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Forums » Smalltalk » How'd you get into RP?


I kinda just wanted to see how you got into RP, cause a got in because I was watching some guy read The Tale Of Edgardo on 4chan
Before online RP there was tabletop, LARP and just simply writing on my own. I started getting really into GURPS and loving making characters because of the system and variety. There was a point that I would just make characters all the time but I couldn't play them because there were too many (That and I was primarily a GM and not a player.) Some of the people I was living with at the time kept suggesting I join a specific RP community because of what I was doing in my free-time and, eventually, I did. From the first taste I was hooked and now, years later, here we are. I am still as much of a character addict and I love every second of it :)
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Kruhee wrote:
Before online RP there was tabletop, LARP and just simply writing on my own. I started getting really into GURPS and loving making characters because of the system and variety. There was a point that I would just make characters all the time but I couldn't play them because there were too many (That and I was primarily a GM and not a player.) Some of the people I was living with at the time kept suggesting I join a specific RP community because of what I was doing in my free-time and, eventually, I did. From the first taste I was hooked and now, years later, here we are. I am still as much of a character addict and I love every second of it :)

That my good man/woman/whatever you want is very interesting
AOL dial-up, pretending to be a grownup on the internet. And apparently succeeding.
I got into RP when someone messaged me on my DeviantArt account. I've been hooked ever since.

Started on adult websites but got tired of it. One evening on a Google search I found this wonderful website. Been hooked ever since.
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As a youngin' on the Neopet's RP board!
Ashtor3th wrote:
AOL dial-up, pretending to be a grownup on the internet. And apparently succeeding.

Ah the things I learned pretending to be a grownup in the AOL chatrooms.... XD

This is kind of embarrassing, but I got into roleplaying because of Minecraft. XD I'd get on it every day after school, meet up with my friends, and rp with them. It was honestly really fun.
AGirlWithManyNames wrote:
This is kind of embarrassing, but I got into roleplaying because of Minecraft. XD I'd get on it every day after school, meet up with my friends, and rp with them. It was honestly really fun.

I actually found a pretty decent RP server on Minecraft. I wound up building a ton of stuff for them, because I'm extremely obsessive about making things. So, I constructed an elaborate catacombs under one of the cities. No one ever RP'd there, in the place I made, at least, not while I was on the server. Few people were even aware it existed, and it was quite vast, so I fear it may have just been a big waste of time. There was also the issue of creating a massive world with little chance for random interaction, as I was simply too shy to ask anyone to join me, so it seemed like I was just passive-aggressively complaining about random things in the public chat.
Claine Moderator

Sometimes I think about the weird path of circumstances that lead me to RP

1) I see another student playing Neopets on a school PC (not even a friend, just some kid a grade or two below me)
2) Join Neopets and join a guild.
3) Spend a lot of time in the guild chat. A lot of the guild members do this 'RP' thing on another forum.
4) Join that forum, even though I don't know what RP is.

And somehow I am still doing it today. Thanks kid I barely knew!
Very very first taste of rp would...probably be Baldur's Gate and its successor Icewind Dale which let you build your whole party from scratch, backstories included. After that, in high school one of my friends ran a mash up pen and paper campaign of Robotech and Rifts. It was both awful and super fun. After high school, Gurps and Dnd 3.5 with a group I met through my cousin. Then I joined an rp server on WoW and that's when I really hit my stride. Still do pen and paper when I can (we do Pathfinder these days), but that's rare since I had a child. These days it's pretty much all online stuff. Honestly, this site has been a real boon to all my creative juices/urges. I can't appreciate it enough.
I always really liked creating characters and fantasy settings. I think, really, it started when I was about in fifth or sixth grade (so about... when I was ten or eleven). I made some friends in middle school who all liked that I could draw, and were into anime like I was at the time. I would show them some of my characters that I made and tell them about their backstories, which prompted them to do the same over time. Over the school year, we would talk about our characters on occasion, and plan them out (though never strictly RP'd anything; we always discussed actions characters would have with one another).

After that, I got more into RP when I got into the Naruto fandom. There was this really massive forum called NarutoFan. I got involved in this Playground topic that had people post to it however they wanted that added onto the story... but being a fansite of mostly pre-teens and teenagers, a lot of this was done in script format.

I was approached by someone who I would later become really good friends and penpals with who made her own, separate forum with Invision or phpBB (I don't recall which). She saw me partaking in that Playground topic and was looking for people who would be interested in solely Naruto RP that was more concise and followed an actual storyline of one kind or another. I accepted, because it sounded fun.

My days RPing on there started with canon characters and portraying them. However, as time went on, I was just, "this dosen't feel right to me. I have a lot of ideas for characters. Can I use my own?" -- it was never an option we explicitly explored. However, my friend said that it was absolutely okay for me to go ahead and do that. Our Naruto RPing lasted a year, maybe, before she made a new site for RP that was an original setting that was modern fantasy that was also super fun for me. However, that didn't last too long.

After that, I made friends locally from attending the first Ikkicon in Austin, Texas. They were all into RP -- not just play by post forum RP, but table top as well! With them, I joined a Kingdom Hearts RP site where I got to be a part of the community for three or four years before we all moved on.

I just stuck with art for a long while (and am still sticking with it). I found RPR through someone who commissioned me in 2010, and I thought it was a really cool place to get characters organised. But... it seems I actually forgot about my account till about 2015 and made my current account (oops!). But I've found some really great people and friends through RPR, and have had some really great RPs -- even if I or they couldn't commit to the RP fully.

I know it wasn't a 'what's your RP story', but-- here I am. RIP.
Technically I started RPing with someone who used to be my best friend. We were writing a book series together, but that fell apart after the first book (I was 15/16, and my writing was really bad compared to now, so). At some point after that we started just RPing on facebook messenger with a group of characters from that book, and a few others from something else she had written, as well as some characters from a book fandom she liked.

After we best friend broke up, I stuck to writing really long fan fiction chapter fics. (70k+ chapter fics). But found I really missed writing with someone, so I looked up roleplay writing sites (those exact words) and found roleplaygateway, but didn't like the site, it's layout was really confusing, and I didn't like the way character stuff was set up, I never managed to figure it out.

Two months went by, I searched roleplay writing website again, and on June 23rd 2016, I joined RPR, and I have been exclusive to RPR ever since. :D

My character profiles were pretty casual, and not much content. For the first 5-6 months I created a lot of characters that were not really characters that meant anything to me. They were pretty Mary Sue characters, created for whatever willy nilly plot, and had interchangeable backgrounds. (Which is fine, but I found it just wasn't making me excited or keeping my attention.) I just didn't care about my characters. I got bored of them.

I took a long break from RPR from December of 2016 until June of 2017 because of personal drama. Ever since I came back I pretty much erased all my characters, and created new ones completely from scratch, and the one or two I did keep I revamped entirely. My characters went from pretty bare bones and not anything I cared too much about, to being characters that have tons of depth, and that I love to death. My character profile making and writing ability has gotten so much better. As well as my ability in picking who I RP with.

I am not much more picky, and being picky has kept most of my rps from being ones where the other person falls off the face of the earth, which is nice. My rps have lasted longer than they ever did before, I've only lost 1-2 rps, since I came back, all my other rps that started in August 2017 or so I am still doing. :)

Sorry for the rambling and more information that you care about lol.

Before it turned into a dumpster fire, Gaia. Did mostly Final Fantasy RPs.
Believe it or not, I actually got into RPing via passing around notebooks with friends.

It was about 6 months later that I was browsing and stumbled on some rp forums there and found rping online. been hooked ever since. My first rp is still there lol

I used to do a bunch of LARPing with my friends. Then I moved onto tabletop. I got into online RP through 3DSPlaza, then a friend recommended me to here. I didn't actually start really using this site until about a year after the fact.

Roleplaying videogames, with Baldur's Gate nudging me towards learning the system it used. Then were more games, studying more systems and settings, learninf how to make actually worthy characters (with personalities and coherent backstories) and finally actually getting chance to take part in my first tabletop rpg session in 2005.
TopKek23 Topic Starter

AGirlWithManyNames wrote:
This is kind of embarrassing, but I got into roleplaying because of Minecraft. XD I'd get on it every day after school, meet up with my friends, and rp with them. It was honestly really fun.

Eh don't be embarrassed I used to do Roblox RP XD

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