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Forums » General Roleplay » Omniversal Chaos (OPEN)

Blake Numara (played by Trowa)

Blake jumped a bit at being caught off gaurd by this creature and his fire subconciously responded by flaring up before he got control of himself. He was less surprised by its appearance at this point and more shocked at its proximity.

Blake distanced himself from the creature a bit while it spoke. At least its voice didn't seem to have the same grating quality to it that he had had to endure in Vas's presence.

"Er, it's nice to meet you? Obscuro, was it? As you probably already know my name is Blake." He finished this statement with a bow, but was doing a horrible job at concealing his curiosity. While he wasn't overly shocked at the creatures appearance, he was certainly curious as to what exactly it was.

"Sorry for my reaction earlier, I just wasn't expecting anyone in such close proximity. I don't take particularly well to surprises and I certainly hope that didn't cause any harm." He finished that last bit with a slight chuckle and a bit of a sheepish look.

"So it would seem we're to be working together? Anything I should happen to know?" He deicided to keep the idle curiosity about what was mentioned about Obscuro's name to himself as well as what exactly he was in the first place. He'd rather not seem rude and decided it wasn't best to anger anyone around here.
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

"Then working with me may not be the most plesant experience for you. Me and my cohorts tend to try and surprise each other. It's fun, admittedly."

Chortling some, he began hovering about the room slowly, inspecting the integrity of this section of the building. He nodded a few times, continued on with this for a bit, and returned downward. He had been checking the equipment he had set up for surveillance within the building, making ssure it was all in order. They may be gods, but these guys still don't know everything, and this can help conserve some magic power.

"There's not much to know. Most of us except the phoenix that recently joined us are embodiments of particular aspects of existence. For example, I am the embodiment of lies. Vastator himself is anti-existence, void given thought and form. That phoenix I mentioned is herself a lesser embodiment, one of fire. You understand this theme we have now, no?"
Rashinnu (played by Katia)

(TTTT.TTTT I wish you guys would have poked me! I have been waiting for ages.)

Rashinnu had been sitting on a small perch that had been made for her and had been staying silent. Partly out of respect for her godly comrades and partly because she had no interest in speaking to the human. if she could avoid it. Oh she would keep her word not to harm him, but she hadn't given her word when it came to anything else.

So for now, she was chose to ignore him and instead watched the other members of the Tenebris Dominorum. Rashinnu was paying particular attention to Interitia Cruciatu with whom she felt a potential kinship. After all she was the embodiment of torture and was somewhat vampiric like. The wicked phoenix hoped that elder female would be willing to help her refine her own torture methods. Oh she suspect that she would have to pay a price for such esteemed tutelage, but their was little that the dark bird wouldn't pay.

But for now, she was going to wait until the loathsome human departed before introducing herself to the others.

(Rashinnu hasn't yet made introductions either since she was busy tending to her egg as well as her chamber. I also assumed that Vast told her something about the other members of the Tenebris Dominorum, hence her knowledge of Interitia Cruciatu.)
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

((There's a dedication plaque on the ground floor, at least. Lists all their names and what they are. OOPS, LOOKS LIKE BLAKE FORGOT TO LOOK AROUND ENOUGH /dies))

Speak of the devil, she's making some rounds now! Interitia was busy crawling on the ceilings towards her room, multiple dead bodies clutched in her mandibles (did I mention she's a giant spider /SHOT). soon she entered back into her darkened room to return to being a part-time recluse. /BADUM TSSHHHHHH (she is really active though, dun get me wrong) She is on the 150th floor, as per usual. Notable is that one would hear a lot of popping and cracking sounds as of now if they were at her door.
Blake Numara (played by Trowa)

"Yes, I believe I have the gist of it. You all are a rather interesting lot."

Blake chuckled a bit. "Also, it's not like I have anything against surprises, it just doesn't tend to end well for people." To emphasize this point he produced a couple of 2 foot blades of high intensity fire and few longer tendrils of fire from his back.

While he was doing this he was surprised to feel a bit of a, for lack of a better term "tug" on his abilities. After the brief display he extinguished the flames, settling back into his passive fire armored appearance and looked up to see the phoenix sitting in the rafters.

While he was curious he was starting to get a bit of an itch to pay back the people who had been hunting him in his realm. He was a little surprised by the sudden violent urge but just shrugged it off as wanting some long deserved payback.

"While this has been interesting, let's move on shall we?"
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

"Yes...well, you've met one of us now, at the very least. I choose to not hold long conversations in my leisure time, so I wouldn't mind if you left to meet the others."

He slithered through the air back to the doorway to his lodgings, and it snapped shut as soon as his form made it through the opening. The elevator had, oddly, remained closed and locked for this whole duration, but the doors opened without the slightest hesitation as soon as Obscuro had left. The what seemed to have been a large blast shook the entire tower, and Obscuro could he heard shouting before the audible report of a teleportation spell rang out.

Fifty floors below, it turns out that Cruentum had gotten a little too wild when practicing on one of his infinite supply of dummies. He had loosed a shadow flame blast at it and misjudged how strong it should be, and ended up blowing a large hole into the tower. It's a wonder the entire structure didn't collapse right then and there. After a fierce tongue-lashing from the second-in-command, Cruentum gathered together a large repair squadron of inanis demons which rode in large flying repair mechs (yeah, they have those) and, morose over this incident, set to work. Ironically, it seems Cruentum, the resident embodiment of war, is in charge of repairs and more minor variances of such activities.
Blake Numara (played by Trowa)

Blake swore as he dropped to a knee from the violent shaking that took hold of the tower. His flames had reflexively intensified as a protective measure and he had to calm himself to get them back under control once he realized he wasn't in any danger. He stood back up in a small circle of reddened stone and looked at the elevator.

He knew the explosion had to come from below since he was at the top of the tower and was definitely a bit worried about using that method of transportation given what just happened. He decided it may be a safer bet to take stairs, and since he was descending figured 50 stories wouldn't be very difficult.

Walking to the entrance to the stairs he stopped and looked up at the phoenix. "Any idea what the blazes that could have been?"
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

((Been a while since this place got a post. Wonder what happened, I thought it was Katia's turn to post as Rashinnu.))
Rashinnu (played by Katia)

[Huh? I was waiting for Blake to actually leave......oh....he had talked to Rashinnu, I never noticed that....ummm.....awkward.....I never noticed to the word "phoenix" honestly think this was the biggest rp fail I have ever made...]

Rashinnu was quietly seething as she waited for the human to get out of here. She had wrapped her talons very tightly around her perch and there was a slight cracking noise coming from it on occasion as a result. This sound and her eyes were the only things that were showing her irritation however as she was trying to remain dignified for the other members of the donminiorum.

It was then that the explosion shook the chamber and already weakened perch snapped clean off the wall. The phoenix had been briefly startled by this, but had recovered almost instantaneously in order to glide down to the floor with the broken perch still held in her talons. It was then that the human had chosen to to actually speak to her. Rashinnu was less then amused, but to keep Vastator happy, did actually reply. "One of the others."

She then flew off down the stairs to go see for herself what had happened.
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

((I'd rather not sound rude, but the fail streak seems to be continuing, as Obscuro left right after the explosion happened. He's not even on the same floor as them now!))
Rashinnu (played by Katia)

[You are not being rude as I AM having a fail streak. *headdesk repeatedly.* Anyway let us hope for the sake of my skull that that was my fail steak's last hurrah.]
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

((Also I'm going to assume you meant that she flew DOWN the stairs instead of up. The tower doesn't go any higher upwards!))

Cruentum and his repair squadron were hard at work already, quickly making progress on mending the giant portion of the tower that had been blown off. Interitia had crawled up and webbed the damaged areas together, as enough damage had been done that the tower could fall at any moment if left unattended. Obscuro floated a short distance away from it all to supervise the lower ranking gods, as to be sure that all was going well. Arrogantium also made his way up, which could be the most eye-catching thing for Rashinnu considering he's a massive eagle-monster with chimeran features about him. He was in charge of gathering the far-spread pieces of the tower, so they could be brought back, beaten back into shape and re-attached to the structure. None of them seemed to be terribly happy about it, however.
Rashinnu (played by Katia)

Rashinnu hovered in the air as she took in the sight and then just shook her head. Clearly someone had screwed up and in a significant way. Figuring that it would help the god's opinion of them, she decided to help with the repair.

First she carefully examined the undamaged parts of the tower in order to get an idea of how the pieces fit together. She she flew back to the pieces that had been brought back and needed to be beaten back into shape. She then started to breathe fire on one piece to make it more malleable, then got to work using her beak and talons to beat it back into a rough semblance of what it was supposed to be. She then left it for the repair squadron to finish as you could only go so far with talons and a beak. Rashinnu then moved to another one and continued the process.
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

After several hours of continuous repair, the deed was finally accomplished. The tower seemed to be as good as it was before the incident, an incident which Obscuro had not forgotten the cause for. He quickly made his way in front of the war-god Cruentum, slapped him in the face with his wings, and put him on guard duty. You'd think this is a job that Cruentum would relish, no? Wrong - this tower is almost never attacked, so this will be incredibly boring for him. The war-god sulked off, practically fuming. He never did like Obscuro anyways, and this merely deepened their dislike for each other. Interitia was cackling as she usually does when this happens (yeah, this has happened before), and Arrogantium huffed at the departing Cruentum as he flew back off to his room, no doubt to groom himself after all this. Soon after, Obscuro flew to Rashinnu, looking rather sullen over this whole ordeal.

"You'll have to excuse Cruentum, he's a god of war and battle after all. He's highly prone to loosing control while training, in fact he trains himself to gain better control. This has happened several times before, so be not surprised if you see this incident repeated over your tenure."
Rashinnu (played by Katia)

[Edit: Ok it ended up being a 4 day vacation and I didn't get back till late last night. Posting now.]

Rashinnu sighed with relief once the work finally ended and shook her head. She really hadn't enjoyed doing such menial labor and gave Creuntum a sour look for it as he left. Then the dark phoenix turned her attention to Obscuro.

"Perhaps he should train outside or at the very least in a new building not connected to the tower. I am pretty sure that none of us would like having the tower fall down on us as this had been a close call."

Of course she had an especially good reason for not wanting the tower to fall since if it did, it would crush her egg. Phoenix eggs were pretty durable, but not that durable.
Tenebris Dominorum (played by GrandFinale) Topic Starter

"We've tried to make him leave for other areas off-world to do what he does, but he insists on staying with his troops unless there's some large-scale battle going on out in other universes. As if now, there IS one, but Vastator himself is in charge of it. We will look into building a structure for him, however."

His grimaced for a split second, having just realized something he'd forgotten. Yeah, the egg.

"Worry not for your egg, this is still a rather rare occurrence. It should be fine, as long as you keep your wits about you."

With that, he flew off to the tower once again, still muttering curses under his breath over this ordeal.
Rashinnu (played by Katia)

[ugh skip me. I don't have much.]
Light crawls it's way through the window as the sun tries to wake up from the last day it had brought with it, and a small alarm echoed through the halls of the Patchwork Lab... Followed by a light groan. Stein moved his hand to the side and picks up his glasses, sliding them on so he could turn off the alarm and sit up. His eyes glance around the nearly-empty room and then back to his clock. It bore the usual Stein Stitches around it, and red numbers that read the time as 6:15 AM. He rubbed his head and stood up from the bed, cracking nearly every bone in his body as he stretches, before walking down the hall to the main room. His feet had that normal 'just woke up' drag to them, and he goes to the kitchen to get an apple. After taking a few moments to eat his apple, he noticed some kind of strange-looking shadow. His hand slowly went to reach for a nearby knife, but he stops and shakes his head. "Just seeing things again, I'm sure.." he mumbled under his breath, and stood back up. His feet drag some more, shuffling through the halls. After a quick shower he picked up the pace, putting on cleaner clothes and trying to get the blood stains out of his lab coat-- before giving up as usual. Things had been strangely silent to him since his weapon partner had found a new place to live, not to mention he had nearly dissected her and put some fear into her. She had definitely tried harder to find a new place, and avoids him whenever she can. He still felt quite guilty about that, but was currently going to be late at that rate. He drags his desk chair to the door and starts to walk.

It was about an hour before he reached the steps to the academy and started to make his way up the nearly-endless stairs, skipping at least three at a time. He's been doing this for years now, the same thing every time, usually some students lingering on the 40th step or so. He approaches the top and stops for a quick breath, but then resumes walking. He walks towards his classroom. It's the same thing every day, he thought idly, his one hand reaching up to turn the screw that was lodged in his head, his other hand still dragging his desk chair along. Why can't something interesting happen... Hm, maybe I should ask Spirit-senpai to find a Kishin to fight. he walks towards his classroom, sits outside the door, and lights a cigarette as he awaits his students.
The Riaqu (played anonymously)

Amongst the crowds that Stein likely saw on his way to the academy, strange figures obscured by shadows could be seen... silhouettes which seemed, in plain terms, wrong. This seemed to be tied into the fact that the atmosphere this day seemed extremely tense, giving the impression that something quite odd was going on. It didn't help matters that once students started arriving, most of the talk among them was filled with remarks about a recent rash of disappearances. It was being thrown around that it seemed that whoever went missing just ceased to exist entirely, as they would never reappear, ever. Any time remains of victims were found, however, they were impossible to identify due to the fact that they had been reduced to naught but disgusting piles of gore, with blood everywhere. Almost as if they had been ground up. Doubtlessly, many were having nightmares over this whole debacle. In fact, Stein may notice that his students number less than usual today, mainly weaker ones who are likely unimportant background characters being strangely absent. And given how there are at least a scant few of those silhouettes romaing around the academy as probably get the idea.
The Riaqu (played anonymously)

((Before anyone asks, no, none of those piles are in the academy (yet, anyways).))

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