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Iltheyn Topic Starter

That image is pretty old if I recall, I first saw it in a book about condottieri. Its a tiny book but a good read. Gives a decent idea of how medieval mercenaries worked, at least in Italy. Side note I based Salih's mask off of... this guy.


sounds like a potential cartoon to me. Just Tara n Katja heaving up massive pillars for the house themselves, growling all the way. Undyne's theme in the background. Not sure if you know that game well. x_x

Oh thats pretty sweet, whats the context of the mask? Any history behind it?

Lmaooo sounds like them. And definitely Undynes theme is worth it. I taught my whole percussion class Megalovania on Xylophone, but our director wouldnt let us preform it at the concert :(
Iltheyn Topic Starter

I don't know its exact story, all I know is that I found the image from a general search because I knew there were a few different cases of these masks in history that I wanted inspiration from. The source of that picture is pinterest, the author claims this:

"Persian war mask with helmet, 16th century, a presentation gift to the Russian court. Delegates from abroad would present their precious shields, helmets, ceremonial armor, and opulent silks and velvets in an elaborate parade before Russian dignitaries. Each item was carefully chosen to appeal to Russian taste. Moscow Kremlin Museums."

Just checked, and the website for the museum seems to back it up.

Its in the list, just gotta let the image display scroll right a bit. That's a pretty cool story :> Mostly I knew that they had masks like this because of artistic recreations of historical stuff I look at.

Also: :O Its been a while since I've encountered an undertale fan on anything other than youtube. I had a music teacher that said the same thing about a Globus song I really liked <<. He wanted me to do a Le Mis song instead. Its to be expected when you live in NJ.

Huh, thats really cool but its also weird, to think people wore things like this into battle.

I'm a definite dork for it, I started playing it after my little brother had me watching play throughs on youtube, and then I saw someone had downloaded it onto one of the computers at school haha. I never got to beat it though :T

Man, you and your girlfriend have some seriously great music taste
Iltheyn Topic Starter

Thanks. Our exact tastes are a bit different. My gf prefers stuff with more narrative, while I care a little less about the narrative most times and more about the atmosphere the instruments set. I don't think she's apathetic to it either, just doesn't prefer it over a good story. You said that at a funny time for me because I just discovered Gjallarhorn. << Put one of their songs in Tara's profile, and i can't stop listening to this one.

I could keep linking music but sooner or later, you should know, its gonna become electronic. xD

Funny you mention electronic, im a junkie for EDM despite my tendancies to blast rock and alt at almost all hours of the day. Right now im absolutely addicted to a song I put for Iskra called Innocence by Madeon and its so good.
Iltheyn Topic Starter

I got hooked on one of madeon's earlier songs a few years back. Seems like good music to exercise to. I briefly mistook this song when you mentioned it for another song by the same name, so I was pleasantly surprised when I clicked on that link. More chill than I expected.

Tara's is split between ";_; IM SORRY" and "i wonder if i should trip drake. i wonder if id survive"

BRUH. That one is also in her playlist XD and yes, it's definitely good to exercise to. Makes you feel like a badass haha

Oh god. If he'd even fall over. I'm working on getting his profile together (he wasn't supposed to be a permanent character, but I've become attached) and he's around 8 feet tall. He's a pretty big dude.

Edit: Great song you may like from a game I play, it's called "Libera Me" and it's a great blend of genres. The entire game has really good music like this, it's a big rhythm game with a really great storyline
Iltheyn Topic Starter

That's some DDR sounding stuff. Now I wish I had a vita. This is slowly turning into a music thread and i don't mind.

Also RIP Tara.

It's from a game called Deemo, its an app. It's from a songbook I bought when I was too bored and awake way too late at night haha.

Literally because of this I have a lot of new music on my spotify from stuff you've linked me or stuff I've discovered upon following those links lmao

RIP everyone lmao
Iltheyn Topic Starter

I'm glad I could expand your spotify list. I don't have one atm. ._. Just memory, youtube and an old iphone that doesn't really work anymore.

Tara's hoping but she's not really expecting Marcello to make it. She wants to have faith in him but he is having a lot of trouble up there.

Oops lmao well I guess those hopes were dashed, sorry Tara haha
Iltheyn Topic Starter


Edit: *bad cess intensifies*

Edit 2: After a bit of thinking I want to clarify something I don't think would really be evident IC. When I mentioned insomnia earlier I meant basically chronic debilitating stuff. It looks like she's doing decently well but tbh she's probably been awake a couple of days and is having trouble telling reality from hallucinations, and is very frustrated about that. She doesn't actually hate anyone she's met so far. She just feels really salty. xD And being tired is like being drunk.

Not that I think you'd care much, just explaining if it seemed like it came out of nowhere.

Ahhh, okay, thank you for that! It makes understanding the character a bit easier, if anything :)

Edit: There's a big music festival that goes on where I live, it's called Voodoo Fest. Not sure if you've heard of it, but the lineup is so good this year. Foo Fighters, The Killers, Dillon Francis, Illenium, so many good edm artists. And I'm just really overly excited
Iltheyn Topic Starter

I almost feel bad for Drake to have to order everything out. He obviously doesn't want to xD. And to him Tara's a sassy dachshund.

Also, I am jealous. I think I've heard of that before but I'm not sure from where. if it has a setup like that though, I wanna go! I wonder if they have anything similar up in NY... that's the nearest place to me where actually interesting things happen. Or maybe Philly? Gonna look that up.

Edit: New Orleans, huh? Not very close, then. Around in NJ there's a lot more 'old' music and occasionally Irish/italian music. I think its cause those are the biggest populations around here but it might just be because some italians and irishmen got lucky and started businesses. There's a lot of pubs around here!

When I say old music I don't mean classical. Think more like Elton John, Frankie Valley and the four seasons, Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi. Not really that old, but old by the standards of other places I've gone to. I hear in southern Cali there's a lot more electronic music . I've been to San Diego twice and I very dearly want to live there. NJ is my bane.

Oh god, Tara really pisses him off haha. He's not used to people being so gutsy around him, he's used to people being more scared and running. Having someone stand up to him, especially with his disguise dropped, really makes him angry.

I want to go to Cali so bad, I just want to go to anywhere. We don't have a whole lot of good music festivals down here besides for Voodoo (they're mostly country stuff, which I'm not a very big fan of), I've always wanted to go to Florida to attend Ultra or EDC. Anywhere other than down here haha
Iltheyn Topic Starter

Tara's been a jerk but its true that she's not gonna hesitate cause he's an orc. She actually only hesitated because she thought her outburst was a little harsh and off-point. She's also worried the elven magic won't actually work on Marcello and Drake did damage thats gonna hold them all up when she thinks he easily could've just taken him in one of those burly hands of his.

Then we're of the same mind. I don't know if you're in the same situation, but.. Been stuck with my family far after I think I should be. I get that its a lot more difficult to leave one's family, especially in this state where there really isn't an opportunity for folks who don't already have a decent amount of money, but personally I find there's a mental/emotional toll that comes with needing to live with people you have certain, old contentions with.

Never been to New Orleans, though. Nearest I've been to is Texas and Oklahoma. Both of those trips were for other folks so I didn't really get to sit around and enjoy the scenery. The Oklahoma trip was exciting though. We drove there at the same time a tornado popped up and I almost got to see it. It was one of the happiest moments in my recent life. :> Drew most of this during the trip.

I feel like the quality of my art has declined somewhat since that year. I hope I can get that energetic feeling back.

Yeah, Drake can be excessively violent when he wants to be.

I'm actually not too much of that case; I'll be moving out this august, starting college and I opted to live on campus. But I definitely need out of this house, for more than just the reasons of learning how to be on my own. I love my family but there's just so much that comes with living with them, and I'm hoping college and living solo is going to help me straighten myself out, maybe get a therapist and start working on myself more haha. You are certainly right about the mental tolls it can take on people however.

I've never gotten to see a tornado, and I've moved back and forth between the north and the south four times. But I've been here for a hurricane and those (the mild ones, not ones like Katrina) are very exciting. Especially being in the eye of the hurricane, it's something I can imagine you would enjoy if you witnessed it. It's dead silent, no wind, no rain, nothing. Very eerily peaceful

And coming from someone who is not really artistically gifted, I think while you art now is different, it's definitely not worse than then. I think you just had a style change, perhaps.
Iltheyn Topic Starter

The two of them are going to need to have a little chit-chat. Little reconciliation. Maybe Tara asks what his favorite food is... probably after the village is saved, if the rp passes that point. I am curious if Iskra actually is the bandit chief; she doesn't need to be but its good to know if the space is filled.

Ofc if someone else took the role not knowing you intended it to be Iskra that could also result in a funny situation where its actually two clans working together, and she has to be 'diplomatic'. But that hasn't really happened yet. I think its cause my OP was long haha

NJ gets hurricanes all the time. Sandy wasn't that long ago but I remember it very well. I was tempting fate before that hurricane to be sure; my family was all preparing, my mother was panicking and I just said 'its gonna be like all the other hurricanes, nothing will happen'. Meanwhile I'd stayed up all night during Irene a couple of years before so I was all hot air. But a secret we kept to ourselves after the storm was, we actually never ran out of power. Food was a little short, but we weren't starving, still had internet. Its important because literally all the neighborhoods surrounding us (most of the central state, really) were experiencing blackouts that took days, sometimes the better part of two weeks to fix.

We were such lucky sods. Predictably a lot of friends visited that week. :D

When I was a probs between eight and ten a hurricane went right through our area, and I believe I even did get to experience the eye of the storm just outside the house. It was a lot milder, I was convinced I could hang out with my older sibling and his friends out there but that didn't really stand.

A lot of stuff changed. I have the same amount of time to devote to my work, if not more but I've had a lot more trouble finding inspiration. Personally I think its because i'm just older now. Some things just change between being a teenager and an adult. We moved to a new house too last year and I can't say I enjoy it. The walls are thin and the closest strip mall is a few hours' walk away. Gotta get a license >:(

I noticed your picture of Iskra, though. You have a knack for art too. I'm only where I am because I sacrificed other important things to devote to art; things I probably shouldn't have. When I started on human anatomy I was worse than that, and that actually wasn't very long ago. Not exactly the place for a lecture, but I'd suggest looking up artists on youtube. There's a lot of folks willing to impart lessons if you've the time and interest to watch their videos.

Dead honest, Iskra probably wouldn't do something that horrible so I can't imagine her being in the lead. She's all for raids on villages but she can't just completely seize control of one and capture mass groups of people. She's more of a "give me your horses and we won't have problems." Though she's definitely the kind to butcher an entire villages guard, that's definitely her style.

As for Drake, he just needs to relax. He's going to be really passive agressive towards Tara for a little while lmao

I remember when Issac came through, my mom posted photos on facebook where she had gone out to the levee and stood in the knee deep water with my older sister and stepdad. The power went out over here, I was out of school for a week. But I was living with my dad at that point so I was really salty about not being able to be at the lake with them. They even took pictures as the storm started back up again before they went back home (they lived right next to the levee at that point in time), and it was literally raining sideways. I'm going to try and find some photos or videos, cause that looked so fun. Where I was at the time, It didn't even flood, it was just seriously windy lol

I never get good practice in for drawing, just because I'm really nervous about it and if I feel bad about my art I stop drawing for a while. I used to draw a lot but a friend of mine was watching me, and she's a really fantastic artist, so she asked if she could say something and, expecting some good advice or something I said yes. She then proceeded to laugh in my face and tell me it was the worst art she had ever seen :) So I took a very long break in the beginning of my senior year to rebuild my pride, and lately i've just been practicing anatomy, proportions and attempting to draw some damn hands cause good grief I hate them. But I have been watching youtube videos and actually looking at anatomy references to get a good idea of how the body works and moves, so I'm hoping I'll see some improvement eventually haha

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