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Forums » Smalltalk » Official Warrior Thread 2015

Auberon Moderator

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Two to go! We need to kill one per round!

Focus fire:
Auberon Moderator

boom, grenade.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

YOU GOT HIM! One left!

We should probably all wait until the :20 to go for him... but that round is our one shot, so call in any friends you have who have any weapon!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Auberon Moderator

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

More than half way. Two minutes to go. YOU CAN DO THIS PEOPLE! :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

SHOOT, he healed. We don't have enough armed people yet!

If anyone can take him down in the next 2 minutes, the portal crew would have 3 to enter guesses... But we may want to retreat and get more weapons out to the masses over the next hour.

Whoa, he's down to the 100s again. You guys are fast. THis might work!
Auberon Moderator

Annnnd he's down!
rip ugly goblin thing.
Ben Moderator

I've been sending out my axes while I heal. Spread the love!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

You guys, that was the most incredible thing ever. You got the portal crew in to make guesses with like 45 seconds to spare, and they were able to test multiple theories.

I have never seen anything like that. People were calling in friends. They were sending heals to each other. As people ran out of stamina or HP but still had active weapons, they would toss them to anyone who still had some left to keep the fight going. I cannot BELIEVE how amazing that was. You are pulling together in the most incredible ways. That was, to me, more exciting than any WoW raid, and it's all text based.

I'm going to go play some Doubutt game to try and get more weapons into circulation, so that we'll be better prepared in the next hour to clear a path to the portal of the riddle team's choosing!

You guys are making my day. This is the best.
Auberon Moderator

I literally just dragged like ten people in to fight, handing out weapons and shrieking all the while. I work overnight. Now I know how I'll be keeping busy. :D

That was amazing. I think we should give the portal crowd some time to think and come up with new guesses, and in the meanwhile we play some Doubutt to stock up on weaponry so we can rush the invaders down once there's a decent number of ideas.
Ben Moderator

Who has HP? I've got an axe to spare.
I have two swords, but no HP. Holler if you need a weapon.

Sadly, I am also now out of hats!
Ben Moderator


Auberon Moderator

My crew is too dead. We're going to regain some HP. Hahaha.

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » Official Warrior Thread 2015

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus