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Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Sprinting for his life now, Karang turned a corner and caught himself in a rather stereotypical dead-end- he should've seen it coming. Now what?
This was going to be fun.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna poked her head out of the window, wondering where they had run. Suddenly a cop car blared through the alleyway beneath her and she jumped back, shocked.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" one of the cops shouted as he jumped out of the car, gun raised. Karang was out of ideas, and he didn't want to hurt the cops. They weren't out to kill him; they were just doing their jobs. It was the Dragonslayers he was really worried about.
But he didn't have a plan at the moment.
So, with a sigh, he slowly raised his hands above his head, closing his eyes as he considered the situation.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She watched the car speed by, then clambered out of the window and tried to follow the course it had taken through the busy streets. Eventually she reached a dead end alleyway with two empty cop cars blocking it off. Oh, karang, she thought. You're great at getting in trouble.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Karang subjected to a patdown from an officer (no weapons, surprise surprise) and was roughly shoved against a wall and promptly handcuffed.
"Let me guess: I'm under arrest, I have the right to remain silent, anything said will be used against me in court, ect. ect."
"You're not going to court," a familiar dragonslaying voice whispered in his ear, pressing something cold and metal against his spine.
"You can't kill me here, Marco," he whispered back with a raised eyebrow. "Cops'll catch on quick."
"I know. That's why we're not taking you to the station- we're taking you somewhere no one will ever find you."
"You're a wonderful man, you know that? Model citizen, that's what."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna watched as some cops handcuffed karang and one of the not-actually-FBI guys held him against the wall.

(What should she do? Gah, I'm not good at thinking on the spot, not even the kinda spot)
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(If she tries to intervene it could potentially end badly, however it would be interesting to see how it goes. You can decide if her dad's down there or not; if she does nothing then they're gonna drag Karang out to the middle of nowhere and attempt to kill/torture him, although he's gonna be fighting the entire time)
(Idk. You decide ;3)

Karang caught her eye as he was jerked around and shot her a quick <Don't even think about it.>
"We'll take it from here," the Dragonslayer told the cops, a hand around Karang's neck. "Thanks for your help."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Telepathy is annoying, but then again the dragonslayers car trunk is looking particularly empty and unlocked. No, she decides that would be uncomfortable. Instead she decides to pretend to be a pedestrian.

Strolling by she sees something that stops her in her tracks. Her dad. She had fears the worst when he had rold her they were chasing a murderer, but now that she knew he was involved it was a totally different situation. She took a deep breath and walked up to him. "Oh, hey dad. Is that the murderer you were talking about" he looked shocked "Luna! Why are you here?" She smiles at him "I was just taking a walk. But is that him?" Her dad nodded "yeah." Luna put on a worried face "are you hurt? Who did he kill?" He frowned "I'm not quite sure. Ill try to find out." The question passed through the police untill it reached one stand ONG by one of the 'FBI' guys. His question was not a whisper. It was clearly a threat posed as a question.

"Who did he kill anyways?"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Several of our agents," the Dragonslayer replied, his eyes narrowed slightly at the threat in his tone.
"Now, that one guy had it coming," Karang started to object but was roughly shoved into the back of the car. He was trying to hide his smile- they weren't going to get that far with what he had done to the gas tank down below.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna had to hold back laughter when the dragonslayers car roared to life, then went sbout twenty feet forwards then stopped "did you forget something?" She called

(Apologies for the terrible spelling, I'm on my phone right now.)
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(It's ok)

"Oh, I forgot to mention- there's a sizable hole in your gas tank. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was a dragon claw that did it," Karang said innocently before meeting a fist with his mouth. The Dragonslayer got out of the car, wiping his bloody knuckles on his dragonhide jacket as he leaned against the car to think about how they were going to get him out kill him now.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna laughed, she had to it was funny. She immediately clamped a hand over her mouth, but the dragonslayer had heard her. His huge head turned toward her "something funny?" He growled Luna shook her head immediately "nope."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"We're going to have to borrow a car, if you don't mind. We'll return it by the end of the day," the smaller Dragonslayer promised, having gotten out as well. "Just enough to get him to our headquarters, drop him off, and come back."
Karang wiped his mouth on his shoulder, sucking at his split lip ruefully. At least it hadn't been the nose- the nose would've been worse.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna glanced sideways at karang. He was sucking on his lip. She sighed. She wished she knew how to help him. She knew it was stupid, but she felt personally responsible for his injuries and safety.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

As he was dragged into another, non-tampered with car, he shot her another message: <Go. I can handle myself. At least most of the time.>
Then he was in the back of a squad car being driven off to God-knows-where, preparing himself for all the crap that was about to fly when they stopped.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She sighs. "Be careful" she whispers to nobody but herself. "Don't get hurt too bad" she sits down at a table ousted a nearby Starbucks and thought. And worried too. She did quite a lot of that, god knows why.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

One failed attempt to escape (they had hard wired the cuffs to electrocute him when he tried to use magic), two bites, a crushed toe, a broken nose, a reopened split lip, a kick in the butt, and a great assortment of other physical pain and suffering on both sides later, Karang was out on the side of the highway, panting hard from his last attempt to save his hide as the Dragonslayers made sure their Spitfires were charged.
Time for Plan... What was it now? H? He had lost track.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna had no clue where they had taken karang. She knew he was suffering and she wanted that to stop. She didn't need to even see him again, she just wanted him to be safe. She wanted to be able to save someone. It comes from knowing that someone stopped you from hurting as much, even though it hurt them. Or in her case, killed. She wanted to be able to help someone the way her mother helped her.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

One of the Dragonslayers had gone for Karang's neck, although he pulled his hand away quickly after the dragon snarled ferally and bit his hand down to the bone with those sharp fangs of his.
"OW- SON OF A BI-" he started, swinging the gun around and clobbering him in the head with it. Karang went with the force of the blow, swinging a leg around and taking the Slayer's legs out from underneath him. Before the others could kill him, he had his fangs at the guy's throat and was threatening to rip his jugular out if they didn't back off.
Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She was drumming on the table with some straws she had found when she felt a little spark. Like a connection. She frowned, then she could see karang. How could she do that? She saw him fight back. She saw him refuse to die. And she was glad. The connection faded out, but she was happy. She had helped him, maybe just a little bit but she had helped.

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