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Forums » RP Discussion » weirdest thing you've ever done for writing


i was just wondering if anyone else has done weird things in the name of Writing Research.

i know for a fact i have 10000 stories relating to this but only one comes to mind because i’m exhausted: the time i tied my (volunteering) sister to a tree to see if it was possible to tie someone to a tree in the way that i was imagining.
Making people stage knife fights with me, some dubious Googling about human blood volume, etc
Claine Moderator

Yeah I have a pretty terrifying browser history with murder / body disposal techniques. Also finding out how legal / illegal certain activities are.
Does looking up how to tie someone up and torture them with bodily emissions count?
Lots of very dubious googling. XD

Also did a thing where I was writing a feudal Japan thing and just to know what it felt like, I knelt for like four hours.
I also have a long questionable Google history. But I think the most disturbing/weird thing I've ever done in the name of writing is constantly checking the possibilities of movement and postions. No, not for adult encounters solely, but also for combat and torture. My husband has to deal with these requests on the occasion.
I've googled many, many methods of removing body parts from someone- I think I might be on some sort of watch list by now aha.
to make one of my characters i had to figure out the longstanding effects of a lot of psychological torture so i went to the campus library and literally did like hours of research. there's also just like googling a crap ton of history; "what was going on in south america during mesopotamia stuff" and the likes. also "when was alcohol invented." i also duct taped my legs together one time to see if the way i was envisioning it would be at all in any way useful

Participated while sober.
Forgetting to do basic things like eating and sleeping because ONE MORE PARAGRAPH.

Also talking out arguments in public spaces. .-. I get them stares.
I once Googled up these five topics:
1. How to properly skin someone.
2. What do humans taste like.
3. How to properly cook a human.
4. Best places to hide a body.
And 5. Most deadly plants in America and where to get them.

I had the weirdest characters a year ago.
I was writing a vampire story one day while listening to Gothic music, which I had never done before. I got hooked on it and I listen to that more than I listen to classic rock.
The effects of numerous drugs such as heroine, cocaine and meth... its funny how you have to specify 'heroine the drug'
Lots of weird googling phrases. I've gotten drunk for the sake of tasting beer and writing a realistic drunk characters before so-

Me using my previous partner as a rag doll (he agreed, it was consensual) to test out how he'd react in the most bizarre situations as well as see how much anger and sadness he could take. Obviously- he broke. That was 2 years ago and I will never do that again as I've gotten sufficient details and trauma from it.

But the weirdest one was where I challenged myself to watch 31 serial killer documents and get character inspiration from all of them combined. I swear to god, don't do it- I was scarred by the last one I watched, and I swear I got my anxiety from them all. But I did create a great serial character so I guess good things came out of it..?

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