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Forums » Introductions » Heyyo

Hey peeps, I'm Kay. I've been roleplaying for some years now but took a major break. I'm finally back to doing it so I can get ideas for future novels, so I can hopefully become an author. I'm also here to hopefully make some new friends and join an awesome community. My favorite type of roleplaying is romance but I can do other roleplays also. I can't wait to jump back into the world of roleplaying and get my creative juices flowing!!
Welcome to RPR, Kay! :D


Hello and Welcome to you Kay! It’s nice you found this place! Hoping you find RP Repository a fun place to get into some roleplay and create some stories and just spend time amongst us strange, odd, and varied folk! Here is a couple useful links to help you get started deeper into your journey here on RP Repository ...

'Getting Started' Guide
'Character Creation' Guide

Happy RPR’ng!
Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here at RPR. If you've got any questions, check out the help section of the site, and see if your question's been answered. If not, ask one yourself and the wonderful people here will be quick to help. If you need someone to chat with, i'm always here!
Welcome to RPR!

Welcome to the site!
Yoooo welcome to the site!! Hopefully you have a great time here! :0

welcome!! there's a lot of great people here. if you ever need anything, hmu!🙃
here's some things to get you started, if need be.

hello we're glad you joined the community we are a very open community if you need help ask anyone

Welcome to RPR, I wouldn't mind do an RP with ya
WallFlower Topic Starter

AliRevellian wrote:
Welcome to RPR, Kay! :D

Thank you!!
WallFlower Topic Starter

raginghomomuffin wrote:
Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here at RPR. If you've got any questions, check out the help section of the site, and see if your question's been answered. If not, ask one yourself and the wonderful people here will be quick to help. If you need someone to chat with, i'm always here!
Thank you, I really appericate it! <3
WallFlower Topic Starter

Rogue-Scribe wrote:
Hello and Welcome to you Lay! It’s nice you found this place! Hoping you find RP Repository a fun place to get into some roleplay and create some stories and just spend time amongst us strange, odd, and varied folk! Here is a couple useful links to help you get started deeper into your journey here on RP Repository ...

'Getting Started' Guide
'Character Creation' Guide

Happy RPR’ng!
Thank you!! I can't wait to get started! <3
WallFlower Topic Starter

Wandering_Mary wrote:
Welcome to RPR, I wouldn't mind do an RP with ya
Thank you I wouldn't mind either
Hi and welcome to RPR!
Hello, and welcome to the RPR. I hope you'll have a great time here! I love romance stories and roleplay too, but I don't do the latter very often, haha. I have sometimes though. Thanks for making your introduction, it's very nice! Maybe I'll see you around, but for now byeeee! :D :P :D :) ;D :) :) :) ;) :D :) :) ;) :P ;) :3 :D :) :I <.< >.> :D :D :P ;D ;3 :)
Welcome to RPR. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Welcome! So glad to see a new face!

Hopefully you feel right at home here!

Hello Wallflower, good to see a new member! :)
Welcome to RPR!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Heyyo

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