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Forums » Forum Games » Corrupt-A-Wish

DontBeTrippin wrote:
GAUNTEEED! but mouthwash is the only thing you'll be able to drink... and only one brand of it XD
At least you'll have minty fresh breath!

I wish i could text at 100mph :3
((You know you're not supposed to drink mouthwash right?))
GRANTED! However, all of the text messages you write can be no longer than five characters long. You can write several messages though.
I wish to be the coolest kid in the world.
Granted. You are now a cool absolute zero in temperature.

I laundry never had to be washed, and it'd just always be soft and clean.
Granted but you would stink like moldy egg,even if your clothes were fresh.
I wish for food not to tats different after it's been reheated.
Granted, but it always gives you food poisoning after you reheat it.

I wish to be extremely good at whatever game I choose to play.
Granted but the only games you can buy are board games

I wish for a ton of money
Sheogorath (played anonymously)

Granted, but it's actually Monopoly money. You'll always win at Monopoly though!

I wish the world was populated by sweetroll-people, and I be their Madgod King! AHAHAHAHA!
Granted, but then you get invaded by ant people.

I wish that my hands were not so clumsy.
Granted. You have no hands.

I wish this moose tracks ice cream I got wasn't missing its delicious namesake mini peanut butter cups.
Granted; the cups that the peanut butter resides in are made of sharp glass.

I wish that I could always roll natural 20s on a d20.
Granted. However, you always have modifiers that won't let you get above a 5 (and people think you're cheating, anyways).

I wish my cat would cuddle with me when I want, not just when I'm not paying attention to her/doing other things.

Granted: However, your cat after its cuddle session will viciously disembowel you and nest in your entrails. (good god what is wrong with me)

I wish I could speak every language in the world accurately.
Granted but you can only speak that language one hour per day

I wish people wouldn't make fun of how I look
Granted; they make fun of how you think instead.

I wish I had one of those red anime coats that really look like a PITA to make due to all the random details, belts and straps.
Granted, you are only able to wear them for five minutes daily.

I wish I had a unicorn

I wish I had better focus.
Granted: You get focused on a pebble for the rest of your days.

I wish that if our rp characters ever came to life, they won't kill us.
Granted. As a bonus, we all gain immortality so that our characters can torture us as much as they want without fear of killing us.

I wish I could live efficiently on just three hours of sleep every night. My brain thinks too much to support much more sleep than that.
Granted. However the side effect is that you gain the metabolism of a shrew and have to eat three times your own body weight in food every day. Enjoy the food bills.

I wish my muse would wake up.
Granted. You muse also keeps you up, too. And there's no time to eat. Or go to the bathroom. Just write, write, write right now!

I wish I could pull off being professional at my meeting today.
Granted, though you aren’t anything close to professional outside of the meeting.

I wish I was spider-man.

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