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Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

With another crack he had materialized at the window, although he winced slightly as his wing reprimanded him for doing something like that so soon.
"I hopped into another plane. Again, magic. Easy way to turn invisible if I don't have time for the actual invisibility spell. Now, teleporting is a whole other matter; my skills at that are hit and miss at best."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She jumped again "so that's why you ended up above the forest." She stifled a giggle "because you suck at teleporting." She laughed out loud this time.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Yep. I suck at teleporting. Any more facts to point out, Captain Obvious?" He glanced back at her with an eyebrow raised, finally backing away from the window as he realized it probably wasn't that good of an idea to be standing there with his wings out.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Nope" she grinned, finishing her cereal. "I think I've got all the really obvious ones."

(eep. What do we do now?)
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(Maybe this?)

Karang froze as he heard the door to the store open, listening hard to the many heavy footsteps coming inside.
"Excuse me," one of the voices, rough and hard, asked the owner, "but have you seen this man around recently? He's a wanted murderer by the FBI, and we haven't broadcasted anything about him because we don't want to cause a panic."
Panic? Heh. That was exactly was Karang was doing right now.
"Is there another way out of this place?" he asked, backing away from the door as his feathers fluffed out slightly. He knew exactly what man they were talking about: him. The Dragonslayers had come, and they were using their age old tricks to find him faster, those dirty rotten cheaters.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Um, there's a window." She paled a bit and turned lo look down "And you might want to lose the wings." She peered outside. "Part of the old fire escape is still there. It's not a very long drop." She slid the window open
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He nodded, the wings melding back into his shoulders and he flexed them quickly before climbing out the window. "They'll come up here. Answer the door. It'll be too suspicious if you don't. They'll ask you the same thing, answer them however you think you must. Don't anger them; I don't think they'd kill you but they aren't exactly the best people in the world. They don't get out to socialize much which I think is done on purpose... Do you get what I'm saying? These are some pretty bad people. Every now and then you get a decent Dragonslayer but they don't normally stay that way. They're weeded out quickly. Just don't piss them off and they'll leave you alone. Comprende?" He started to lower himself out the window, raising his eyebrows at her to make sure she got it.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She nodded and closed the window after him. Someone banged on the door "just a moment." she called, walking over to the door and opening it. Behind the door was a huge man with an FBI badge holding a picture of karang "have you seen this man?" he asked. Luna took the paper and peered at it intently. "I don't believe I have, sir." the man frowned "he's a wanted murderer so even if you think you might've passed him in the street or anything we need to know." she glanced over the page again "sorry, I dont recognize him." the man glared at her "the shop owner said she saw someone who looked like him enter this apartment yesterday." Luna shook her head "that was just my friend, he went home after the shop closed yesterday, she wouldnt have seen him leave."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Karang had slipped along the alleyway, his senses perked to avoid the Dragonslayers. Checking his corners, he made his way down to the car they normally came in. Carefully, cautiously, he slid underneath and started jacking with the car parts- dirty, yes, but anything to buy him some more time.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"But why would she think your friend was this man?" he growled "I don't know." Luna said somewhat indignantly "He's a lot shorter." The man's eyes lit up "But you don't know how tall this man is." He exclaimed. She laughed "Yes I do, it says so right here." She pointed at the sheet "It seems like you are extremely exited to catch this man. How many people has he killed?" the man's glare became even more terrifying. "Thank you for your time miss. May I speak too your father?" Luna's gaze had wandered, but now it snapped back to the man. "My father isn't here. He's working overtime at the prison." She blinked at him innocently "Do I need to call him or something?" she held up a phone "I can, if you want."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He finally slid out, wiping his hands on his jeans and looking around. Nobody had seen... Perfect. Now to make some awesome kind of getaway.
But Luna was in trouble, he felt... The auras of the Dragonslayers were always pretty malignant, but normally only towards dragons. He had a really bad feeling about this, and his feelings were normally right.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

The huge man glowered at her "I need to see your father. Not talk to him while he runs away, see him." Luna stared at him. "He isn't here I swear. He hasn't come home from work yet." He snorted, "Yeah, right. Get out of the way, little girl." He shoved her over into the wall and beckoned the two men behind him into the apartment "Find the father." He growled. Luna could only pray that karang had gotten far enough away to go unnoticed. She shivered.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Karang finally cursed his own stupidity and loyalty and was off like a flash back to the apartment. Luna had saved his life, plain and simple. He owed her this much, at least.
Up the fire escape he went, finally poking his head in the window and grinning cheekily.
"Oh boys, looking for someone? I'm flattered- where do you want me to sign my autograph?"
He was such a shmooze it was ridiculous.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna's eyes grew huge as karang stuck his head in the window. What was she supposed to do now? Se was flattened against a wall with three huge not really FBI agents and the man/dragon/snakey thing they were looking for outside her window. Was it just her or had her life never quite been this complicated before?
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Oh no," he sighed as he looked at his imaginary wristwatch, "looks like I have another plane to catch. I'll see you guys later, won't I? Same time next week?" With that he dropped out of the window again and took off the way he had come. These guys weren't stupid, they had to be extremely smart to draw attention and get into the program, but boy, sometimes it was just too easy to jack with them.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Well, what was the point of that she wondered. Pop in and say hi and then run off. But she could probably still talk her way out of this all. "Uh, what just happened?" she made certain that her voice was trembling. "That was the murderer guy right?"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Oh yeah," one of the others replied as he and the other scrambled out the window. "I suggest you stay put. Too dangerous of a monster."
"Oh, you're coming along? Splendid, the more the merrier!" Karang called over his shoulder with a fierce grin. "You've gotta catch up now, though."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna stood, frozen as the men jumped out of the window. She looked out to see karang sprinting along with the huge man running full speed after him. Suddenly the phone rang.

"Hello? Oh hi dad. Really? How much longer? You don't know? How about an estimate? What are you even doing?Oh."

His final words rang in her head. "We're chasing a murderer honey."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

All was going well for Karang- at least until he almost got hit by a cop car. Crap.
He lunged away and tore down another alley, a new kind of urgency in him. Dragonslayers and cops? How fantastic. The cops had no part in this, they were innocent, unlike the other bozos chasing him...
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Luna hung up and sat down on the couch, shaking slightly. She should help. But how? All she knew how to do was stay out of people's attention. It was easy too. Nobody liked looking at a one-eyed girl.

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