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Forums » General Roleplay » 1x1 with Lotus

Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"I should take you. Least I can do since you've saved my life- what, two times now?"
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"I wasn't counting, I just tried not to let you die." Her smile brightened "would you really take me?"
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"So long as you don't mind teleporting," he told her, tilting his head slightly at her.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Well what's teleporting like?" She couldn't do much more than smile so widely it hurt her scarred cheek. She was overjoyed.
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"I think it's cool, but then again that's me. It feels like... I don't know. It's not really something that can be explained, it just... Happens, really."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Okay, that doesn't sound too bad. Lets do it." She shook her head "you know, yesterday morning if you had told be I'd be teleporting to Belize and saving a dragons life I would've thought you were insane, but now it's just like my mind is too confused to even really think about it and its just like. Oh, whatever, it's fine."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Bet you didn't even believe in magic until yesterday," he said, extending a hand. "Take it and hold on tight."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She gripped his hand "No, I didn't. I'm glad I met you."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"And I'm glad I met you. Hold on." He spread his wings, said an incantation, and then-
The feeling was only for a split second and it was indescribable, really. Just for a split second it was like they were in a different plane and then they were falling from the sky.
He seriously needed to work on teleporting to land on the ground and not in the air.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

Suddenly they weren't there anymore. It felt like they were nowhere. Then suddenly they were over Brazil, in a free fall towards the very hard and far-away looking ground. She screamed. I mean, what else was she going to do?
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Still holding tight to Luna, he spread those powerful and multicolored wings of his, catching the air and smoothing their free fall into a casual coast. There were many hot air waves to ride on, and he hardly needed to flap his wings to keep them floating in the sky. He took them in a wide circle like a vulture or a hawk, a slight smile crossing his lips as he caught sight of his homeland.
"Still as beautiful as I remember it."
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She grinned "Oh, wow. It's gorgeous." The wind whipped through her hair and she laughed "This is amazing."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Helicopter tours are overrated. This is the way to do it." He folded his wings and dove down a little closer to the ground, sweeping them out again when they were about to hit the treetops. He flew right above them, barely grazing the tips of the leaves. That was something he always liked to do, at least before the Dragonslayers started stalking him.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

"Definitely." she agreed, her feet trailing over the treetops "Way overrated."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Eventually he found a clearing in the treetops and swooped in through the gap, folding his wings completely as he landed on the ground of Belize and took a deep breath.
It was good to be home.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

They landed and Luna stood up, twirling in a circle. She laughed out loud "Oh my god, I'm in Belize."
Karang Kandirarak (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Believe it." He folded his wings tightly against his back and tried to place where exactly in Belize they were in comparison to his lair.
Luna Ward (played by Lotus47)

She couldn't really say anything else. It was like the shock of the past day and a half was finally catching up to her.

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