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Forums » RP Discussion » please tell me about your first rp character

i was 8 or 9, on furcadia. her name was talia mistugika (yes spelled this way and yes completely made up by me). i also had a blue and green anthro dog (?) named zoron after, you guessed it, the zora from legend of zelda lol
My first rp character was a fella named Sullivan. I only rped him with a close friend, we were essentially just messing around with things we liked. I was on an Adventure Quest kick back then and I think I was still about 9 or 10, so naturally he was a werepyre.

This is a werepyre, specifically from the 3D MMO game related to AQ. (Werewolf + Vampire = You get the gist.)


We had our goofy moments too but I'd say he was definitely an accurate representation of a ~10 year old's edgy first character.
Wow, here comes memories!

The first time I knew about Roleplay was from Friendster era (so old lol and the old Friendster page before it turned to game website). I had some school task to create a Friendster page then as far as I understand about that, I dropped at someone whom using a game character and talking like they were the character (I guess it was Tifa Lockhart? Or some OCs? I kind of forgot) then I took an interest to follow her and learnt about how to act as someone through their character. So, my first RP character was an OC of mine. Because I really love Naruto back then, so I created her as the long-lost Naruto's little sister and named her Uzumaki Kimi. I pictured her as a red hair, and using this picture below. (I don't know if that character was a canon or so).


Red is my color so I took her as my identity and had so much fun playing as her back then.
mine is this character named max i made him whem i made my first role play that lead me to become a role player and writer and max was just me in real life but with some diffrent stuff to it lol
I can't remember my very first Roleplay, do I recall my first major character when I started taking it seriously.

Her name is Ren.

She is a Pixie, who once belonged to a great Fae Forest. She was 'daughter' to an Elder Pixie who's charge was to protect the tree of life. However, little Ren was a bit of a rebellious one. She often defied the clan, and ran away to her own adventures. This spanned many - a- story, but she was a reoccuring character for quite some time. It took some years to build her up, but eventually I landed the perfect partner, and perfect story.

She was eventually expelled from the Forests and forced to leave the Protected island. The Tree itself was protected by powerful magic that surrounded it with illusion, the island itself could not depicted by the natural eye. Some would come to attempt to claim its power but all were sent away, or... destroyed. Her wings were removed upon her exile, and she was provided with a new appearance, she chose a Halfling.

Despite having her wings removed - she still had *some* magic. Of course she wanted her power back - so she went on a hunt for artifacts. To do this she went under guise as a boy, a deck hand for a pirate. Over time the Captain took a liking to her and she rose in rank, and reputation. Soon enough her tale was sung across the lands as the Fiery Headed Son of Captain Roland.

Of course, she did not age like her captain. In due time - he passed, and the ship was given to her as his grace. She had eventually found an artifact that would restore her wings, however it went poorly. In the act of absorbing the artifact - she had become basically a living bomb. Through wind, fire and hail - the city she retrieved this item from was leveled, and thousands died to her magical outburst.

Death himself sought her out to punish her for the extra work she caused him. He cursed her to be forced to Save as Many Lives as she stole, to bring balance. With that became her journey of being a 'backwards' pirate. She ended up involved in many wars, as her magic enhanced her ship beyond any other measure.

There are some spin offs of this, diving into other concepts and ideas. I don't roleplay as her anymore, but often she makes Cameos in my roleplays whenever I need a ship, or a spicey little pirate. She is a fun one to play!
An absolute disaster mary sue that I am ashamed of from to this day that I made with the approval of my ex best friend who was introducing me to rping. Got me scolded to all hell by another rper when I fell into the inevitable newbie pitfalls.

Evil deity father? Check
Father trying to turn her evil? Check
Possessed incredible uncontrolled power? Check
Was a special good girl snowflake? Sadly check

I could go on, but I rather not. After that, I never touched her again and it was probably another year before I tried rping again.
The earliest character I remember playing as who I actually stuck with beyond one roleplay was this character who I simply dubbed "Dino Fox", usually shortened to "Dino". This was on Animal Jam when I was 8 or 9 years old. Interestingly I don't recall this character really having any gender.. I think I typically referred to it as an "it" and it wasn't intelligent and wasn't able to speak normally. It was more or less the pet of the characters of my friends. Basically I roleplayed as a literal pet dog who happened to look like a dinosaur-fox hybrid. Lovely. I was so creative.
It must have ben early 2000s... My first character was a sea elf :D
Halasían (played anonymously)

May 2000 ... joined a group roleplay on a Tolkien forum as the Dúnedain Ranger Halasían.

Can't believe the old board was still accessible (until January 2024 ... now the link reroutes to the paid subscription page). Shadow Over Arnor. The link finally broke but it was hard to read anyway as it looks like the HTML coding didn't like a site update sometime over the last 23 years.

Here was my first post:
Glad I copied it, the site is no longer accessable as of January 2024.

Riding up the Greenway, Halasìan, Dúnadan, Ranger of the North, was returning once again to the northlands after spending the last 6 years in Gondor. He had travelled there to see his friend Denethor II, and witness the birth of his second son, Faramir. He also was there when Ecthelion II died and Denethor assumed the Stewardship of Gondor. The years spent there were for the most part joyous for him, until the untimely death of Denethor's wife, Finduilas of Dol Amroth, last year.

It seemed that part of Denethor died that day, and a hatred of the Shadow in the East filled the boy Boromir. For he blamed the shadow for his mother’s passing, and his mind turned to things of war, and a great swordsman he was already becoming. And what of the lad Faramir, whom his mother loved so? Yes, there seemed to be a darkening in Gondor that year. So Halasìan bade Denethor and his sons farewell, and went to Rohan to see his wife Halcwyn, but grievous was the meeting, so he decided to return to the north.

He would not make Bree by night fall, so he found a place in the grass to sleep for the night, and would rise early so he could make the Prancing Pony in time for breakfast.
Oh, my gods. If we're talking about when I officially started roleplaying with a group and writing actual posts... My first character would techincally be Creatia! She was originally a Vocaloid OC at an academy for Vocaloids on DeviantArt. (And yes, it was as cringy as it sounds.) She ended up developing into what you see today!

But my very, very first character... Was a self insert that I roleplayed in phone chats with my ex-best friend. She was the princess of the "Galactic Kingdom" and had Sora and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts as her boyfriends. She had countless variations and rewrites, and eventually ended up evolving into her own non-cringy character once I shoehorned her into a Vocaloid roleplay of all things alongside Creatia.
Well if you REALLY want to go back, I think it was a canon character from Hetalia, in some chat rooms when I was 12 or 13.

But, my first original character goes back to around the same time, and was a timid lady named Iskra Konig. She had long black hair, and was in a weird modern/medieval fantasy hybrid setting. Eventually, she’d become Iskra Sokol.
Mina Moderator

Picture it, Ohio- 2002.

Aol > Chats > Arts and Entertainment > Roleplay > Red Dragon Inn. (or Medieval Tavern with appropriate re-skin, OR Rhydin something)

I had..not the faintest idea of what I was doing as an 11-year-old idiot with unfettered access to the internet. I came up with what I was sure had to be the coolest, edgiest, hottest female lead ever. What I came up with was an entire mess. And everything she said looked like this. While actions looked -=Like this=- , ~*This*~, and eventually, .::Like this::. (My apologies to your eyeballs.)

For a brief period, and for some bizarre, unbeknownst reason that baffles me to this day, she dressed like a mixture of a pirate and a pimp from Spirit Halloween, in red, of course. Her name was Fox, because of COURSE it was! She was a demon, but also a vampire, and 16, because to me that was very adult and old. I think that she was either part of some crime syndicate or a motorcycle gang. There was no way that anyone could POSSIBLY have known I wasn't a cool older kid! Fox had two brothers, who were Japanese, which is..baffling to me as an adult considering that no one was adopted and they all had the same parents. As she grew up, she eventually had a daughter (named Lily, which is funny all of these years later for personal reasons.) Eventually, through the years of playing her, she developed into something cohesive. That idea was gradually reborn over the years, with name changes, a better sense of style, and more..realistic career choices. Ultimately she was distilled into her 6237462nd name and what's now her forever persona as S. J. Laveux
That's so funny! This is also where I started at 11 years old! Only I played 'Princess Atari', hold for applause. I remember absolutely nothing about her beyond the fact that she was an elf and a princess from some faraway land. I think I stayed there for all of a year before drifting to a chatroom called Anthro Fields that then eventually introduced me to Furcadia when I was 13.
Mina wrote:
Picture it, Ohio- 2002.

Aol > Chats > Arts and Entertainment > Roleplay > Red Dragon Inn.

I had..not the faintest idea of what I was doing as an 11-year-old idiot with unfettered access to the internet. I came up with what I was sure had to be the coolest, edgiest, hottest female lead ever. What I came up with was an entire mess. And everything she said looked like this. While actions looked -=Like this=- , ~*This*~, and eventually, .::Like this::. (My apologies to your eyeballs.)

For a brief period, and for some bizarre, unbeknownst reason that baffles me to this day, she dressed like a mixture of a pirate and a pimp from Spirit Halloween, in red, of course. Her name was Fox, because of COURSE it was! She was a demon, but also a vampire, and 16, because to me that was very adult and old. I think that she was either part of some crime syndicate or a motorcycle gang. There was no way that anyone could POSSIBLY have known I wasn't a cool older kid! Fox had two brothers, who were Japanese, which is..baffling to me as an adult considering that no one was adopted and they all had the same parents. As she grew up, she eventually had a daughter (named Lily, which is funny all of these years later for personal reasons.) Eventually, through the years of playing her, she developed into something cohesive. That idea was gradually reborn over the years, with name changes, a better sense of style, and more..realistic career choices. Ultimately she was distilled into her 6237462nd name and what's now her forever persona as S. J. Laveux
Mina Moderator

Ariel wrote:
That's so funny! This is also where I started at 11 years old! Only I played 'Princess Atari', hold for applause. I remember absolutely nothing about her beyond the fact that she was an elf and a princess from some faraway land. I think I stayed there for all of a year before drifting to a chatroom called Anthro Fields that then eventually introduced me to Furcadia when I was 13.

Princess Atari is a good one, lol. We were very cool.

Okay, this is uncanny. After AOL, I migrated to Furcadia too, haha. Intermittently spent time at places like Gaia, (back when it was go-gaia), Yahoo chats, MSN messenger, etc., but always circled back to Furc since it seemed to be the longest-standing non-forum place. I just sort of floated around from one vaguely-human adjacent dream to the next for an..extensive amount of time before meeting you in NV all of those years ago. Now I'm just here and on Discord, I've become a bit of a recluse in my old age. ;)
Mina wrote:

Princess Atari is a good one, lol. We were very cool.

Okay, this is uncanny. After AOL, I migrated to Furcadia too, haha. Intermittently spent time at places like Gaia, (back when it was go-gaia), Yahoo chats, MSN messenger, etc., but always circled back to Furc since it seemed to be the longest-standing non-forum place. I just sort of floated around from one vaguely-human adjacent dream to the next for an..extensive amount of time before meeting you in NV all of those years ago. Now I'm just here and on Discord, I've become a bit of a recluse in my old age. ;)

You and me both. I'm most active on Discord, but outside of going back to Furc a couple months ago for friends, I've turned into a complete hermit. It's not a bad time. I'm always glad to see a familiar face, though! <3
It really depends on what we are counting as our first rp character.

I know when I was like 10 playing dnd with my friend and her brother. I created an elf who was cast out from her family due to being poor and coming from a noble family (I rolled poorly when it came to character funds) and got into a bar fight with a troll named Frankie.

As for writing roleplays it was way back during the days of MySpace. I started with the cannon character of Daqiao from the Dynasty Warrior games series.

My first OC came some years later which was also from the same game series. She evolved a lot over the years as I made her more concrete. I use to adapt her to different stories so she was flexible in her personality and abilities.
Deleted her profile just now and was feelin' sappy about it, so here we go-

Once upon a time, lil' Garn found a play-by-post RPG forum in her native language called WolfStory. 'Twas your classic 'semi-realistic' wolf shenanigans with that edgy Warrior Cats'esque bite to it. Wolves being my fav animals (bahwhahah, basic shit, I know, but what's not to like about giant cool-looking proto-dogs?), I didn't think twice and very secretly made an character on there. A white, not-like-the-other-girls she-wolf that was supposed to go by the same name of my all-time favorite character from my all-time favorite game: Amaterasu.

And thus, Amatariseu was born. I started RPing when I was 11 years old, so obviously it was all chaotic, cringy and lovingly hammy, with ol' Ama rising from being an orphaned runaway with her cripped brother (whose death apparently made my online friends weep their eyes out, not to fully toot my own horn) to being a ripped oversized martial arts master, grandma, and leader of the only good-aligned pack on the site (I was edgy, but not edgy enough to start a -=EVIL=- pack named after shadows or night what you have). Ama was great fun, but eventually the owner of the website returned after years of inactivity and got really pissy about the fact that a new generation had emerged and created their own fun on a site that had been dead for while when we found it.. so she nuked the place. All the art and written adventures were gone. There came a new site after this, and while it did take off for a while, it eventually died also. With it, I presume in my own head-canon, Ama also.

I've tried to make an OC that's supposed to be a homage to her, which is the profile I just deleted to clear up a character slot. I like the idea, and Amatariseu will certainly cameo in my stories, but writing her in this modern day and age just isn't the same. No matter how much I've grown in terms of prose quality and character building, though, I'll never forget that old mess of a she-wolf. What a kickass furball she was.
My first RP OC was a hero-in-training named Aoi Namji. I often mention that my first roleplay was in a My Hero Academia Discord server despite knowing very little about the anime/manga. I was also 14 at time, so sometimes the character got OP sometimes. Her quirk was something that had to do with ink. Before this server reset its storyline, Aoi played as the UA traitor. After the storyline reset, she was just a normal student. The gal is now retired, maybe awaiting to join a MHA roleplay again.
Aunn was my first character I've ever had an idea for, but she sat in the back of my mind until about a year ago, when I added her to a D&D campaign I joined, and then RPR!

My first RP character was a black(or was it white) haired male. He was name Ren Rivers I think, although he was not my first character ever created I wouldn't call him any good either but it wasn't on a emo/edgy teen level of a goofiness as I like to call it. Ren and few people his age became a team of super soldiers who fought against opposite nation, he himself had a vengeance against opposite nation wanting to go out in fire while killing enemy soldiers.

Though he wasn't alone as he had his close childhood friend who kept him in check and eventually he overcame his blind rage with help, then there was also team building with other 3 member who weren't as close. With time he became more influential and he replaced his handler who was called Major... forgot his name. He overtook his country and became dictator. Oh right I forgot, they all had elemental powers.

You are on: Forums » RP Discussion » please tell me about your first rp character

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