Hey, so I'm working with the BBcoding for my character page and I've added the images with no issues. What I can't seem to do is resize the image, so it always stays the original size which is far too large. I've been writing the code as such "[img width=x height=x][/img]" but that has done nothing. Am I imputing the data wrong, or do I have to resize the image outside of the code and then insert the new url? Any help is appreciated.
CassandravH wrote:
Hey, so I'm working with the BBcoding for my character page and I've added the images with no issues. What I can't seem to do is resize the image, so it always stays the original size which is far too large. I've been writing the code as such "[img width=x height=x][/img]" but that has done nothing. Am I imputing the data wrong, or do I have to resize the image outside of the code and then insert the new url? Any help is appreciated.
This has come up a lot in the past, and resizing in paint or whatever program you have and inserting a new URL is the best solution. Mind you, I cannot speak for coding, because I am not coder, but the solution I've stated is usually the offered best bet.
Demilicious wrote:
CassandravH wrote:
Hey, so I'm working with the BBcoding for my character page and I've added the images with no issues. What I can't seem to do is resize the image, so it always stays the original size which is far too large. I've been writing the code as such "[img width=x height=x][/img]" but that has done nothing. Am I imputing the data wrong, or do I have to resize the image outside of the code and then insert the new url? Any help is appreciated.
This has come up a lot in the past, and resizing in paint or whatever program you have and inserting a new URL is the best solution. Mind you, I cannot speak for coding, because I am not coder, but the solution I've stated is usually the offered best bet.
Thanks, I appreciate the help.
Any time.

I think the resizing codes are not enabled here. So editing and linking the edited picture is the only way, but also if for some reason you can't save pictures on your computer/phone, there is also the possibility to do it online, inserting the original url, edit on maybe lunapic or somewhere similar and then share for example on your Tumblr or something similar. There also are some features for transparent backgrounds or any shape you might want to have the picture in with an otherwise transparent background.
CassandravH wrote:
Hey, so I'm working with the BBcoding for my character page and I've added the images with no issues. What I can't seem to do is resize the image, so it always stays the original size which is far too large. I've been writing the code as such "[img width=x height=x][/img]" but that has done nothing. Am I imputing the data wrong, or do I have to resize the image outside of the code and then insert the new url? Any help is appreciated.
Yo instead of writing "[img width=x height=x][/img]" use for resizing "[img]100x50[/img] just change the numbers ofc to how you want it. I learned bbcoding this year and that is how the teacher taught us to do it
Wait the whole code isnt showing

That is correct, the resizing codes are not currently enabled here. It's on my list but very low priority at the moment.
Kim wrote:
That is correct, the resizing codes are not currently enabled here. It's on my list but very low priority at the moment.
Thanks, appreciate it
I haven't checked anytime recently to see if resizing via BBCode works, but images will at least be resized to fit within their container. So, as an example, if you use the image BBCode to display an image on a character profile, that image will never be larger than will fit in the column you placed it in, and the adjustment will maintain the correct proportions. This way, there's a degree to which you can use the columns themselves to control image sizes.
It's still best to properly resize the actual image in an image editor, though.
Things like the column constraints or using BBCode to resize will only change how big the image is displayed. The size of the file (and the time it takes to load for display!) will stay the same. If you need an image editor, programs like Krita and GIMP can be legally obtained for free.
It's still best to properly resize the actual image in an image editor, though.

Heyo. Has there been any updates on this, resizing using code?

Bananasaurus wrote:
Heyo. Has there been any updates on this, resizing using code? 

Hmmm, two years... now is the same question....
Has there been any updates on this, resizing using code?
I *think* Kim answered this question here.?
It has to do with the coding not making images mobile/small screen friendly. it is likely still a low priority.
Personally, I resize images using Paint or another program before I upload them. It doesn't take that long to do.
It has to do with the coding not making images mobile/small screen friendly. it is likely still a low priority.
Personally, I resize images using Paint or another program before I upload them. It doesn't take that long to do.
Correct, my answer in the other one is currently the official answer: No, hard coding image sizes is really messy when you have no idea what size screen is going to be seeing the image. Columns go a long long way to handling image sizing in a responsive way.
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