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Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Your native language. Mine is Draconic, so Karang is a perfectly normal name if you think about it in that sense. Your argument is invalid." He let the twig hit him in the face. Under normal circumstances he would've caught it, but he was exhausted and just wanted to go into hibernation or something and replenish his blood supply.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"We'll while you're human and speaking English its pretty strange. Couch is over there, fridge is over there, don't eat any ice cream." She pointed him towards the various locations and went to grab something to eat.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"You shouldn't have told me you had ice cream because now I'm just about guaranteed to eat it all. I have a sweet tooth the size of Russia," he told her as he carefully lowered himself onto the couch. "When does your dad come home?"
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"I guess I'll just have to hide it then. And my dad should be home in about.." She glanced at the clock "two hours unless there's an issue" she pulled a box of crackers and a jar out peanut butter out of the cupboard.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"I'll sniff it out," he promised as he partially morphed back into an Amphiptere. It was just enough to get his wings back; he folded his good one tightly against his side and carefully, carefully spread the other one out to get the bones back in place. He winced slightly upon hearing the bones popping and snapping inside his wing, but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Oh that's a lovely noise" she muttered as he began snapping his bones back into place. "We'll if you have to have some ice cream, don't take any of the chocolate peanut butter." Just then the phone rang. She sighed and jumped down from the counter to answer it "hello? Oh, hey dad. Yes I'm sure he's not a murderer. Oh, when will you be back? Really? Three days? What kind of problem takes three days? Yes, I'll be fine. I love you too. Bye" sometimes she hated her dads job.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He grinned slightly at the conversation, revealing his long, sharp teeth as he did so. Yeah, he was pretty sure he wasn't a murderer too.
"What's up?" he asked as she hang up, finally smoothing his wing out and letting it lay there flat against the floor to begin the healing process.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Well apparently there's some huge issue at work and he'll be spending three days away so I have to go buy groceries and stuff." She plops down on the recliner beside the couch "I hate buying food"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Oh. Well, hopefully I'll be out of your hair in three days' time," he commented, smoothing the rumpled feathers out on his wing.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

(Okay, something needs to happen soon, but I'm kinda out of ideas)

"Well your wing looks a lot better already." She sighs "this has been the weirdest day of my life"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(Eh, I kinda have some ideas)

Karang shrugged. "Eh. Still a long ways to go, but it's getting there."
He glanced down at the door, his innate instincts pricking away inside him. They made him uncomfortable...
Something wasn't exactly right. He didn't know what, but he knew that he couldn't stay in one place for too long of a time. The Dragonslayers were coming; whether they were here already or were on the way, he didn't know, but they were still after him. He wasn't dead yet.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna yawned, crunching through her last cracker "well I'm gonna go get some sleep. You should too." She yawned and padded over to her door "goodnight"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Thanks. Goodnight."
Karang closed his eyes, but he didn't exactly go to sleep. He sort of sank into a kind of trance so he could still get some rest but be aware of his surroundings- just in case. He was in the same position as she had left him in the morning when she woke up.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna groaned and rolled off her bed. That was the weirdest dream she'd ever had. She stretched, cracking her back and winced at the noise. Yawning she walked over to where karang lay on the couch. He seemed to still be asleep, so she went and got a glass of milk.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He opened a luminous eye when he heard her enter the room, following her path as she walked to the kitchen.
"Good morning," he called, stretching his good wing out and looking down at the other.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna jumped slightly, she hadn't heard him get up "Good morning." She pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Will you stop waving your wings around? You're gonna break something."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Oh- sorry." He folded his good wing against his side again after giving it a nice stretch, running a hand down the other one to feel the broken bones. "I think I'm going to try to heal it today... We're fast healers but not that fast."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"I noticed." she yawned "Oh its way too early to be awake." She poured a bowl of cereal for herself then plopped onto the couch.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Then why are you up?" he asked inquisitively, not seeing the point of getting up early if you don't want to.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Because I'm hungry." She yawned again and turned on the news.

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