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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Puzzle4 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Ilmarinen Moderator

Good thinking! Alas, I just gave it a shot and it didn't work.
Did anyone think of those robo-scorpion things for Epic Week?
Ilmarinen Moderator

What do you mean? :)
Other than Mechanicles from the Aladdin series?
Ilmarinen Moderator

We are quite certain this one has to do with the noise the robots make at the end of the video where the heroes enter the portal. It sounds like Morse code! Earlier in the thread, an audio file of the relevant portion was posted. Unfortunately, I have some audio processing issues that make it hard for me to distinguish the sounds. I may also be interpreting background noise as Morse beeps. A few posts back, I went through an analysis of the audio!
I don't know if it's for one of the current ones, or one still to come, some I'm just gonna spam this at the puzzles real quick. I don't have QR code reading ability.

3rd video QR code

I don't know if it has any significance but in the newest released video there was a moment whent he blonde character threw out her hand to the male character when he was reaching for the crystal. In that moment she held up what clearly looked like four fingers and kept her thumb in like she was holding up the number 4. I wonder what that was about? Or if it might be related to this?
I'm trying to figure out what the code says and I think I'm close but a few letter off. Ill spend more time on it, but I cant really try anything until we defeat the monsters.
Maybe super scorpion? Or super scarab? I'd try but the baddies are out again.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Super scarab or super slug is a great thought!
Dragonfire Moderator

Tried out those guesses! Did not work, unfortunately.
The adventure begins with more than we bargained for
The droids you're looking for
The cry of the welcome wagon
Jenamore wrote:
Puzzle 4: The robots speak in a well known code
Hadeslicious wrote:
"Audio Required"
KansasVenomoth wrote:
"Remember, symbols marked as "Puzzle" mean the final answer is going to relate to something hidden in the event itself, such as the comics and videos. Let the clues lead your investigation through Epic Week, don't get stuck trying to work with only the clues themselves on the page!"
Cass wrote:
[the robots] sound like 'transformers' to me

I can't stop thinking of Star Wars ^^; R2d2 screams an awful lot and its vocalizations are a language called "Droidspeak". But we've already got some sensible morse code....
Heimdall wrote:
Right now I'm getting "SUPRCRIWS." Could be way, WAY off. Now, I'm not sure if we'll get something that's in English, or if it'll be gibberish--so all of these are worth trying when the way is clear.

Ok! The first part is ... ..- .--. (SUP), gotta be. I'm like 95% sure. After that, there's a couple garblies, but I'm hearing .-. (R), then -.-. (C) or -. -. (NN), and all those I'm really pretty unsure. Then there's another .-. (R) that I'm 95% sure of.

"Super crews" was already tried out. I spent some time squinting at the superhero trainer's page.

Edit: the adventure in the video began with the droids "welcoming" the questing duo... I think it really does boil down to interpreting that darn audio/noise 😬
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

What if that robot greeting is actually a sound pattern from a movie with a similar scene. It sounds *very* familiar.
Dragonfire Moderator

*strokes chin* "Puzzle 4: The Hero has spoken the same words out loud, decoded"
I just got that same clue, too. I'm guessing the Hero is probably the man in the videos. But which of his words is the clue referring to?
Dragonfire Moderator

We might be able to match based on the patterning of the pitch of his words? I'll have to have another listen or sixteen.

Dragonfire wrote:
*strokes chin* "Puzzle 4: The Hero has spoken the same words out loud, decoded"

Second video: at 59 seconds in the robot makes its noise (the female adventurer even yells "The adventure begins!")

Fourth video: 1 minute 30 seconds the next batch of bots comes out booping
2 minutes in the hero who gets "super eyes" says "I think those super crystals just wore off" followed by more beep-booping
Heimdall wrote:
super cars
super crews
super eyes
super spies

We should try "super crystals" 🤔
Super crystals WORKED!

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Puzzle4 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ilmarinen, Ben, Darth_Angelus