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Forums » Forum Games » For A Dollar Would You...?

No. I hate coffee.

FADWY would you play a skyrim drinking game and get completely wasted?

Depends on how complex of drinking game it is

FADWY delete your xbox gamer profile
Sure, free dollar.

FADWY create a race of killer robots?

Definitely just because I would feel like dr wily

FADWY allow yourself to be shot by a rubber bullet from a shotgun

heck no THOSE HURT

FADWY whould you walk on a slug...BAREFOOT... for a dollar?
Don't see why not.

(Not sure if somebody said this.)
FADWY would you walk on a ten foot path of legos barefoot?

Definatly NOT

FADWY jump from 25000 feet onto a water bed filled with milk that has holes in it
A dollar for a death Wish? XD Nah I'm good

FADWY find the ACTUAL meaning of life... If not, make it up :3
42, next.

FADWY live as a badly written and cliched movie villain.
OMG yes! Evil Villian lair!

FADWY touch a random item blindfolded??

No what if it is a bomb

FADWY throw a rock at Godzilla if he were real and you were in a barred cage
No because atomic breath doesn't respect barred cages.

For a dollar would you go to North Korea?
GrandFinale Topic Starter

Personally, I think I'd rather throw the rock at Godzilla. No offense to anyone on here from there of course!

FADWY eat a rock?
Depends on the size, shape and composition of the rock in question.

FADWY drink a whole bottle of barbecue sauce in under a minute?

As long as its not a gallon bottle yeah

FADWY spend five days on a deserted island with no rescue
Kim Site Admin

Only a completely insane person would.

FADWY wear a unicorn sticker on your forehead for a day?

Of course i would! I do sometimes, to make my friends laugh.. Yeah.. I'm weird..

FADWY slap yourself a thousand times and smash your head into a wall?

Yeah but I would do it over a span of 5 years

FADWY jump into a pool with piranhas for 45 seconds?
Momoko (played by Jiroah)

If the river monster guy can do it! So can I! =u=

FADWY stick your tongue out for a whole day???!

Id assume that would make it hard to eat so no

FADWY eat 500 klondike bars in 2 hours

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