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Forums » General Roleplay » 1x1 with Lotus

Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He felt an odd sort of twinge somewhere inside him, like someone was watching him somewhere out of sight. Everything else was a blur; he had bit the guy in the neck, they had tried to shoot him and had shot the handcuffs instead, he had teleported while the handcuffs were momentarily disabled...
Then he was falling through the air for the second time in two days, only this time his hands were cuffed behind his back and he was in his human form. He was probably going to die if he hit the ground from this high up, and he was not going to die, not yet. He was only 230, after all.
And so he spread his wings with some difficulty, laughing as they caught the air and brought him to a gentle coast rather than a downright free fall.
It felt good.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She felt a wave of happiness and safety wash over her and she smiled. Suddenly she noticed a glint of gold and rainbow in the sky. She immediately jumped to her feet and peered up at it, smiling. Karang had gotten away.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He coasted on a wave of warm air like an eagle, finally nearing the ground and folding his wings in again as he hoped he hadn't attracted that much attention with his rather loud and stunning appearance. He quickly started working at the handcuffs to finish getting them off, keeping his senses alert for any other threats. He had already almost died a couple of times today, and he had met his quota for the day.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She ran over to where she had seen the shape descend, finding karang near the edge of an empty lot, handcuffed and bloody, but alive. She had helped.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He glanced up, his fangs bared as he heard something running at him, although he quickly stopped when he saw it was just her.
"Hey," was his greeting as he wrestled with the handcuffs, shifting his wings around to keep them out of the way.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Hey" she looked at his handcuffs "I think I can get those open." She pulled apart the clasps and twisted a nail into it. "There you go."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Thanks." He tossed them into some bushes, rubbing his wrists to get some life back into them. "That was exciting now wasn't it?"
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Not my definition of fun, but yeah, I guess." She paused and thought for a moment "I'd call it something more along the lines of weird and interesting and slightly terrifying."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"I never said it was fun, but I do like that description." He flexed his shoulders, spreading his wings to their max wingspan to losses the muscles in them up.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Your face said you enjoyed it." She smiled "is this how your life always is? Getting captured and running and fighting?"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Mostly just running and fighting. It's not often I actually get captured; if it was a regular thing I'd be dead by now."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"So this is like, a special occasion?" She smirked "normally you don't need anyone to save you?"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"No. Normally I can save myself," he admitted sheepishly, flashing her a grin.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She laughed "well, it seems like you should pay more attention next time. You won't always find a stranger who's willing to help you."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"I know. It's good that I landed here, then, of all places to land in the world. Looks like my teleportation skills or lack thereof finally paid off."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She raked a hand through her hair "do you have a home? Or a place to stay at least?" She frowned "oh, but you can't right? The dragonslayers would find it." She sighed "everyone should be able to have a place to call home."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"My homeland is Belize," he told her after a moment of thought. "But an honest to God lair? I have none. Well, I used to have one, but I don't use it anymore really for obvious reasons."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Believe huh?" She stared into the clouds "I bet it's pretty there. My mom went there once, when I was really little."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Oh, Belize is beautiful. I need to go back and visit one day before I die or something. I love that place... It's hot, but I'm fine since I'm a reptile. The plant life is gorgeous and the animals are interesting to converse with as well... And the temples... God, I love Belize."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"I want to go there someday." A sad smile crossed her face "I was going to go with my mom next year."

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