AAAAAAAHHHHHH you drew her so well!! So many awesome details, thank youuuuu!!! I absolutely love it!! 
Can I include it on her bio page (of course with link and credits)? Pretty please?

Can I include it on her bio page (of course with link and credits)? Pretty please?

cri86titanium wrote:
AAAAAAAHHHHHH you drew her so well!! So many awesome details, thank youuuuu!!! I absolutely love it!! 
Can I include it on her bio page (of course with link and credits)? Pretty please?

Can I include it on her bio page (of course with link and credits)? Pretty please?

Aaaa of course you can! I'm so glad you like it!!
Osris wrote:
FadedTapestry wrote:
Osris wrote:
I got Osris!

Thank youuu
She was an interesting challenge, given the mono theme!
CrystalDisc wrote:
Character Name: Elody Rhodes
Elody for you!!

Hexen Ihsahn Sorkvild wrote:
AAAAA LOOKIT HIM!! my dragon boy

Ilmarinen wrote:
It's time. Let's-a go!
Character Name: Sivwikkas
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: isswas (bipedal four-armed alien)
Gender expression: androgynous
Personality: Nervous and naive to a fault. They constantly worry about how they are perceived by their peers and superiors, and desperately want to prove themself as competent. Very intelligent, but perhaps not very wise.
Brief physical description of the character: A diminutive vaguely-amphibian alien with four arms and a worried smile. Triple-bulbed antennae as well as color changing spots always make it particularly obvious how they're feeling.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Academia, space stations, anything sci-fi or hackery.
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to reinterpret their outfits! The black caps on their toes are like little shoes. I haven't fully decided all the details of their color changing ability, so you can interpret that if you'd like.
Character Name: Ramsay
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: goron (Legend of Zelda)
Gender expression: masculine
Personality: Very loud, enthusiastic, and gruff. When working with professionals he can become downright mean, refusing to coddle anyone who he thinks should be pulling their weight.
Brief physical description of the character: A chunky goron with a big white beard and a little white top knot. He doesn't wear much, in proper goron fashion, but his stony skin keeps him protected from the elements.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Mountains, hot springs, lava baths, hot kitchens
Anything else we need to know: He likes to hang out with Koroks!
I prefer to receive: anything
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants?: No thank you!
Character Name: Sivwikkas
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: isswas (bipedal four-armed alien)
Gender expression: androgynous
Personality: Nervous and naive to a fault. They constantly worry about how they are perceived by their peers and superiors, and desperately want to prove themself as competent. Very intelligent, but perhaps not very wise.
Brief physical description of the character: A diminutive vaguely-amphibian alien with four arms and a worried smile. Triple-bulbed antennae as well as color changing spots always make it particularly obvious how they're feeling.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Academia, space stations, anything sci-fi or hackery.
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to reinterpret their outfits! The black caps on their toes are like little shoes. I haven't fully decided all the details of their color changing ability, so you can interpret that if you'd like.
Character Name: Ramsay
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: goron (Legend of Zelda)
Gender expression: masculine
Personality: Very loud, enthusiastic, and gruff. When working with professionals he can become downright mean, refusing to coddle anyone who he thinks should be pulling their weight.
Brief physical description of the character: A chunky goron with a big white beard and a little white top knot. He doesn't wear much, in proper goron fashion, but his stony skin keeps him protected from the elements.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Mountains, hot springs, lava baths, hot kitchens
Anything else we need to know: He likes to hang out with Koroks!
I prefer to receive: anything

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants?: No thank you!
Here's a Sivwikkas for you!! What got them so frightened? Whatever space-menace or red alert has just got the space station worked up, they need a hug and they need it yesterday!! *hugs Sivwikkas*

I got MercyInReach! It was such a hard choice but when I read about feral vampire fairy mode I was sold
Just the link as theres blood
Leighoflight wrote:
Character Name: Antadurunnu / Ant
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Undead Teifling
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Grumpy, jaded, bored, been there, done that, got the T-shirt for most things, big softie for dogs
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Tall and wide, covered in bandages from neck to tail then covered in armour . Missing the skin on his cheeks exposing the teeth.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Undead, spooky, fantasy
Anything else we need to know: Used to be my WoW DK so anything WoW related works.
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Undead Teifling
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Grumpy, jaded, bored, been there, done that, got the T-shirt for most things, big softie for dogs
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Tall and wide, covered in bandages from neck to tail then covered in armour . Missing the skin on his cheeks exposing the teeth.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Undead, spooky, fantasy
Anything else we need to know: Used to be my WoW DK so anything WoW related works.
If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) No
hi leigh :3 decided to draw Ant and his doggo! went a little nuts with it hehe

Leighoflight wrote:
I got MercyInReach! It was such a hard choice but when I read about feral vampire fairy mode I was sold
Just the link as theres blood
Thank you so much! You did Lark's second form perfectly and I love the description of it as feral vampire fairy mode! haha!
You know I'm Adael trash... I'm not sorry.

MercyInReach wrote:
CrystalDisc wrote:
Character Name: Elody Rhodes
Elody for you!!

BLESSED! My poor, gloomy girl! Thank you so, so much! 💖
CrystalDisc wrote:
You know I'm Adael trash... I'm not sorry.

Oh my god this is amazing!!! Thank you so much!
Without further ado...
Hexen Ihsahn Sorkvild!
Collapsed for bugs, CW.
I did make him more um... Femme I guess! I didn't realize I was drawing him in a dress until the originally more androgynous skirt had developed a daintier top than what I was sketching at first. I did think about redrawing it, as I sketched him in a few different tops... But I figured neutral gender presentation could work in a dress
Even if harem pants were my original idea, the skirt suddenly called to me 🤔 and I drew the pose. Thank you for letting me draw such a cool character
Hexen Ihsahn Sorkvild wrote:
Character Name: Hexen Sorkvild
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: here
Species: Homunculus
Gender expression: Androgynous
Personality: Gloomy, innocent, helpful, bookworm, likes insects, calm, creative, smart
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: A 2 meters tall scrawny looking wizard with pale bluish skin, a sharp long nose, big curious eyes, medium lenght messy silver hair with bangs that cover his eyes most of the time, has long claw-like nails and bony hands, a scar on the left side of his lips, some freckles, a beauty mark on the upper lip by the right
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) A library or graveyard, anything with bugs around him
Anything else we need to know: If you can, please include a centipede as his pet
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: here
Species: Homunculus
Gender expression: Androgynous
Personality: Gloomy, innocent, helpful, bookworm, likes insects, calm, creative, smart
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: A 2 meters tall scrawny looking wizard with pale bluish skin, a sharp long nose, big curious eyes, medium lenght messy silver hair with bangs that cover his eyes most of the time, has long claw-like nails and bony hands, a scar on the left side of his lips, some freckles, a beauty mark on the upper lip by the right
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) A library or graveyard, anything with bugs around him
Anything else we need to know: If you can, please include a centipede as his pet
Hexen Ihsahn Sorkvild!
See more

Collapsed for bugs, CW.

I did make him more um... Femme I guess! I didn't realize I was drawing him in a dress until the originally more androgynous skirt had developed a daintier top than what I was sketching at first. I did think about redrawing it, as I sketched him in a few different tops... But I figured neutral gender presentation could work in a dress

Full disclosure: time has been passing weirdly for me the past few weeks and I actually COMPLETELY misremembered the due date, despite having participated in ten-ish of these winter art trades before.
I'm suuuuper embarrassed, and I'm very sorry. I'll have my piece finished tonight! 
Awww, look at my lil baby! You did such justice to their character with that expression. And I love the background. Thank you so much!

cri86titanium wrote:
Here's a Sivwikkas for you!! What got them so frightened? Whatever space-menace or red alert has just got the space station worked up, they need a hug and they need it yesterday!! *hugs Sivwikkas*

Awww, look at my lil baby! You did such justice to their character with that expression. And I love the background. Thank you so much!
Ilmarinen wrote:
Full disclosure: time has been passing weirdly for me the past few weeks and I actually COMPLETELY misremembered the due date, despite having participated in ten-ish of these winter art trades before.
I'm suuuuper embarrassed, and I'm very sorry. I'll have my piece finished tonight! 
Awww, look at my lil baby! You did such justice to their character with that expression. And I love the background. Thank you so much!

cri86titanium wrote:
Here's a Sivwikkas for you!! What got them so frightened? Whatever space-menace or red alert has just got the space station worked up, they need a hug and they need it yesterday!! *hugs Sivwikkas*

Awww, look at my lil baby! You did such justice to their character with that expression. And I love the background. Thank you so much!
I'm so glad you like how they turned out!! They are absolutely adorable and I had so much fun drawing them!

Okay! Once again, very sorry for the delay! Here is Attun for DigitalDevil.

You are on: Forums » Art & Creativity » ❄️ Winter Art Trade 2023 ❄️
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus