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Forums » Smalltalk » What white lie did your parents tell you as a kid?

My dad used to tell me that unless I slept perfectly straight (literally a T-pose LMAO) I would grow up with a crooked back and limbs. What about you guys?
It wasn’t my parents, it was my grandmother. She told me that a birdy was going to come and poop on my lip every time I pouted. (Bird specific content, just for you my b xD)

I was told many times that if I didn't jump off at the end of an escalator a witch would sucke up.

And then my shoelace got stuck in one when I didn't jump when I was 7. I'm now 14, and I still jump off at the end. XD
Auberon Moderator

My mom told me that I was allergic to cigarettes.
They told me to wait one hour before swimming if I had eaten anything recently. @.@
My mom and stepdad used to tell me that if I lied a dragonfly would sew my mouth shut
I thought of another grandma one OMG XD

To get me to stop sucking my thumb she told me that if I kept doing it that it would get bigger and bigger and bigger at the top until it was finally so big that it popped like a balloon.
Not a parent but Uncle told me I could plant a potato and a potato tree would grow.
Mina Moderator

My mom, without google to comfort her concerns decided to keep me from playing with the oh so mysterious crab apples...that she'd tell me they were full of spider eggs and if i jostled them, they'd hatch. xD

Also, thanks to charlotte's web making me empathize with pigs, pork products actually came from elephants.

Oh, and Olives were from the ocean. Because again, my mother didn't have google.
Mina Moderator

oops went to edit and replied my own post.
Well, Santa Claus, of course. I think that's the only one!
Santa Claus, the Easter bunny.


Haha, just kidding. But my mom (the only parent I grew up with) didn't have that many lies that she told us. But my brother remembers one that I don't, but it's too funny to not put here.

She told him that the factories that puff out smoke from the top were cloud factories. Yep. Cloud factories.
That I could be whatever I wanted to be when I grow up

MestStrauss wrote:
That I could be whatever I wanted to be when I grow up


"your doggie went to go live on a nice big farm!"

"your doggie accidentally got out the front door."

"your fish is just sleeping."

1) he went to the shelter.
2) he was let loose on purpose.

<cries in traumatized young Red>
Pandas71 wrote:
MestStrauss wrote:
That I could be whatever I wanted to be when I grow up


sorry about that

The best way for bullies to leave you alone is to ignore them.


okay so when i was about..8 or 7? ish? i had this beta fish and when we were cleaning its bowl it ended up going down the sink drain and i was, as u can probably expect, Upset, and my mom was like "..well i'm going to walmart and i'll get a tool we need to get your fish out of the drain." they actually just bought a new identical beta fish.

anyways for years i just thought i had this immortal beta fish that my mom saved from the drain. i found out the truth when i was 15. i just brought it up in the car like "do u remember that beta fish i had that refused to die" or something and my mom was like "oh no did i not tell you"
I think this is a thing every parent does but who knows...

Told that if I ate fruit seeds I'd grow a fruit tree from my belly button (I can specifically remember oranges and watermelons for this one lol)

Not necessarily pointed at me, pointed more at my dad, but when World of Warcraft was still new-ish, dad would play, and I'd sit and play on his lap. Mom always said he was going to go to hell for playing it.
And then he managed to get her to play around WotLK, so it didn't much matter now did it xD

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