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Forums » Forum Games » OFFICIAL Forest Guardian Riddle Topic

Dragonfire Moderator

Two found already! Fabulous work, doodles.

Alas, I've got to get some shut-eye before I start falling over, but I'll be back as soon as I can in the morning to help. :3 Good luck hunting and puzzling!
Lobsterite's 2nd clue: Later became an agent for Government agency on Gallifrey.
Heimdall wrote:
The Lobsterite's first clue is: Early engineering experiment destroyed a planet

Lobsterite's 2nd clue: Later became an agent for Government agency on Gallifrey. (Unlocked by SINdragon)

The Lobsterite's third clue is: Has yet to appear in the televised series (Unlocked by Dragonfire)

"The Celestial Intervention Agency or CIA was a secretive Time Lord organisation with whom the Doctor and Lord President Romana occasionally had dealings. Its motto — "the story changes, the ending stays the same" — was also a modus operandi."

Commander Torvald (AUDIO: A Blind Eye) Gandar Cavis (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) Glospin (PROSE: Lungbarrow) Mortimus (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) Serena (PROSE: World Game) Kurst Levith (AUDIO: Neverland) The Doctor (Reluctant agent from second through sixth incarnations) The Master (AUDIO: Eyes of the Master) Ace (AUDIO: Intervention Earth)"

"Bliss is a planet that has been subject to experiments. It was visited by the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Hex in Enemy of the Dalek"

"Hedron is a planet where the advanced inhabitants conducted disastrous experiments with time, as seen in the Doctor Who Monthly comic strip "Time Bomb""

See if you folks can make heads or tails of this, I'm too tired to sleuth any further! Good luck and goodnight.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Updated my post to include all the Lobsterite clues. Definitely Doctor Who related. When it says "has yet to appear in the televised series" it might mean the old novels from the early aughts, comics, those animated cartoons they did in like '03... unfortunately, my knowledge begins and ends at original-Who, and I'm not yet sure if the Lobsterite is talking about new or old! And when they say "the televised series" do they mean old, new, or both?? Since they say "has not YET appeared," it seems to indicate it might be extended new-Who-verse.
Another hint:

"I saw one of the riddle masters hanging around one of the moderators."

I browsed mod profiles, nothing at the top but I might have missed something. NOW I'm going to sleep... hopefully you guys can root this one out!
Trickster Have a Guardian. :) Master of the Compass Seal.


Found by clicking "Did You Know..."
Libertine wrote:
Another hint:

"I saw one of the riddle masters hanging around one of the moderators."

I browsed mod profiles, nothing at the top but I might have missed something. NOW I'm going to sleep... hopefully you guys can root this one out!
Found this on Angelus' profile.

This riddle has been solved

A bit late to the party, but I have found a guardian, which was found by going to dashboard > your settings > clicking the & in "Comfort & Privacy"
(Or this link):
The Master of the Die Seal

You are setting up camp for the night when you realize that someone else is there, standing just at the edge of your campfire's light. How long has he been standing there? You are deeply relieved when he explains that he is here to help with the die seal.

The Rogue's first clue is: A mighty fortress, built in equal parts from Granite, Onyx, and Porcelain.

The Rogue's second clue is: Built by Golems, Dwarves and giants, home to wizards white, red and black." Unlocked by Libertine

The third clue can only be revealed to someone who has founded a group with at least 15 other members, not counting themselves and their own characters.
Ahhhh who needs sleep when there are riddles
The Master of the Rebellious Seal
"You receive a holographic transmission from one of the mythical Greys.

The Grey's first clue is: A suspiciously tactical mind

The second clue can only be revealed to someone whose username starts with a F.

The third clue can only be revealed to someone who joined between April 7 2016 and April 14 2016."
Solveig2468 wrote:
The second clue can only be revealed to someone whose birthday is on the 17th day of any month.

The third clue can only be revealed to someone who has founded a group with at least 15 other members, not counting themselves and their own characters.[/center]

"The second clue can only be revealed to someone whose birthday is on the 17th day of any month. You unlocked this clue!

The Rogue's second clue is: Built by Golems, Dwarves and giants, home to wizards white, red and black."
Solveig2468 wrote:
A bit late to the party, but I have found a guardian, which was found by going to dashboard > your settings > clicking the & in "Comfort & Privacy"
The Master of the Die Seal

You are setting up camp for the night when you realize that someone else is there, standing just at the edge of your campfire's light. How long has he been standing there? You are deeply relieved when he explains that he is here to help with the die seal.

The Rogue's first clue is: A mighty fortress, built in equal parts from Granite, Onyx, and Porcelain.

The second clue can only be revealed to someone whose birthday is on the 17th day of any month.

The third clue can only be revealed to someone who has founded a group with at least 15 other members, not counting themselves and their own characters.

Good to share the link for easy access. ^_^

Novalyyn wrote:

Oh right, didn't think about that

Is the The Master of the Die Seal's thing the Bastion from the Defenders of Magic book series? If so, where do I enter this at?

Trickster wrote:
Is the The Master of the Die Seal's thing the Bastion from the Defenders of Magic book series? If so, where do I enter this at?

As far as I have understood, we need to get some enemies out of the way before we can enter any guess
The way's clear! Hurry here, click the icon and enter your guess

EDIT: decided to enter it before the goblins could come back, Trickster solved the dice rune, the answer was Bastion!

Another hint:
One of the riddle masters is a fan of practical jokes.
Solveig2468 wrote:
Another hint:
One of the riddle masters is a fan of practical jokes.

I just got the same one.
Solveig2468 wrote:
Another hint:
One of the riddle masters is a fan of practical jokes.
Found this one by going to the last April fool's news post and clicking the walrus accolade!
A scorpion-like creature scuttles from underneath a book and clacks its pincers at you. You think it might be morse code.

The Wicked Scorpion's first clue is: Strong, loud and with a large chin!

The second clue can only be revealed to someone whose username starts with a m.

The third clue can only be revealed to someone who has never posted on the forums.

Another guardian


The Master of the Humane Seal

Is this an alien or a mutant? A hero or a villain? You really aren't sure from her appearance, but you have the distinct feeling they shouldn't be crossed. Good thing they're here to help with the humane seal!

The Telekinetic's first clue is: The cursed one set out to ring the two bells.

The second clue can only be revealed to someone who has 2 (and only 2) white gem accolades.

The third clue can only be revealed to someone who has posted at least 10 concepts to the RP Finder between January 1 2016 and April 23 2016.
Solveig2468 wrote:
The Telekinetic's first clue is: The cursed one set out to ring the two bells.


Why the riddles gotta tempt me at bedtime Kim, why. Jeez aren't we like a few hours into Epic Week and already so many guardians found? You guys rock.

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