"Well...I've met many beautiful women since I began my new "job". A CEO of a mega company, modern day ninja, a noblewoman and a police officer. But settling down is difficult..."
"Tough one..I'd probably have to say Pyra-sama, a coworker of mine and fellow Oni, of course the forces of wind and flame are quite close!" She'd similes warmly
"I would say my boyfriend, Tori. He is the sweetest!"
"Someone who's long gone..."
Love is such a fickle thing. I don't truly know if I have ever actually felt the emotion of love. Lust is a very close companion of mine, but love...
Once upon a time, when I was human, I was a hopeless romantic. Now? I cannot really say. Oh, I am suave and polite and say all the right things at exactly the right time but love still baffles me. If I had to put my finger on the closest thing to love I have experienced in centuries it would be Elizabeth.
Once upon a time, when I was human, I was a hopeless romantic. Now? I cannot really say. Oh, I am suave and polite and say all the right things at exactly the right time but love still baffles me. If I had to put my finger on the closest thing to love I have experienced in centuries it would be Elizabeth.
I've lived about as long as an average person in this day and age. I have known love from my parents and brother. I've known what's it like to be in love with someone and what it's like to when they are ripped away by death. I've lost everyone that I've ever loved and forgot how to live. Until a certain someone came crashing into my life, I had closed off from the world and instead delved deep into an obsessive search for others like myself. But then this cheeky, fiend of a vampire shook up my closed world, and found a way to totally disarm the mask I've worn for so long it became my resting face. I've known love before. And as guarded as I am, Gandrell sparked something inside I thought was lost forever. He is my constant as I learn to live and continue to move forward.
I will remain his constant in turn. Because I've found a growing fondness for the fiend. Who knows what will happen now?
I will remain his constant in turn. Because I've found a growing fondness for the fiend. Who knows what will happen now?
"You keep asking as if my answer will ever change. My deceased wife Hotaku. When she died, so did my ability to love romantically"
Delilah just looks up and smiles "My wife was taken to early, I can only destroy the things she wanted to keep out of our timeline...so im doing it for her" she smiles, the tattoo over her eye almost seemed to glisten... must have been a trick of the light
"Ah, my beloved. We've been apart for so long now, but I remember all of our encounters like yesterday. He gave me value, knowledge, and a home. Some may call him a bad man, but they don't understand what it is he's trying to do. He does what most won't, subservient to no one.
.. I wonder what he's up to now and if he'd be proud of who I've become."
.. I wonder what he's up to now and if he'd be proud of who I've become."
"Well I have a preference towards men but theres this one girl who's been catching my eye and I only pray she doesnt see this cause its painfully obvious-"
“There is a slight, maybe small, chance that I might be head over heels for a certain wolf. But say it out loud and I might smack you.”
(She’s so not ready to admit her feelings.)
(She’s so not ready to admit her feelings.)
The prince stepped out onto his balcony and looked out over his kingdom and smiled. Each one of his people was one he would fight and die even though he hasn't met each one. Regardless, they were in his kingdom and he loved each and every one.
"I share the same sentiment as my brother above me. I would personally butcher an entire army by myself to ensure the safety of just one of my people in our kingdom"
"My beautiful boyfriend of course! Just seeing him smile makes me happy."
"See previous answer. My dead wife is the only one I have and she will he the only one I will ever love. I still remember her voice and I can still remember the scent of her perfume." He closed his eyes and lifted his head to the sky "Hotaku.....my queen, my love, and my friend"
A look passed between Molly and Ailith, before she pulled her girlfriend into a... well, couldn't really be anything but a bear hug!
"Do you even need to ask? This spitfire here, she is my all", Molly chucked. "I always thought she was one of the most harass of us, but as life would have it, we were always after somebody else and didn't get the chance to date each other 'til we were suddenly both free and-" Her eyes warmed, "- and she saw me mopin' after a rejection and just walked up to me, gave me a giant smooch and asked if I'd date her? It started for fun... but it grew into love."
A look passed between Molly and Ailith, before she pulled her girlfriend into a... well, couldn't really be anything but a bear hug!
"Do you even need to ask? This spitfire here, she is my all", Molly chucked. "I always thought she was one of the most harass of us, but as life would have it, we were always after somebody else and didn't get the chance to date each other 'til we were suddenly both free and-" Her eyes warmed, "- and she saw me mopin' after a rejection and just walked up to me, gave me a giant smooch and asked if I'd date her? It started for fun... but it grew into love."
"I think I'm falling in love with Danny..."
"You keep asking as if it will ever change. Hotaku. Her name is Hotaku. She's dead, and has been for years." He snarled
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