfold, he quickly walked up and sighed.

Seriously? Come on just give it up! You are the property of the School, you got nowhere to go and no one to take you in!

His words stung a bit as the young man felt him tug at the blindfold, as soon as he did, the student yanked himself back and shot open his eyes. A smirk forming,"Hey there.."

What the--?! the guard yelled before he was flung across the room, his head colliding with the wall and effectively knocking him out.
The young man stood up and stared at his shackles, after a brief moment the broke apart, freeing him,'Alright strange voice, I'm coming for you. You said you aren't far right?'

The young man ran out of the room, looking around the hall. His smirk only grew, he could finally see although there wasn't much to look at, but he was prepared to do some redecorating.


Red lights began to flash in the hall,"Well that can't be good."

Emergency, Emergency, Student has escaped. All personnel begin security measures.

"Freeze!" a security guard yelled, the student turned to see three guards, with weapons aimed at him,"Take it easy birdy..Let's take you back to your cage huh?"

"What'd you call me?"

"Why are you even talking to him!? Take him down!" a voice came from one of their walkie talkies, one that the young man recognized, the one that forced him to play those games.

The whitecoat that was in charge of the young man glared at his cohorts,"Someone tell me what the hell just happened!"
Xyla Kailani (played by 8TigerBunnyTora) Topic Starter

"We don't know, sir!" one of the men cried, giving a vague gesture to the blue screens of all their monitors. The only way they knew that something had gone seriously wrong was the sirens that were the only lights in the room. "There's probably some outside influence in the infrastructure or something!"

Security measures are being mobilized in all sectors, a voice spoke calmly through the intercom, reaching every room of the School. All students must be secured immediately. This is not a drill. Repeat: All students must be secured immediately.


The guards started after Drake but suddenly paused, confusion evident on their faces as they began to look around. "What the--where the hell did he go?!" one of them cried.

Go, they can't see you! the girl's voice called. A brief vision rushed through Drake's sight, a curious-looking oblong contraption larger than a person, with several wires attached to it. This is where I am. I'm not sure exactly where you are, but you must be close. You have to get to me before they turn it on, or else you'll be on your own, she breathed as the vision faded, an underlying desperation in her voice. You might have to make someone open it. Go!
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

The young man nodded as he charged through the guards, using his powers to slam them against the walls and out of his way. The student continued to avoid the guards, he needed to get to the owner of the voice. Eventually, he came to a stop in front of a door,"Wait, was this the place?" he asked, only to hear the yelling of guards echoing in the hall.

"Screw it." he then used his powers to break the door down,"Hey! Voice! You in here!?" he yelled, walking inside, only to see another male with sun-kissed skin, he got as close as he would allow himself,"Are you another one..?" he mumbled, looking back to the entrance before staring at the other male, seeing he was bound.

The chains that kept the young man bound were suddenly broken, freeing him,"Look, I don't have time to mess around, you can come with me, go on your own, or stay here. Make your choice quickly." he said, sounding rushed.
Jamarco hears the alarm go off and groans as he struggles to move; the loud noises disorients him and he is only able to move his fingers and toes. Something's not right, he thinks to himself, the trembling subsiding. Is someone trying to escape? Just then, the boy hears a crash behind him and footsteps over to him as another experiment rushes over to him. This must be the one that is escaping, he thought as he listens to what the other boy tells him. Jamarco flinches as an inexplicable force breaks the chains on his wrists and he forces himself to stand, looking at the avian hybrid with a determined face. "I'm with you. You have a plan to get the others out of here?"
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

The young man looked at Jamarco, his eyebrow raised,"Others?" He muttered, he didn't take into consideration that there were others like him still trapped here. With an equal amount of determination he spun around,"Well first, I need you to break the lock on the back of this thing. After that we're going to get the owner of the voice in my head." The young man spoke of the voice as if it was normal for someone to have heard it.

"We'll bust down as many cages as we can along the way. But the owner of the voice is important..And I..Kinda made a deal to break her out.." he looked back at Jamarco,"We don't have alot of time."
Jamarco nods in understanding and looks at the lock, a confused look on his face. "So, how am I supposed to break this? I'm not that strong yet and I don't have the same powers that you have." He didn't mind knowing that Drake had heard voices in his head, he was much too laid back for that to matter. Now that he thought about it, there had been a few instances where the boy had heard voices in his own head. He didn't think about them too often, the voices were just something that he had to deal with. "I can try to find something, maybe a shovel or a pair of bolt cutters along the way..." Jamarco could feel his strength returning gradually, his body mitigating the soreness in his arms and legs.
Drake Blade (played by CrimsonWolfGod)

The young man grumbled, of course this person didn't have something to break the lock with, why would he? He simply shook his head.

"That would cost us more time. If we see any gaurds, I'll be able to do something. Hell if we just had a mirror it would be alot easier."

The boy rolled his neck, glancing at Jamarco," You got a name?" He asked, hinting at him to run and talk at the same time, leading the way.

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