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Forums » RP Discussion » Kingdom of Ash ooc discussion

I just love how detailed this rp have become.
Skipbab wrote:
I just love how detailed this rp have become.

It's amazing what can happen when a group of strangers comes together to collaborate on a single story. That's one of the reasons why I like freeform/paraform RPG's, because although the beginning stages of creation are almost always chaotic and disorderly - with new players coming and going, and a lot of confusion - when you are persistent and passionate about it, you find yourself using a whole lot of 'improv' and by weening out the players who lose interest or can't hack it, as a group you find yourselves able to invent and write some truly amazing RP's - like the one we're in now. It's only organized like this now because of everyone here working together as a team OOC to literally 'imagine' and 'invent' such a story. This was actually one of the smoothest transitions from freeform to paraform that I have ever experienced in an on-line setting. We've been pretty casual and laid back the whole time, which is how I like it. You people are awesome. :)
Indeed it is.

By the way I will start making more monsters when I get home from school.
Gamemaster wrote:
Here are the directions and locations of the "kingdoms/countries" on the macro-map I have written so far:

Far North - Tundra (frozen desert; uninhabited)
North - ?
Center - Kingdom of Ash (mountainous; center of the map)
Far West - ?
West - ?
Far East - ?
East - Kingdom of Ash (sparse woodlands; formerly Kingdom of Estvikt)
South - Wilderness (hills, valleys and forests; currently unruled)
Far South - Desert (hot and arid; lifeless and uninhabited)

Here are the directions and locations of the "places/lands" within the Kingdom of Ash (see above) on the mini-map I have written so far:

Far North - Montra (royal graveyard; Queen's Tomb, crypts, the Ashdown Mausoleum)
North - Mareshoe Mountains (goldmines, shafts and quarries)
Center - Castle Ashdown (largest citadel in all the kingdom; center of map)
East - Forest (dense hills)
Far East - Relbregh's Tower (largest palace in the kingdom), Castle Estvikt (second largest castle in the kingdom)
West - Travelers Inn (rest stop on King's Pass)
Far West - ?
South - Wilderness (scattered woodlands; valleys, creeks)
Far South - ?
Miscellaneous - River (runs vertically across the whole kingdom), Kings Pass (dirt wagon trail; runs horizontally across the whole kingdom)

Here are the places within Castle Ashdown (see above) on the mini-mini-map that I have written so far:

- The Keep
- The Main Gate
- The Stables
- The Hanging Garden
- The Courtyard
- The Watch Tower
- The Dungeon
- The Latrine
- The Kitchen
- The Dining Hall
- The Ball Room
- The Throne Room
- The Council Chamber
- The Study
- The Museum
- The Statue Garden
- The Chapel
- The Barracks
- The Draw Bridge
- The Archery Range
- The Pond Garden
- The Well
- The Bastions
- The Royal Palace
- The Guest Chambers
- The Wine Cellar
- The Main Hall
- The King's Chamber
- The Queen's Chamber
- The Balcony
- The Bell Tower
- The Moat
- The East Gate
- The West Gate
- The Winding Stairwell
- The Waiting Room
- The Lounge
- The Secret Passages
- The Grainery
- The Water Tower
- The Dog Cages
- The Stockade
- The Torture Chamber
- The Attic
- The Outer Wall
- The Inner Wall
- The Dressing Room
- The Bath House
- The Sewer

And this helps exponentially.
Congratulations by the way! Our IC story is on its 12th page already. In such a short amount of time, that's incredible. :)
Well Damn.
Previously, on the Kingdom of Ash (Fantasy RP):

King Magnus Ashdown is bed ridden and ill. His steward, Casper Blackhood seems to be tending to things in his absence and getting the Council to plan out their search for the missing princess. With help from General Vendrick's scouts and Lord Vygoren Calygarn's knights, the hunting party is on their way to the Quarry in hopes of intercepting her before she gets to the River.

Prince Calvin Kridei and the royal castle guard Johanna Mieadov are going about normal activities at Castle Ashdown, unaware that Princess Carmen Ashdown is missing. Johanna takes up training with a practice sword.

King Magnus' oldest son and heir Prince Relbregh Ashdown is dead, assassinated by Lord Thraen Valour who escaped and disappeared. News of the prince's death was intercepted before it could arrive at Castle Ashdown so nobody is aware of it yet.

Aiden Aelius the trapper is going about his business outside the borders of the Kingdom of Ash, setting animal traps along the River, going south into the Wilderness where he finds Sebria's gravesite. Aidan and Ezekiel then meet at the Travelers Inn and go inside. Aidan helps the orphanage with food donations.

Princess Carmen, accompanied by her escort Faize the Mage and Grevious Saint, a lycan, are discussing rebellion in the country side. Princess Carmen had agreed to traveling north with them to Montra, the royal graveyard mausoleum. A stranger named Matt Fireblade just kind of appeared and offered his services to Princess Carmen.

Lucifer Errat is hung over on illegal Pruvian beverage with a dwarf servant named Baltimore laying in a pig pen on a farm somewhere near the edge of the kingdom, possibly not far from Aidan's location. Carjack and his company got into a skirmish with some rebels and he needed a doctor for his leg injury.
RayneLillac Topic Starter

That sounds about right
That snapping turtle things mouth isn't just strong enough to break demure, but also boulders and copper.

Since this beast is the size of a goddamn mastiff, it needs to be in deeper waters than a shallow river. They usually hides in murky lakes.

Their color patterns are that of a lake bed.
Hey, Rayne, is it fine that later on, one of my characters may reference a bit on Allira and what happened in the starter of the other RP? Cx
Also the snapping turtle is as strong as a gorilla and can stand on its hind legs.

What should we call this being?
Look up some ancient greek creatures one should match it
Do the greeks have a giant humanoid snapping turtle?
CURTAR! I will name its species a Curtar
With the country to the north, I were thinking a slavic russian/mongol lookalike that could be Pruvia maybe.
RayneLillac Topic Starter

I'm fine with Allira being referenced. I'm also good with all the details being added I only really came up with basic plot line and back storey so all the additions just make it better
Maybe Edge Shoal or Rowan or one of my other guys could help out our little rebellion?
More water based creatures: Megapisce. Long eel like fish that's the size of anacondas, and have teeth like a shark. The can hide anywhere there's water 30 centimeters deep. They sometimes constrict their prey before chomping down on it.

How to kill the damn fish: A good ol' sword with do the job, but be quick, for a Megapisce is that.
RayneLillac Topic Starter

What no rusty butter knives?
It have to penetrate bone scales, but maybe if you stick your whoe arm with the butte knife inside its dangerous maw, then push it up through its palate, then maybe it could work.

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