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Forums » RP Discussion » Tordithas OOC

After just eating breakfast, that actually made my eggs and toast churn a bit. Hugj.....

Poor Duran.
Geez I'm really sorry guys. I'm gonna try to hop back in.
ReverieCore Topic Starter

It's alright! We have a pretty laid back group here so I'm sure you can wiggle back in without being totally lost as to what's happened so far. We just picked up into action territory, so now's a good chance to strut your stuff.
Hey, we use d20s, right? I feel blind rn, because I can't find that info. Sorry ^^;
ReverieCore Topic Starter

Yes! Sorry, I didn't say what die specificlly in the info thing but that't the one I'd like everyone to use. A D20+ the relevant stat bonus you have.
Sweet. Thanks!

Edit: Ooh. Ouch. Duran is going to have an excellent time. I can feel it. XD Maybe I should have done the roll and then written the response...
ReverieCore Topic Starter

Sorry for getting to this a bit late. Was having some issues this week, and was also debating on the over difficulty of the recommended rolls.
Lucky for Duran (and really for everyone else too), if I like the way a character handles a situation, especially if it seems fitting to their personality or past experience, it will improve their roll. And I won't penalize a roll's result if a simple straightforward reaction is given. Your words can only help your rolls, not hinder them, so I hope this takes a bit of the 'ouch' factor out of a perceived 'bad' roll.
Will post soon. Been busy with work. Hopefully tonight
Oh! Thank goodness. I always get so nervous about rolls, since at least when playing DnD they tend to just undo all the hard work and thought I put into a character and their actions.
I'm quite a fan of the brutality of rolls when it's funny. So I don't care what you say, Reverie, if I ever roll a natural 1 I'm having whatever spell I was trying to pull blow up/go extra horribly wrong.
ReverieCore Topic Starter

Oh don't get me wrong, a nat 1 is a nat 1, and there will be consequences for that. I did say bad things can and will happen to a character and I won't go back on that. I just thought some here would like to know that outcome dictated by hard numbers only won't be an all encompassing factor. Plus if you'd like to dispute the outcome of a roll as bad, I won't.stop you from wtiting the outcome in that way if you think it adds to the story or tension/humor.
Finally finished the job, I can't feel my feet lol. Glad to know bad rolls can be somewhat negated and that there's leeway especially as it would prevent some ooc actions in certain instances.
Trine was all for sacrifice after all! Layne could have gotten +10 Rep/devotion for Enchi. Should have went for it. Too late now...

Or is it?

Or we could sacrifice Layne for a +50!
I'm certain he wouldn't mind if we asked nicely enough?
T-that's an entirely different equation. Maybe we dont want to jump right to human sacrifice I mean we're barely on the first date here...

N'aawww, come on and utilize that inner aztec!
You never know, he may need that to keep running...
.... I just read the text on Rona's WIS roll, and made an ugly laugh. Looks like some poor thief might lose some fingers.
Or an arm! XD
Yeahhh....this is going to be interesting. Lol
ReverieCore Topic Starter

Yeup, things will certainly be occurring. I'll try to get some things setup tonight and have everyone's post addressed tomorrow. I need to make a new character to handle all the NPC needs of the group response wise, since there's now several 'people' interacting with everyone else's characters.

EDIT: Whew, got that squared away!
Whose post are we waiting for? just wanna make sure it's not mine

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