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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

Oliver James (played by BoyBand)

“I feel like I could be your version of Ned.” He chuckled.
Dyllan Parker (played by Mxrvel_)

"Ned who?" Dyllan asks.
Oliver James (played by BoyBand)

“You know, your guy in the chair who helps you, that could be me.”
Dyllan Parker (played by Mxrvel_)

"I don't have a guy in a chair." Dyllan says, confused.
Dyllan Parker (played by Mxrvel_)

"I think you're referring to a version of me who is actually my dad, Peter Parker. Kind of weird but eh, can't do much about it."
Oliver James (played by BoyBand)

“Yeah but he had a friend, I could be the friend who helps you.”
"AHEM," Mixie loudly clears her throat, trying to draw as much attention to herself as possible. "Sorry for interruptin' your little conversation here, guys... but aren't we forgettin' somethin'? We're in the middle of a game, y'know! Save the idle chit-chat for later, hmmmm? It's my turn to play, now."

Mixie isn't quite sure which of the two boys to choose from, so she decides to evaluate both Oliver and Dyllan. Though, her answers didn't share much differences.

"Anyway, so I'm gonna pass on both of ya," Mixie points one index finger at Dyllan. "You bootlickin' heroes are a real thorn in my side," Another index finger directs itself at Oliver. "And you? Heh. The only reason I'd keep you around is if I needed somethin' to snack on while I'm on the road. You're rations, at best."

With a horrible, Cheshire-Cat-styled grin, Mixie turns around and begins to walk away. "Don't take it personally! I'm just bein' honest with ya. Go back to, eh, whatever it is you were talkin' about. Preferably somewhere else."

"And if you notice any people goin' missin' in your area, just... ignore it. It's probably nothin'."
Dyllan Parker (played by Mxrvel_)

Dyllan simply laughed at Mixie. "Trying too hard to sound like a New Yorker."
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

*Yaaz looks the spider child up and down*

"Hard pass."
Dyllan Parker (played by Mxrvel_)

Dyllan did not have to look at Yaazecsus. "Pass."
Fern (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

"Um... Pass." Fern said quietly. "And please, give others a chance to participate instead of evaluating everyone who walks past you..."
Exusiai (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I’ll have to pass on you. Hanging around me could go bad if you’re not versed up in combat.”
Jason Alitt (played by ALTY_Heave)

“Oh, hell yeah! I’m pretty damn good in a fight!” Jason just grinned brightly. “Maybe we won’t see each other quite often, but I’d say we could be good friends otherwise!”


I’d friend!
Fern (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

"Is that... a real person? Um, I think this game is only for characters... But still, we could... probably be friends?"
Oliver James (played by BoyBand)

She probably forgot to select one. But Kellyfish you rock so definitely friend.
Sentinel (played by KingDragon)

"Ah, a fellow gentlemen, I see? Friend, naturally. Say, I have some gold label matcha back at my place; Swing by if you can, I feel like you may have a great many stories to share." Sentinel smiled wide as he squatted down and roughly patted Oliver's shoulder before he stood, tucking his cane under his arm as he quietly popped his knuckles.
Duchess Smith (played by BoyBand)

“Im torn between friend or date.” Duchess said with a small, Mona Lisa type smile, looking up at the figures.
Red Velvet (played by HeavyMetalThunder)

“Mmm.” She grins. “I love me the…book-y, straight girls. Definitely date.”
Gwen (played by PepperFox)

She crossed her arms, and looked at Red velvet. "I'll pass."

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