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HEY, since we all discussed music, thought I'd mention that Imagine Dragons just released a new album. Not sure if any of you listen to them but its worth mentioning. Time to update my character playlists haha
Iltheyn Topic Starter

I saw some stuff about that but have been far too scatterbrained to sit down and actually give it a look. I keep listening to blaue stunde in between my nostalgic music forays. Being that i have listened to them in the past i will look it up tho. I remember listening to demons during my last year at school.

Ahh Paranoid, I just noticed the new drawings you did, nice job! ^v^ How are you liking the tablet so far?

And usually for me once I find a song I really like I just put it on replay for a few days then move on to the next. >~>

Ah thank you :') I'm trying lmao. I really like it, I'm starting to get used to drawing bodies with it, though it's still a little awkward so I'm trying to work on it. My friend has been walking me through using Paint Tool SAI so my style is a little awkward right now while I try to adjust everything haha.

I did that a lot with Hollywood Undead, and when 30 Seconds To Mars released Love Lust Faith + Dreams, but right now I've been replaying this great song called Sweet Tangerine by The Hush Sound.

Oooo! I love their cover art! And with nice tune to boot! :D
I have been listening and swapping between this, this, and that for like a solid week now.

Btw to anyone here who is interested, I and a friend have just started an RP, which is open to join if any of ya want. It is set in a fantasy pre ww1 world so any of you who want medieval weapons and times they mostly won't be there, just a heads up. Here
Iltheyn Topic Starter

I am very interested in the rp but will probs have to do some reading on pre-ww1 history stuffs before I post. I also might not have a proper character profile but we'll see if I get inspired.

Atoli was like "lolwut? I'm out losers" but Tye's just like: :OOOO

Also que panic attack, featuring Tara

@Iltheyn If you have any questions about the rp plot wise or about the history/ potential character places just ask now.
anon (played anonymously)

I was tempted to go for the attack option but ... civil choice won this time round.
Not a good idea to go attacking Grum now that he's happy

@iltheyn, Ahaha! your comment got a good laugh outta me! xD

And I hope Paranoid is doing okay, haven't heard from her since yesterday. :S

Sorry, I haven't been feeling very well these past few days
anon (played anonymously)

Sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon
Iltheyn Topic Starter

I second this; its ok to take your time too, aight?

Edit: frustrated myself a bit over something earlier and I remembered this song existed. I first heard it when I was thirteen, close to fourteen; as long as I don't listen to it too much its very good at calming me down. Word of caution tho, whereas it helped me with my anxiety it made my also anxious mother a bit nauseated. idk why xD

No problem, Paranoid! I hope you feel better soon. Like iltheyn said, it's totally okay to take your time! :)

Interesting music, its amazing what effect it has on people... but maybe your mom got nauseated by the imagery. xD

Thats a really lovely song actually with some nice imagery, thanks for showing me that. No idea about the nausea, possibly the imagery like Beetlebelle suggested.

Hope ya feel better soon ParanoidParty.

Also Iltheyn for a quick bit of info on the pre ww1 the country of Luxia is effectively France just before the war. The main story will focus around a special squad assembled to achieve goals in foreign nations such as sabotage or information recovery.

Oh geeze... I think I jynxed myself when I said we had nice weather... I am melting now in this heat... and I go back to school tomorrow for another 8 weeks. ;A;
anon (played anonymously)

@Thekaleidoscope what is your character doing/going to do? what is his objective?

My character's main objective is to partly just do whatever they want and get away with it. The other is to survive and grow stronger and if that means feeding off others then so be it. They aren't inherently evil, they just lack any moral compass entirely and so have no distinction between a good and evil action.

Basically, they are currently testing how much the people in the camp will stand in their way or try to kill them with the knowledge of what they are. That and they want a bit of company outside of themselves for the moment, not that they have any connection with the people there, it's just the nearest people to them.

Effectively, in the end, my character is the essence of a Chaos factor as there is no clear line that they are always going to follow for their actions apart from what they want to do that second.
Iltheyn Topic Starter

200 posts. *Throws around confetti*

Things are getting kinda complicated x)
anon (played anonymously)

It's all my fault, so sorry to mess up your tidy RP... it was too alluring not to fall into this trap... blame Marcelo

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