Hello, everyone! My name is Shin Djinn. I'm a Genie Fighter. I'm new here, but I can't what to get some great RPs started. Hit me up when you're ready to RP with me.
Welcome to RPR ๐
Minsi wrote:
Welcome to RPR ๐
Heyo, welcome !
Four wrote:
Hi, welcome. I love Djins 
BUT that's fine I guess...

BUT that's fine I guess...

Hi and Thanks!
.the.MILK.theef. wrote:
Heyo, welcome !
Welcome to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for! If you're looking for RP's, I suggest looking for them in the "Looking For Roleplay" forum or making a post yourself!
Welcome to the site! ๐

Welcome darlin'! ๐ฉท hope you like it here!!
Head on over to looking for rp forums. That's where all the ads are at.
Welcome to RPR.

Pleasure to meet you, new friend! I have to say, I don't have a wide knowledge of Djinni as a whole but I love the concept! Hope you find what you're looking for here at rpr!

(ใฃโโกโ)ใฃ โฅ Welcome! I'm happy your here. I've been with this site for awhile and I've had so much fun. I hope you have fun too. โฅ

Welcome, welcome, welcome to RPR! I hope you enjoy it here and if you have any questions or need to learn a l little something-something, feel free to reach out to the community and give us a holler! We'll be glad to get you through it and back on your way to writin' with the masses!
Take care and have fun out there!

Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! ๐
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