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Forums » Smalltalk » Yersinia's Rune Readings [closed]

Concerned about the future? Curious? Confused? Look no further! From now until Halloween, resident roleplayer Yersinia will divine fortune and fate* for your entertainment.

* Yersinia cannot reliably do either of these things and is, at best, a snake oil peddler and a heathen. This is just for fun.


The Norse equivalent of tarot card reading or fortunetelling. I’ll be doing Norn spreads to amaze and amuse (probably with how inaccurate they are).


The Norns were the Norse goddesses of fate-- Urd (past), Verdandi (present), and Skuld (future). Likewise, this is a simple three-rune spread. Past, present, future. Non-edible.

Keep in mind that "fate" as the Norse understood it was not predestined, but determined by one's actions and choices. The future was always mutable. Thus, runecasting was not intended to be prophesy, but to provoke thought and self-reflection.

What've you got to lose? It doesn't cost you anything. I'm the one sitting here throwing rocks onto tables.


That’s the spirit! Just a few things first:
  • I’ll answer questions in the order that they’re posted. Please only ask one question at a time. You can always come back and ask another!
  • A good question is specific and thoughtful
  • Sometimes a rune is cast upside down. This is called murkstave, or "dark stick". It changes the rune's meaning to have a warning tone but is not ‘evil’ or inherently bad. No worries.
  • flesh-and-blood people are preferred but OCs are welcome
  • If a question is serious enough that you would only feel comfortable PMing it to me, I don't think my rocks can give you reliable advice.
  • Please be patient. I'm a sad and busy university student.
  • @mods: I didn't know if fortunetelling counted as a game, so I made the thread here. Feel free to move it.

Happy Halloween!

I has come for some good ol' rock enlightement

I'm kind of scared of the answer now lol...But, ¿How will I do on my upcoming tests?

Can I find some affordable jewellery to my liking some time soon? Dear norses, please note : I'm brooke XD, I like hand-crafted jewellery XD , or using "noble or semi"nobles" material XD, but still hand-crafted. XD

Understand my struggle. XD

Thank you! :)
This is a riot. Norn me, boss!

Magic fancy rocks, how can I make sure I don't go nuts during NaNoWriMo this year, with both the writing and organizing write-ins?
I love this! My question would be: how can I be better and up my game?

Also, would you like a fates-trade? I have some tarot cards that would be happy to be dusted off... Also not to be taken as professional advice, but you know the drill!
Why the heck question is, how am I going to do with my first job?
Yersinia Topic Starter

I was originally going to take pictures of the casts for you guys, but my phone is being uncooperative, so I'll just rip photos off the internet instead like a professional.

CoronelCoscacho wrote:
¿How will I do on my upcoming tests?


PAST / NAUTHIZ: the symbol for "need-fire", or self-reliance. It seems you've tackled your previous academic challenges with motivation (or, at least enough determination to see things through even if you really, really didn't want to).

PRESENT / RAIDHO: the symbol for "riding" or "wagon". This rune indicates change and the unwavering focus to achieve one's goals, as well as personal rhythm. Don't let anyone distract you. Run them over with your wagon.

FUTURE / MANNAZ: the symbol for "mankind". This rune encompasses the ability to achieve one's fullest potential and an awareness that humans are all connected. You can ask for help from others and expect to receive it. It represents the intelligence and creativity of mankind and is all-in-all a good omen for your tests! The rocks believe in you. Congrats.

RedLantern wrote:
Can I find some affordable jewellery to my liking some time soon?

PAST / WUNJO- Wunjo means "joy" and is all-around a good omen. However, since you mentioned not having much luck finding affordable jewelry, I think my rocks are a little confused. It could be that you had the good fortune of seeing something you liked a while ago but decided not to buy it. Theory two: I'm a hack. Onto the next rune!

PRESENT / JERA- Jera is the "harvest" rune. It represents the cyclical nature of life and reminds us that everything changes. This one seems to have less to do with finding jewelry and more to do with you currently being broke, which will hopefully pass just like everything always does.

FUTURE / ANSUZ / MURKSTAVE- ordinarily, Ansuz means "mouth" and is considered Odin's rune. It represents stability, harmony, and insight. However, this one was murkstave, which means a bunch of gloomy things like delusion and boredom. Maybe the gods think your taste in jewelry is too fancy. Not that it's any of their business.

Two out of three of your runes were from Freyja's Ætt! Since she's known mythologically as both the mother and the merchant, I'd say your odds of finding something aren't so bad after all.

jkatkina wrote:
Magic fancy rocks, how can I make sure I don't go nuts during NaNoWriMo this year, with both the writing and organizing write-ins?

These start off a little grim, so take 'em with a grain of salt.

PAST / THURISAZ / MURKSTAVE: "thorn". This is Thor's rune. Normally it indicates a person's ability to stand their ground, and when carved into wood or bone it's said to protect you from unforeseen dangers. Its reversal means conflict and torment. To interpret this more liberally, it could be that you experienced inner turmoil trying to decide on a NaNo project, or trying to decide if you should participate and run events at the same time. Thor wants you to take it easy. Thanks, Thor.

PRESENT / TIWAZ / MURKSTAVE: this one is troubling because it means "creation" and it's inverted. Tiwaz is the rune of Tyr, otherwise known as the sky god who stuck his arm in Fenrir's mouth and got it bitten off. It represents leadership, decisiveness, and an awareness of one's own strengths and weaknesses. Murkstave, it could be warning you about writer's block, overthinking, and fatigue. But these are all side effects of NaNo anyways, so. No surprises there.

FUTURE / SOWILO: A very good rune indeed! It means "sun" and represents clarity and positive changes. The Norns believe in you.

dray wrote:
My question would be: how can I be better and up my game?

A fate-trade sounds cool! Maybe even illegal. If you want to take a stab at it, here's my very vague question for you: should I ask for help?


PAST / JERA: the symbol for "harvest", representing the cyclical nature of all things. When right-side-up, it also represents the payoff for your hard work and happiness/peacefulness. It seems you've worked very hard in the past and have seen the rewards of it. But you want to do better, which brings us to-

PRESENT / ISA: "ice" is a favourite of mine. It's a weird rune. It indicates a standstill; it's the frustration of working hard but feeling like you've stagnated. However, when time feels like it's slowed, it allows you a moment to take a step back and think about what you want and how you want to get there. If I was an oracle and not a fraud, I would also tell you that Isa reinforces the runes around it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

FUTURE / KENAZ / MURKSTAVE: the symbol for "torch". Ordinarily, Kenaz is associated with imagination and the ability to view things with greater clarity. Murkstave, it warns of creative pitfalls like writer's block and at times even hopelessness. But I wouldn't go that far. It's a torch. You can just re-light it.

It might be of interest to you that two of your three runes are from Heimdall's Ætt! Aside from representing light and security, his Ætt is associated with complexity and self-betterment.

Hikari_Yagaza wrote:
my question is, how am I going to do with my first job?
This is overall a very positive reading! I was starting to worry my hands were cursed.



PAST / EIHWAZ: Eihwaz means "yew", which is a type of wood considered to be a magical protector (or enhancer if you practice magic). It represents new beginnings with good prospects. In this context, it's basically saying "everything will be fine".

PRESENT / SOWILO: turns out everything was fine, because you have a cool new job. This rune means "sun". It indicates success, health, and positive changes.

FUTURE / WUNJO: the rune for "joy". The Norns think you have a harmonious future ahead of you (honestly, this is one of the best runes you can get for the third slot, so congrats).

Two of your three runes are in Heimdall's Ætt! He's a protective figure in Norse mythology, and apparently he's got your back.
Yersinia wrote:
CoronelCoscacho wrote:
¿How will I do on my upcoming tests?


PAST / NAUTHIZ: the symbol for "need-fire", or self-reliance. It seems you've tackled your previous academic challenges with motivation (or, at least enough determination to see things through even if you really, really didn't want to).

PRESENT / RAIDHO: the symbol for "riding" or "wagon". This rune indicates change and the unwavering focus to achieve one's goals, as well as personal rhythm. Don't let anyone distract you. Run them over with your wagon.

FUTURE / MANNAZ: the symbol for "mankind". This rune encompasses the ability to achieve one's fullest potential and an awareness that humans are all connected. You can ask for help from others and expect to receive it. It represents the intelligence and creativity of mankind and is all-in-all a good omen for your tests! The rocks believe in you. Congrats.

Thanks for the reading :'D I'm glad to have the rock's trust, I swear to not let them down!
I shall honor the trust of the norse rocks and get the best notes i can...Or at least pass them ;v;
Dude, that was really fun! :D I know it's all for fun but it also feels weirdly applicable. Something to think about when I'm feeling like my fire's gone out, anyways.

I just started a trainee job. Will I do good? What are my chances of actually getting hired?
Oh, this actually sounds really cool and cute! I love tarot and runes, and I've always wanted to try reading myself. Until then, however...

Great Norse Goddesses Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld, I ask of thee:

Is it wise for me to open commissions/requests in the next three to six months, or should I act at a different time?

(Also, if that's way too specific, I'm sorry. It's been a while since I've done a reading, even if it is for fun. XD)
I got a question for the runes. How will I do leading my upcoming group rp? It will be my first time trying to gm.
Oh, these were fantastic. I ended up reading everyone's, this is really cool stuff. Thank you! At least if I'm fated to screw up NaNo this year, I'm slated to get something out of it. Something to keep in mind when I start getting frazzled.

Huu.. xD

Well, it was funny to try to read some meaning thank you.

Hopefully... x) I got another questio!!!! ;D

"Oh Odin, Sigrud, and Fryr! Tell me! Would I Get a WORK, SOON?"

Be it. xD
Aha, this seems like it'll be fun :)

So, my only question is: As a sucky teen, will I be able to communicate feelings to the specific person who makes my brain switch off or will I be a coward like always?

SINDragon wrote:
Aha, this seems like it'll be fun :)

So, my only question is: As a sucky teen, will I be able to communicate feelings to the specific person who makes my brain switch off or will I be a coward like always?
sorry I laughed x)

Need help? x)

Yersinia Topic Starter

Cinders wrote:
I just started a trainee job. Will I do good? What are my chances of actually getting hired?

PAST / EIHWAZ: it's weird that this rune came up for another new job-related question, because it symbolizes "yew"; the rune of new beginnings, strength, and protection. You pursued a reasonable goal and made it (ie; getting the job).

PRESENT / NAUTHIZ: "need" or "need-fire", also known as self-reliance. Since it symbolizes endurance, motivation, and determination, I'd wager it's a good rune to get in the 'present' slot of a reading. The Norns think you can be an independent and reliable worker.

FUTURE / OTHALA: "home". Othala is like another rune-- Fehu --in that it symbolizes wealth, but rather than money Othala represents a wealth that is inherently apart of you and cannot be bought or sold. Nice, sentimental things like family and friendship. Since it also indicates abundance and security, this is a good omen in terms of your job. A bunch of old Norse gods think that if you keep going the way you're going, you'll be content with the outcome.

Two of your three runes are from Heimdall's Ætt! He's a guardian figure in Norse mythology. Not a bad guy to have looking out for you.

LightSide-Lucree wrote:
Is it wise for me to open commissions/requests in the next three to six months, or should I act at a different time?
Specific is always better!


PAST / ISA: "ice" represents a halt in one's life; feelings of stagnation or constriction that compel us to change. I don't know enough about your life to say if this is applicable or just a bad draw, but in the context of your question, it could indicate you feel it's time to move forwards from something. I don't know. I just work here.

PRESENT / EHWAZ / MURKSTAVE: this rune is the symbol for "horse". Like a horse, it entails steady and dependable progress through hard work and represents change for the better. Murkstave, it indicates restlessness and the feeling of being stuck in a rut. The remedy for that is to start making changes. Similar to Isa, Ehwaz is a confirmation rune that encourages you to listen to the runes around it-- but I'd be careful trusting advice from magic rocks.

FUTURE / ALGIZ (also spelled Elhaz): a symbol meaning "elk". Aside from being one of the most powerful protective runes, it urges people to proceed with determination and to follow their instincts. If you feel inspired and capable enough to handle commissions, seize the moment. You never know when the next chance might come along.

Once again, two of these three runes are from Heimdall's Ætt, and given that I mix up the runes after every reading I have no explanation for this except that Heimdall is apparently RPR'S bodyguard. Good news for you in any case.

Katia wrote:
How will I do leading my upcoming group rp?

PAST / MANNAZ / MURKSTAVE: this rune means "mankind". Normally, it represents the vast potential of human intellectualism and creativity, as well as our interconnectedness and ability to help one another. Murkstave, it indicates a feeling of isolation or that you can't depend on anyone. Do I have any idea how this connects to you deciding to become a GM? No. Unless you were motivated by feeling sidelined in other group roleplays.

PRESENT / INGWAZ: this is a "male" rune associated with earth and warmth. It represents the stability you need to move on to new endeavors (like running a roleplay, apparently) and urges you to believe in your own skills. It can also be interpreted as meaning family love, so maybe you really like and appreciate the group of roleplayers you've assembled? I don't know. I don't know your life.

FUTURE / SOWILO: the "sun" rune ends things off on a positive note! It represents vitality, clarity, and change for the better. The Norns think you'll make a great GM, which is a nice compliment, because they're also sort of GMs.

Two of your three runes are from Tyr's Ætt! He's the god often associated with the sky, creation, and justice. He's also the guy who stuck his hand in the wolf Fenrir's mouth and got it bitten off. Take that as you will.

RedLantern wrote:
Would I Get a WORK, SOON?

PAST / OTHALA: "ancestral home" Othala represents the uncompromisable parts of ourselves and what we identify as truly important. Since I drew this for your past, it could mean that previously you've had friends and family support you while you're between jobs. Or, if not, you still have your integrity and all those other strengths of character. They don't put money in your bank account, but they still matter in the long run.

PRESENT / LAGUZ: the symbol for "lake". It embodies the flexibility, energy, and power of water, which are all decent traits to have while job-hunting. If you read this rune literally, it could also mean you'll find work at a lake, but I think you're more likely to find fish. One sandal. Maybe some broken glass.

FUTURE / TIWAZ: "creation". This is Tyr's rune and embodies justice, honour, logic, and success. More importantly, success without sacrifice. All-in-all a good omen. Next the Norns will be clipping job ads out of the newspaper.

All three of your runes are in Tyr's Ætt! His sphere of influence often has to do with justice. Given what I know about your circumstances, I'd say having a justice god looking out for you is a good thing. Cheers!

SINDragon wrote:
As a sucky teen, will I be able to communicate feelings to the specific person who makes my brain switch off or will I be a coward like always?
I interpreted "makes my brain switch off" as someone you like and not someone who causes you inexplicable grief and horror, which is probably what you meant? I hope.


PAST / WUNJO / MURKSTAVE: normally, Wunjo means "joy" and embodies social harmony and balance. Murkstave, it indicates feelings of sadness or alienation, which you mentioned in your question. One point for the Norns.

PRESENT / EHWAZ: this is the "horse" rune. In the context of relationships, it means teamwork, progress, and ideal relationships. Compatibility between people. That sort of thing. Ehwaz represents moving forward and change for the better. A bunch of Norse gods think you're capable of this.

FUTURE / EIHWAZ: the symbol for "yew" is a powerful protective rune. It represents the end of one thing and beginning of another and the pursuit of goals that are reasonable for you. Since you got this rune rightside up, it's a good omen! Cowardice doesn't have to be in your future.
Yersinia wrote:
PAST / ISA: "ice" represents a halt in one's life; feelings of stagnation or constriction that compel us to change. I don't know enough about your life to say if this is applicable or just a bad draw, but in the context of your question, it could indicate you feel it's time to move forwards from something. I don't know. I just work here.

PRESENT / EHWAZ / MURKSTAVE: this rune is the symbol for "horse". Like a horse, it entails steady and dependable progress through hard work and represents change for the better. Murkstave, it indicates restlessness and the feeling of being stuck in a rut. The remedy for that is to start making changes. Similar to Isa, Ehwaz is a confirmation rune that encourages you to listen to the runes around it-- but I'd be careful trusting advice from magic rocks.

FUTURE / ALGIZ (also spelled Elhaz): a symbol meaning "elk". Aside from being one of the most powerful protective runes, it urges people to proceed with determination and to follow their instincts. If you feel inspired and capable enough to handle commissions, seize the moment. You never know when the next chance might come along.

Once again, two of these three runes are from Heimdall's Ætt, and given that I mix up the runes after every reading I have no explanation for this except that Heimdall is apparently RPR'S bodyguard. Good news for you in any case.

Ironically, the runes read me like a book in terms of my stagnant life and everything else. (Eerie, ain't it?) I'll definitely have to take your reading to mind and reflect on it, because it resonates with me well. Either way, I love it! It was fun to read and learn about the rune meanings. Thank you!
Yersinia wrote:
Katia wrote:
How will I do leading my upcoming group rp?

PAST / MANNAZ / MURKSTAVE: this rune means "mankind". Normally, it represents the vast potential of human intellectualism and creativity, as well as our interconnectedness and ability to help one another. Murkstave, it indicates a feeling of isolation or that you can't depend on anyone. Do I have any idea how this connects to you deciding to become a GM? No. Unless you were motivated by feeling sidelined in other group roleplays.

PRESENT / INGWAZ: this is a "male" rune associated with earth and warmth. It represents the stability you need to move on to new endeavors (like running a roleplay, apparently) and urges you to believe in your own skills. It can also be interpreted as meaning family love, so maybe you really like and appreciate the group of roleplayers you've assembled? I don't know. I don't know your life.

FUTURE / SOWILO: the "sun" rune ends things off on a positive note! It represents vitality, clarity, and change for the better. The Norns think you'll make a great GM, which is a nice compliment, because they're also sort of GMs.

Two of your three runes are from Tyr's Ætt! He's the god often associated with the sky, creation, and justice. He's also the guy who stuck his hand in the wolf Fenrir's mouth and got it bitten off. Take that as you will.

Wow that feels surprisingly accurate for several things.
Rune 1: Actually I had been looking for a collaborator to help me out due to my lack of experience so maybe it's telling me not to lean too much on them.

Rune 2: This one really does speaks to me the most, well the first meaning does at least. I actually have massive self esteem issues which translate into a serious lack of self confidence. So not surprisingly, I have been worried about how well I will gm. The 2nd meaning doesn't mean too much as I am still in the construction phase and have not looked for players yet.

Rune 3: Again another little bit of positive reassurance which does mean a lot to someone like me.

Anyway thank you so much for this! <3
How do I get back into roleplaying? Like, how would I be able to enjoy and feel competent at it once again?

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