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Forums » Forum Games » Whose your character in love with?

Kimon Lotus (played anonymously)

"Well both my advisor and my wife, we have a weird lil relationship going on but I love the attention they give to me.."
Ethan Rameriz (played anonymously)

"I really have a thing for Ellie Wysocki but I'm not sure where it is heading."
Agent English (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"It may be obvious, but a spy such as myself can only be in love with fellow agents, be them from the MI7, MI6 where sir Bond is working, Interpol, any jobs like those.

I tried with some regular citizens, the problem is that my job is honestly dangerous, but i refuse to quit it.
Being a couch-potato, being perpetually bored in a life with no action? Not for me.

Perhaps my fri- colleagues will accept it.

I loved Lorna, but due to an unfortunate mistake, we.. Broke up.

It happen."
Sasha (played anonymously)

“I was in love with Thomas Shaw. Alas, he is dead.”
Adrian Hawthorne (played anonymously)

"The United States Marine Corps..."
"The concept of love is something I have little comprehension of, but I would say that Silvera definitely fits the bill."
Lord Blackadder (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I refuse to love again, if my future one will run away like the other did, then, what’s the point?

No, it’s a huge, colossal waste of time..

Perhaps it sounds selfish, but i’d rather love myself, it’s way less disappointing to me.

I achieved so much, i can’t stop that now."
Oniyan the Saiyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Claude Mayday is my girlfriend and she's beautiful."
Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters)

"Don't tell her, but..."
Jooters leans in close and barely whispers.
"I have a crush on a girl named Michelle..."

(they are married)
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"You wish it was a person, but no, i’m in love with the adventures i got, and it’s not over!

It’s all i need.

Besides, i never understood the whole 'falling in love' stuff, it’s like an unknown language to me..

I love adventures, music, food, my job, my friends, my adorable and brave goat, what else do i need, huh?

Nothing more, exactly, keep that in mind!"
"My wife. Astoria, but she's no longer with us. Yet another thing I hold in common with Drael and Mytt" He smiled sadly. His smile fell aa he had some type of premonition and his eyes widened, and the light coming from his eyes intensified "she's......" He went slack-jawed in surprise
Asterix (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I have been in love, but.. It’s complicated..

I was pressured to marry, and thanks to Toutatis and Belenos, it failed.

As a warrior myself, i must stay entirely focused on my village, without me and some others, it will be left in a terrible state.."
Sir Stringer (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Why, yes, i am in love, but it isn’t someone you know, as it’s a person who is working in my hotel..

A little ray of sunshine in those troubled times."
Archibald Haddock (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Never was in love with anyone, i only loved my job, till that.. Man took everything from me, and that boy saved my life.

If he wasn’t there, who knows where i’ll be, huh?

Friendships are gettin’ rare, it’s as precious as any treasures."
Rufus (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"I may be an hopeless romantic myself, but falling in love, it’s like a foreign language to me.

People know what is it, but barely anyone treat it properly.

Focusing on my job seems less dangerous and more honest, in comparaison."
Enrico Pollini (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Love? What love?

Ah, love of food! Yes, yes i love it, and-

It’s a person?

It’s a marriage? Am i invited too?
Will you serve the cocktails thingies? I love those!"

He will never understand what falling in love means.
"I've had many loves in my past lives, and this life. Nilani Kahn, who Torias was briefly married to, will always stick with me, partly because I met her again recently when she was in a new host, Lenara. Of course, reassociation is considered forbidden in Trill society, and she wasn't willing to put her career at the Science Ministry on the line to explore the feelings we had for each other." Dax sighs. "I wouldn't mind someone like that. Male or female, I don't mind."
"Me? Oh. My girlfriend Claude. She's Vietnamese, and her dad is 7'9" and weighs a lot"
"Huh? Wha- Oh, yeah, some dork from another dimension. They don't talk much, but they really like crabs and video games. Also they're short, like a nerd."

Cee is attempting to be sarcastic and claim that dating someone isn't that much of a big deal, however they can't do anything to prevent the glowing blush that has since flooded their cheeks.
Yuki (played by CrypticStardust)

Cedar 'Cee' Akimoto wrote:
"Huh? Wha- Oh, yeah, some dork from another dimension. They don't talk much, but they really like crabs and video games. Also they're short, like a nerd."

Cee is attempting to be sarcastic and claim that dating someone isn't that much of a big deal, however they can't do anything to prevent the glowing blush that has since flooded their cheeks.
<Cedar, that's gay.>

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