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Forums » Smalltalk » STRAY KITTEN


My boyfriend has seen this kitten lingering around our apartment building for the past couple of days. Last night I finally met her while bringing in some groceries, & immediately noticed she is extremely affectionate, horrifically malnourished but very well tempered. Now we've taken in a lot of stray DOGS before... we clean them up, fill their bellies then put them on Craigslist for free adoption. However, WE HAVE NEVER OWNED CATS. My parents were allergic & he just isn't a fan of the smell/hair.

I constructed a temporary litter box out of a spare pie tin & some sand that we usually use as reptile substrate {we have a modest collection of things with scales}. I keep a lot of ground turkey in stock for our Colombian Tegu's diet, so I've been feeding her that {cooked}.

I've accidentally named her, which I try not to do with the strays, but it just sorta "happened".
I call her Hobo.
I think I'm falling in love :'[
She's awesome.

You should check for a microchip, it may be chipped. If not, then why not keep her? Hobo seems like an awesomely cute cat :3
Aww shes adorable! them markings are amazing.
I WANT. So cute. <3.

If I didn't know better, I'd SWEAR that that was my old kitty, Zombie. Only problems are Zombie is no longer a kitten and also a boy cat. CUTE BABY FLUFF THING
Libertine Topic Starter


Hobo the kitten now has her own collar + food/water dish + litter box + first toy. She didn't mess anywhere in the house until I brought the litter home, which is awesome. She gets along smashingly with the dog as well.
No chips or ads/posters/people looking for her. She's got a great mentality, & if things stay this great over the course of the next week, she may stay for good :} Taking her in for vaccinations tomorrow, so even if she doesn't stay she'll be squared away & ready for me to put up adoption ads.

By the way, Ell, I love the python pic!
Awwww so precious!! She looks so happy! :D

Thanks! She's mah baby girl, I love 'er. <3

Seriously, though, that is one cute kitten
Awww cute! =3
Libertine wrote:

My boyfriend has seen this kitten lingering around our apartment building for the past couple of days. Last night I finally met her while bringing in some groceries, & immediately noticed she is extremely affectionate, horrifically malnourished but very well tempered. Now we've taken in a lot of stray DOGS before... we clean them up, fill their bellies then put them on Craigslist for free adoption. However, WE HAVE NEVER OWNED CATS. My parents were allergic & he just isn't a fan of the smell/hair.

I constructed a temporary litter box out of a spare pie tin & some sand that we usually use as reptile substrate {we have a modest collection of things with scales}. I keep a lot of ground turkey in stock for our Colombian Tegu's diet, so I've been feeding her that {cooked}.

I've accidentally named her, which I try not to do with the strays, but it just sorta "happened".
I call her Hobo.
I think I'm falling in love :'[
She's awesome.

ACK. Kittens and kids = my only weakness. She's adorable. I'd keep her.

You should really keep Hobo, shes adorable :3
I simply cannot resist the cuteness of cats, especially small ones! Hobo is so adorable! You ought to keep her!
Oh goodness she is precious. Hobo's such a darling name too!
Libertine Topic Starter

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

I took Hobo to the vet first thing this morning. They said that she's about five months old, judging by her dental structure. They had to de-worm her, but other than that she's doing alright, & I had them administer all her vaccinations. Got her a couple new toys & rubbed catnip all over them, so she spent a good part of the day playing & has been napping for about an hour now. She's got a wonderful temperament & I'm happy to say it's really looking like she's here for good! My fiance has taken a liking to her, & so has his dog:

I've caught both of them playing with her a couple times today, she definitely loves the attention.
It's so wonderful to hear that one furry, little soul found a home and souls that would find love and care for her. Makes me very happy. Wishing you, your homestead & Hobo lot of happiness and long, long time together.
Libertine Topic Starter

Thank you so much Sadrain~
I can honestly say we're lucky we took her in, too. She's only been here a couple of days, but she's been absolutely wonderful, & I'm happy to say she's brought us all a great deal of joy. She's quite the character :}

She handled her vaccinations well & has already put some weight back on!
That's funny, Libertine, Friday morning I found this little baby kitten at my bus stop and wanted to take it home but my bus had just came so I left by these bushes, hoping it would still be there when I got home. Later my sister found it at her bus stop(we share one, she is in middle school and I am in high) and her friends and her gave it some water. Then, when she was coming off the bus, it was walking around, her said it looked like it was looking for something. She brought it down to our house, my stepmother(the cold hearted woman she is) said no so our mutual friend and neighbor Gabby asked her mother and they said they would take care of the kitten so I hope to see it tomorrow, because I just got home from being at my aunts all weekend. I'll take a photo of it and post on here if you like. They named the kitten Pancake. :3
Libertine Topic Starter

Aw, that's a sweet name! I'd love to see a picture :}
Sanne Moderator


I love me some kittens! She's freaking adorable and I love the name you gave her. XD Glad to hear she's staying, I ended up with 3 kitties in a similar fashion, hah.

Is she an indoor cat or outdoors? If she's indoor it's a good idea to get her used to clipping her nails. The consistent handling will make her a breeze to deal with when she's older. I conditioned all 3 of mine to be docile and tolerant while I clip their nails, check their teeth, brush their teeth and examine the rest of their bodies. My first kitty turns into a complete ragdoll when I'm handling her, it's amazing. :D
Libertine Topic Starter

Haha, thank you! As mentioned, cats are a TOTALLY new thing for me. I'm used to dogs & reptiles so this is definitely a strange concept! I can't imagine having three XD

She's an indoor cat- I'd like to let her roam outside, but we live in an apartment, not our own home yet. I'm wary about letting her roam around this area, especially being so little!

I took her to the vet the day after taking her in, so all of her shots are updated, & they gave me a handy-dandy notebook with facts about cats. I REALLY appreciate the extra advice though... cats are so bizarre, haha. I'm happy to say she's settling in very well though!

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