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Forums » General Roleplay » Official Event: Spring Masquerade

He grimaces at his own faux pas. “Oh man, I had a feeling. Lemme think… in-betweener.. Xsheet..? nah, reel? Frame by frame? Frame… oh.” He smacks a fist in his hand. “How about Keyframe? It’s ah… an animation thing, it’s kind of dumb, but it could work for now?”

There’s a fairly surprised and perhaps just a little panicked expression. “Organization?” He considers this with some seriousness, only for his eyes to glint. “Like The Regvenge Rangers?! Damn, that’s killer! Oh man, and secret gadgets and stuff too—“

The reveal of the cork cuts him off into a highly amused and stunned snort, squinting at the cork. “…I feel like, I’m probably underestimating how important that is—might be kind of the point, but still.”
He looks between the two, still a little caught off guard by the possibility. “ I-I mean. I guess? If it might help me learn how to deal with this more.” He gestures to his hands.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura grins. "Keyframe! That's absolutely perfect. I love it. If that's not your permanent callsign, I'll be stunned." She looks between Zyn and Jeremy thoughtfully. "I have to close up the center to visitors for now; you caught me a little late in the day! But if you're able to come back tomorrow, I'll try to prep more material for you, and I'll reach out to my network and see if I can find an illusionist who might be willing to teach you. In the meanwhile... Zyn, if you're not too busy, do you think you could keep an eye on Jeremy just overnight? Make sure his powers don't cause him or his neighbors any problems? That is, if you're both comfortable with that arrangement."
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

"We come into contact with all kinds of crazy powers pretty much every day--you might be able to find someone or something that has similar powers to your own. Also, my boss has lived pretty much forever and seen everything under the sun, and I mean everything. He might be able to help too."

"Uh... if he's alright with that, I guess I don't mind." she added, looking over at him again. "I'll give you my number, if you like. Er, you do use cellphones where you come from, right?"
"Oh! Hah, guess I came in pretty late." He nods at the suggestion with a small shrug. "It's my day off tomorrow, and honestly I wanna be here for tomorrow too." He looks to Zyn. "Sure, sure. I'm okay with it if you are."

The question actually gets him to laugh. " I didn't think about that—yeah, we do. I'll give you my number then, and uh." He turns to their host. "Thanks? It's been a weird night, but pretty... Informative, I guess."
Marinette (played anonymously)

Marinette had thought she had arrived too late when she saw nobody. "Oh... looks like I'm already late. Whoops!" She nervously giggled from her current transformed state, as she did need a mask. She was about to leave before suddenly deciding to stay, having hope that people would either come or return. "I have a hope in me someone will be here soon!"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

It was day two of the Super Center's open house, and even more teleporter wrist-bands had been delivered to likely candidates. Datura stood ready in the lobby once more, looking expectantly at the teleporters. Yesterday had been a moderate success - could she make today blow yesterday out of the water?
Belle (played anonymously)

Belle appeared as if from nowhere, still looking down at the watch on her wrist as she slowly retracted her hand and looked up. Her mouth fell open realizing it had worked, she was here. Long had she hidden herself away, locked beyond the wall of weather she used to ward off those that would cause her harm. The world had changed since she had retreated into the mountains, and in truth she wasn't sure how long she had stayed there. She only knew the world at that time, at least her world, wouldn't accept her.

Slowly she allowed her arms to rest at her side, taking in her surroundings. The balloons stuck out, like someone had attempted to decorate a space ship for a child's birthday party. The garden, the pond, and even the dome light to some extent was a nice sight, and as her mouth closed she smiled as she stared at them a moment. Green was a color she hadn't seen in some time now, not like this anyway, and she began walking towards the center of the room to better examine the spring colors before halting.

She realized suddenly she wasn't alone, and her smile faded as she turned to notice Kavita. "Oh," she claimed, turning to face her but otherwise remaining where she was, "I didn't see you there." As she waited some kind of response, she reached up and pressed her gloved fingers from a single hand onto her mask, either repositioning it or assuring herself it was still there.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Kavita - or Datura, as she is known when in her super alter-ego - chuckles softly, "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. It looks like you're our first arrival today! I'm so glad that you could make it. Tell me, what part of the invitation was it that piqued your interest?"
Lukas Warmley (played anonymously)

(Quick, everybody reload your chat windows. Nobody saw that.)
Seated at the kitchen table in his modest Stockholm flat, Lukas Warmley eyed the little device cradled in his palm with palpable trepidation. He scratched unconsciously at his temple where the mask he had only just wrapped about his eyes was already beginning to chafe. He knew he really shouldn’t be putting this off any more than he had been already. He had extinguished every possible excuse save for a medical emergency - and he was not so irresponsible as to go feigning illness to get out of something he’d already given his word he would do. No. He had assured Mr. Gustavson that he would attend this ‘Super-Group-Headquarters-Open-House’ thing, and thusly represent his beloved home country of Sweden to whatever degree of personage was expected to attend. (The lady at the local branch of the Scandanavian Association of Heroism and Public Service had been very patient and informative, but her information on exactly who would be attending this event - or, for that matter, exactly where it was being held - was unsettlingly limited. Clearly these ‘Super-Group’ people needed to open some more efficient channels of communication!)

No, Lukas had given his word. He liked to think that he was a man of his word. And so no matter how absurd the whole thing felt - no matter how hilariously out of place he would inevitably be - he would dutifully press the button and… Oh, why couldn’t it just call for a Galactic Taxi or something? The SAHPS lady had assured him the teleportation technology was extensively tested and perfectly safe, but the idea still rather turned Luke’s stomach.

He was procrastinating again. And to some degree, his own hesitation was beginning to irritate him. He was already over an hour late - and that wasn’t even counting having bailed on the previous day in a last-minute fit of indecision - but that meant surely there would be no fanfare or considerable attention drawn to him when he entered. He could just slip into the crowd, mingle for a while, tactfully avoid or make light of his ridiculous ‘sUpErPoWeR’, have a few drinks and be back home in time for dinner.

Lukas huffed in a vaguely decisive manner. He wrapped the gadget around his wrist, stood up, resisted the sudden urge to go change into a shirt that was a slightly different shade of blue than the one he was wearing, tugged uncomfortably at the mask. He fidgeted. Raised the gadget as though checking the time, then hastily smacked the button before he could change his mind.

The experience of teleportation was every bit as unpleasant as he’d expected it to be. A pulsating wave of vertigo, a decidedly nauseating lump forming in his upside-down-inside-out stomach - and then he was stumbling blindly out of some kind of machine as though he had been violently shoved from the other side. With an unconstrained yelp, Lukas Warmley flopped and tumbled out of the teleporter, groping for the first thing he could reach for purchase. This happened to be a bundle of festive balloons, which did absolutely nothing to arrest his fall. He hit the floor with a wheeze - then hastily (if unsteadily) scrambled to his feet as though nothing had happened, brushing non-existent dust off his shirt and needlessly adjusting his tie as he took the place in.

Luke’s heart sank as he saw a huge, virtually empty space in which he most certainly had no business lurking. Yes, the garden and koi pond looked lovely, but everything else positively boasted ’SUPER’ in a way that the industrial-carpeted local branch of the Association, with its potted plants and complementary coffee maker, did not. And worse still, he was the only one here. Had he missed the event? No. He must have been early. Because his ridiculous, bumbling entrance had come just as a plant-themed woman and an ice-themed woman were making their introductions.

Standing stiff as a board, Lukas glanced back and forth between the two with a degree of awkwardness that hung like a fourth presence in the huge, open lobby. He forced a wide, toothy smile, tugged at his tie again, and gave an awkward little finger-waggling wave, eyes darting back and forth between them from beneath the mask, and the thin glasses he was forced to wear over the mask.

“Um, hello.” He said with desperately forced cheerfulness, trying to look upbeat and casual, which had the effect of making him look like he had just been caught snooping about where he was not supposed to be.
Belle (played anonymously)

Her hand dropped and Belle stared back at Datura a moment, wondering herself what it was that piqued her interest about this invitation. With an uneasy half smile that lasted a mere second before fading, she shook her head a single time before dropping her head slightly, staring now at the woman's feet. "I'm not sure," she claimed with a stalled out hard look, "I guess part of me is looking for-"

Her attention was drawn, interrupting her mid-sentence, to the obvious arrival of Luke crashing to the floor. She stared a moment, the man laying there with a handful of balloons before scrambling to his feet. She stared several moments before offering a simple, if a bit harsh, "Hi." Her scrutinizing and confused stare lingered a moment, before finally crossing her arms and turning to look at Datura expectantly, as if she had the answer to his arrival.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura holds Belle in a kind, but scrutinizing gaze, as if she might be able to determine what drew Belle here just by looking at her closely enough.

"Speaking of startling people," Datura murmurs with no little amusement, casting her eyes toward Lukas' awkward, yelping entrance. Then, speaking louder so as to be heard by him, she calls, "Congratulations on your bravery! Only a very select few had the courage to actually activate their teleporter bands and attend. Be proud of yourself." She stretches a hand out toward Lukas, and abruptly, one of the plants from the center garden shoots upward, elongating, until a plant tendril comes racing across the floor of the room and around behind Lukas. Unless he's very quick on his feet, a massively oversized leaf will gently half-usher, half carry him over to join the two women. "And tell me, what is it that made you feel so bold, or urgent, about attending today?" she asks as the leaf sets Lukas down before them, in a tone suggesting nothing out of the usual has happened.
Lukas Warmley (played anonymously)

Luke was about to answer - he did not actually know what he was going to say however, so it was probably for the best that he was cut off preemptively by the appearance of a snake-like tendril of vegetable matter. At least he managed to keep quiet, though the wide eyes and pallid complexion suggested his first instinct was to do something defensive. Not that he'd had the time. The huge leaf conveyed him stumblingly across the huge chamber, toward the others. Then he was there, looking half a degree even more harrowed than before, which was saying something. "Oh, well, a favor to my colleague at the office, actually." He admitted. "Government subsidies and tax breaks and all that, y-you know."
Not a few seconds after Lukas's arrival comes Jeremy's—or no wait, Keyframe's reappearance, well-rested, and noticeably more cheerful than the day before. Despite having stayed the night and was near the center, literally a few steps away, he's apparently used the wristwatch again, stepping out of the teleporter with a wide grin. "This is still SO cool—oh, hey?" He blinks, looking at the unfamiliar faces and particularly the new nervous arrival, having apparently just missed his fall. "Did I come at a bad time? I could come back later, if—?"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura gestures vaguely, and the long tendril and giant leaf curl themselves back up in the garden, almost like some kind of strange serpent with the lead as its massive head. It sits there as if waiting to strike again, or at least, usher other uncertain guests about if needed. "Oh? What office needed the favor of a visit to a newly opened Super Center?" Datura grins, her eyes twinkling behind her mask. "Is this perhaps an office we should make sure we are liaising with?"

"Keyframe!" She calls over Lukas' shoulder to Jeremy, her grin getting even wider. "I'm thrilled you're back safely! How did you rest? Any unintended doodles in the past 12 hours?"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Satisfying the Geneweaver was always a tricky endeavour. Not least because he was a man who would use every opportunity to exploit an avenue of knowledge-gathering. Whether or not he had been happy with the information Sylyntz had retrieved on the previous day was not in fact important. Rather, what was important was that there was another opportunity to gather more information. And thus, once again, it fell upon Sylyntz to dutifully comply with their creator's wishes. It was time for Sylyntz to once again return to the very place that they had visited the previous day.

Once more, the small, squishy creature found themselves whisked away, paws finding the familiar texture of the teleporter pad below them in place of the laboratory floor. Mask back in place and once again recording, they surveyed their surroundings to find a mixture of new and familiar faces. Just what interesting points of data would they find today, they wondered.
Belle (played anonymously)

Belle stood quietly, watching the tendril and easily piecing together Datura had had something to do with it. Her face softened at the sight and she watched with great interest, even amazement. After Lukas had arrived, she stared again at Datura, her face far lighter than before. Finally she returns her look to Lukas, now showing a bit of concern. "Are you okay?" she asked.
The question directed to Lukas, and more importantly, the weird, giant plant thing has him wondering if maybe he'd stepped into a situation he probably shouldn't be involved with. He recovers well enough however at the question. "Rested well!" He looks almost proud of himself! The next question has him laugh, rubbing the back of his neck with some embarrassment. "I mean... there was a small elephant running around at some point? But hey, it was just the one, so that's not too bad, right?"

One more new arrival it seems—oh, the weird thing from yesterday? "Oh hey there? There's a few new people here!"
Lukas Warmley (played anonymously)

“Oh yes, quite alright~!” Luke insisted, nodding as he spoke, as though he could will his words to ring true through sheer force of will. He was quite relieved at the ice-woman’s concern. “Teleportation is a rather different experience than a taxi, is all-” Then he was looking obscurely horrified at the notion of further explaining his circumstance - especially to one who seemed to be in charge. He wheezed out a forced-casual chuckle. “Oh, well, um, Bokföring Byrå Accounting Firm, as it happens.” He admitted, more than a little sheepishly. “N-No I don’t suppose any correspondence will be necessary, it’s really just a matter of-” His words, however, ended in a breathy series of syllables ejected in involuntary surprise as someone else appeared barely a few metres away. He immediately regretted this, and hoped to whatever gods may be that nobody present could speak Swedish. He wasn’t usually one to cuss, but this whole thing was really quite distressing so far and oh dear that person did not appear to be a human. Lukas was aware of the presence of other forms of life, but that didn’t mean he had the first idea as to what the etiquette was when interacting with them. What if he came off as racist? He most certainly was not, but-

On the bright side, this train of thought was distracting him from the harrowing experience of being deposited into an unwanted social interaction by a gigantic, prehensile leaf. So that was good.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura arches an eyebrow at Lukas. "An accounting firm? Felt it necessary to sent someone to a Super Center? Are you all super accountants, perhaps? Or accountants who assist super heroes who have identity security concerns to arrange their assets?"

She then laughs at Jeremy/Keyframe's words, beckoning him - and the newly arrived genetically enginered... whatever it is - to join the gaggle of people now congregating near the garden. "I'm not sure, is your normal standard a whole herd of elephants? I'll take your word that it's good, though. I have some more good news for you, I think!"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz noticed the beckoning motion quickly - after all, it was far easier to interpret than lip movements. They hurried in the direction of the group... and tripped. And fell. And landed flat on their face with a small clink as their lens collided with the ground. A bit of wiggling latter, however, and they were back on their feet no worse for wear.

Sylyntz bounced from foot to foot as though trying to visually identify a fault in their legs. But no... it was simply a matter of balance, co-ordination and haste. Not an unusual thing by any means, but the weight of the mask combined with that of the large drone attached to their belt was not something they were entirely familiar with and only further added to the difficulties involved. They made a conscious - and probably wise, all things considered - decision to continue to short walk at a more tempered pace. Thankfully, they were designed in such a way that a fall was of little consequence to their well-being. Their equipment on the other hand... well it was quite lucky that nothing as of yet was broken.

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