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Forums » General Roleplay » two bound by bloodshead

Walking down the street with my hood on, it's raining heavily as night aprochess. "Almost time for my rounds. That house caught my eye so i'll start there." suprizingly nobody was out at this time.
Red looked through out her room trying to find her black coat , so she could go for a run . " Ugh Why the hell does there have to be so many weapons in my room?"
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

Walks to a window and sees a girl looking for something. "I wonder, if shes going for walk i could kill her then." walks away from the window and out of sight.
Red finds her coat and sticks a dagger into her boot as she puts the coat on and walks outside as her eyes turn red from the full moon.
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

Sees the girl walk out of her house and starts to walk after her my hood still on so she cant see my face.
" So many freaking things that messed up other than death like demons , wolves , succubi and elementals how ****** up could my life be ?" she growls beginning to walk faster on the sidewalk.
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

Speeds up and is within ears rang of the girl. "You seem awfully tired let me help you GO TO SLEEP!" pulls my knife freshly sharpened and dashes at her.
She smirks as the unknown man dashes behind her to kill her " You can't kill me " she says in a calm tone still waiting to feel the metal in her body before she shifts into a monster aslo known as a werewolf.
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

"Ah but thats wat you think. The only thing that I couldent make go to sleep was slender man,but I did manage to carve a smile into his blank face. So you should be no problem. So as i said let me help you GO TO SLEEP!" Wraps my arm around your neck and slits it all the way around. "I'm Jeff, Jeff the killer.
Red falls onto her back as her eyes glow crimson red while she heals then gets up " You really don't want to do this a killer against a hybird , wow you are stupid and I actually thought we would be friends " She growls as a large pair of dark black wings with a tint of crimson in them come out of her back . " I'd love to join you killing other people because I was just about to start my rounds"
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

"Hmmmm, that would be rather interesting. And if we do join togethdr to kill people, would you be so kind as to help me with a little hunter problem?
" I'd love to easiest things to kill" she smiles showing her fangs.
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

"If jane was that easy to kill trust me it already be done shes like me in ways. I cant die because i made a pact with satin every person i kill their soul is like a revive so to say i get stronger faster and smarter. And now this girl who's family I killed eleven years ago is hunting me trying to kill a demon of higher rank than her its pathetic but shes good, shes good. She has killed has killed people to try and lure me out but to no avail and now shes called me and said shes comeing for me tonight. Eyeless jack refuzed to help me so will you help me?
" Yea totally , oh and by the way I am Red , Red Lighting and where will we find her?"
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

She'll find us. But untill then lets go
" Ok then " she makes hers go back into her back as she shifts into 7 ft black wolf with bloody red eyes * I swear if you do anything jeff I will make it so sally annoys you all the time*
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

"Ok so quick question are u familiar with my work red?
" Yea you could say that"
jeff the killer (played by JEFF_THE_KILLER) Topic Starter

"Have you ever wondered how it feels for your mom betray you. Trust me its not fun, but there are plus sides to it, like not haveing parents to judge you because their dead.
" Ssme feeling for me just my parents kinda left me in the middle of the road and tried to kill me but I killed them instead and the freedom is amazing"

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