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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Eri
    I'm shy and awkward, but I've always felt comfortable in the conversations I've had with her. She's super friendly and I hope to get to RP with her like.. soon. Like. Now. <3 :) - loverbuckets

  • Luna is a beautiful soul, with a truly demented mind from what I've heard out of her RPs. But she's lovely to be around and talk to, incredibly friendly, and easy going. Much love to be had! - Eri

  • Dog
    Tige is a wonderful mammal. Friendly, helpful, lovely characters and plotting to be had. Highly recommended! - Eri

  • I've never met someone so nice and friendly, seriously. Although we haven't talked much, I've only ever felt the warmth of sunshine with every word that's typed onto the screen. Let's talk more and be superawesomefriends. :) - loverbuckets

  • And thus a long standing friendship is established with a picture of King Joffrey. What a wonderful person that I cannot wait to get to know better! <3 - Eri

  • This one here is so ridiculously friendly. I see them in the NV OOC all of the time, socializing with anyone that wanders in, which is awesome. We have yet to RP, BUT WE WILL. <3 - Eri

  • I can't ever get enough of this chick. She's sweet, adorable, funny, and all around wonderful. I've never once felt left out, and she's always willing to include anyone into her chats, or roleplays. Look forward to our continued friendship. <3 - loverbuckets

  • A dynamic, creative role-player with a penchant for mischievous plots and fun characters abound :3 - Yuka

  • Fortune
    Stacey is seriously the sweetest. She's a true friend if there ever was one, and all of her characters are wonderfully developed and even more excellently roleplayed. - loverbuckets

  • This woman endures through thick and thin, always able to make me feel loved and missed during my lowest points. My only complaint is that we have such little time together to RP. I sincerely hope that changes in the future, but until then, I will beg for scraps of her marvelous plot ideas in passing to sate my hunger. <3 - Auberon

  • Virus is a delight to RP with and with such lengthy and detailed responses to keep the RP fresh and exciting I think it's impossible for him to make an RP stale! - Mr_Pleasant

  • This lady...THIS LADY HERE. Is one of my favorite people. C: We've known each other for like a bajillion years ('cause we're super old, y'see) and amazingly she hasn't gotten sick of me yet! We've gotten up to all kinds of mischief and mayhem in the past 12ish years (holy cow!), and I can't count how many times we've stayed up until ungodly hours of the morning either brainstorming all kinds of character shenanigans or just laughing at really ridiculous stuff. <3 - Goo

  • This guy is so much fun to RP with, you'd have to have more than a few screws loose to pass up the opportunity to RP with Zyke!!! - Virus

  • I have loved rping with her! She is very enjoyable and is very detailed! I love her characters too! She is also very kind, I suggest rping with her whenever you can! - Chris_Pike

  • WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?! This guy is so cool, I feel so lucky to have met and Rp-ed with Oaky for as often and as long as I did. I can't wait for our next RP!!! - Virus

  • My goodness, this guy knows how to play a tough guy character so well I'm fully convinced he should be a police drama/mystery writer. Keep up the great work!!! - Virus

  • A lot of memories with this person, from IC shenanigans to OOC ramblings. Tertius would want me to say "I like this one..." for him. And for once I completely agree with him!!! - Virus

  • I'm both glad and proud to call lyingsmile one of my friends. They're a joy to talk with and an amazing roleplayer to boot. Their characters are all very well developed and have more to them than meets the eye! They manage to surprise me at every turn and has helped made the first D&D session I ever ran turn into a joy.

    Kudos to you, lyingsmile! - Pirate

  • Victoriantruth
    I tend to think I'm not an easy guy to please when it comes to roleplay. But wow, my fellow Belgian pal Victoria has met all my criteria! She's a frequent and eloquent poster to be sure! Even when introducing a brand new character she manages to portray them as if they were actually there. Not to mention how her sheer excitement for roleplay and D&D seem to work their way towards me as well, getting me pumped up in the process.

    Vicky deserves every bit of these kudos! - Pirate

  • What a Role-player!!! Though I've only been lucky enough to RP with Into-The-Unknown once and it was very memorable. Two thumbs WAY UP!!! - Virus