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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Kotaro Matatabi (played by SoulHeart57)

Kotaro walks over to a booth covered in the suns rays. “Ooh, this is nice!”
Matteo Esteban (played anonymously)

A young man slumped into the bar, taking a cigarette out of his mouth as he walked past. He was with another person, his sister. They appeared to be having some sort of conversation.

The seemed like total opposites, one bubbly and happy, the other tired and grumpy.
He took a seat in a booth by himself and rested his helmet on the table.
Mochi - Soy (played by Reithesniper)

Mochi walks around, before stopping next to Mathius, carefully peaking at his mind
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Fake Peppino wrote:
Fake Peppino still stared at the other three. Slightly turning his head. "What the?..."

Azumi spots Fake Peppino and knows exactly what to do. Disguise herself as the real Peppino scream exactly like Peppino immediately afterwards.

As she surrounds herself in a cloud of smoke to shapeshift, Azumi creeps up on the Fake Peppino... and screams

"EEEEYYYAaAaAaAaAWWW!!!", she yells at the top of her lungs.
"EEEEYYYAaAaAaAaAWWW!" Fake Peppino jumped up from the chair and screamed towards her. He DIDN'T expect that lol.

(Editor's note: LOL-)
Subject Mochi Fields wrote:
Mochi walks around, before stopping next to Mathius, carefully peaking at his mind

She would merely see thousands of galaxies. He had a mind block up for now.
Mochi - Soy (played by Reithesniper)

She looks at Mathius, and taps him "Your mind.. Why is it like that?"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino would be just be slithering on the floor... like a snake. Because, why the hell not?
Subject Mochi Fields wrote:
She looks at Mathius, and taps him "Your mind.. Why is it like that?"

"I am constantly thinking and ready to protect the cosmos in every universe"
Mochi - Soy (played by Reithesniper)

"Would you like a hug?" She'd ask, honestly considering suppressing most of his memory.. But she probably wont, too much effort
He smiled at her "only if you wish. I'm not in any distress or anything. I like helping the innocent"
Alethea (played anonymously)

The Mercenary walked in and sat down, ordered a mead too.
Mochi - Soy (played by Reithesniper)

She hugged Mathius, he seemed nice
Alethea (played anonymously)

A squirrel came bouncing in and Alethea seemed to communicate with it before she gave the animal a nut and it left as quickly as it came.
Alethea (played anonymously)

(I like you're Avatar Reith. :) )
He returned the hug and patted Mochi's back.
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea noticed Mathias's strange looking armor. But she did not want to intrude on the two sharing a nice moment so she did not ask questions.
Mochi - Soy (played by Reithesniper)

(Aww thanks!)

Mochi didnt stray far from mathius, satting nearby
Kotaro Matatabi (played by SoulHeart57)

Kotaro prances over to Mathius in cat form, rubbing against his leg, purring.
He leaned to the side and picked the cat up. He held the cat to his chest

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