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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool rp

Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Scar looked up from the girls face, startled by the sudden arrival of Katie. Scar could not hear much over the rush of blood in her head but she heard her cousin yelling about downstairs and now. Grabbing the injured girl trying not to touch or hurt her hand in anyway Scar dragged her out of the room before stopping to help her get up, as Scar was standing up she suddenly felt light-headed and dizzy, not knowing how to react to this feeling Scar stood up and helped the girl down the stairs, through the hallway and out into the courtyard where Scar fell to the ground in a dead faint.
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

(( no i think Leanne is the guy with blue hair she winked at just before leaving the party, there is another random guy apparently in the art room at the school

also Katie if you read the rp you would know that Yasoi is with Leanne at the moment ))
Katie (played by Dastreli000)

Sylvie wrote:
((Is it Leanne?))
(((No James)))
Katie (played by Dastreli000)

Scarlett wrote:
(( no i think Leanne is the guy with blue hair she winked at just before leaving the party, there is another random guy apparently in the art room at the school

also Katie if you read the rp you would know that Yasoi is with Leanne at the moment ))

((cool. find me a different rp to join before it is to far in and I will leave))
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Katie wrote:
Sylvie wrote:
((Is it Leanne?))
(((No James)))

(( James is at the party in Allecs art studio which is not in the school at all, I am in the school with Clarisse in the art room on the second floor, no random guys here, and besides James is a nice guy ))
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

((Wait wat?))
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

James Kennedy wrote:
((Wait wat?))

(( exactly ))
Lex looked around, confused by all that had been happening. There was screaming, but it seemed the people who had caused it moved away. Actually, he saw his sister near the noise, looking shocked. "Er yeah..." he murmured to James. He offered his hand. "Now is as good of a time to dance as any. Come on."

((Ahhh...things are getting confusing))
Katie (played by Dastreli000)

Scarlett wrote:
Katie wrote:
Sylvie wrote:
((Is it Leanne?))
(((No James)))

(( James is at the party in Allecs art studio which is not in the school at all, I am in the school with Clarisse in the art room on the second floor, no random guys here, and besides James is a nice guy ))

((No, earlier it said when Clarisse cut her hand she was backing away from a guy))
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

‘Katie’ wrote:
((No, earlier it said when Clarisse cut her hand she was backing away from a guy))

(( she was painting ))
Sylvie (played by Varia)

((I'm super confused))
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

Lex and Ritz Paine wrote:
Lex looked around, confused by all that had been happening. There was screaming, but it seemed the people who had caused it moved away. Actually, he saw his sister near the noise, looking shocked. "Er yeah..." he murmured to James. He offered his hand. "Now is as good of a time to dance as any. Come on."

((Ahhh...things are getting confusing))

He'd take his hand ``Yeah how about we just ignore that?``
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

"G-Guy's I'm fine, I'm just stressed. I've dealt with this before." I murmur quietly. I head to the bathroom before Scar faints and clean my hand off, the scar scabbing up immediately. I didn't need magic to cure this, there was no point. Everyone gets hurts. I shrug it off and go and sit down in a random hall.
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Scar wakes up with a jolt, what happened? Looking around she sees no one and this does not help her already bad anxiety, tonight was not turning out good at all. Deciding to just go home Scar pulls herself up to a sitting position, for a long while she stares at her shaking hands and wonders what is wrong with her. Finally her breathing slows and her hands stop shaking. Strong enough to stand up Scar grabs onto a nearby bench and pulls herself up. Hoping she can survive the walk home she walks out of the courtyard and down the stairs. With one last glance at the school and Allecs art studio glowing in the night she heads the opposite way towards a neighborhood close by. When she reaches her house Scar silently opens the door and step into the house hoping her mom is not awake. In the kitchen she sees a light in so she accepts the inevitable and walks into the brightly lit kitchen to face probably the worst part of tonight, her mother.
Lex nodded. "I'll ask Ritz about it later. I think she saw what happened." He didn't really want to think about the mess though so headed into the dance floor, positioning his hands at James' hip and shoulder like someone used to dancing in a formal setting.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I leave school and go to my uncles, grabbing my duffel bag. Knowing I can't stay there, I go to the nearest hotel by the school. I sigh and get to my room, crashing on the bed.
Sylvie (played by Varia)

She saw Clarissa leave, and saw a small scar on her hand. That must have been what happened upstairs.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

``You know you aren't that bad of a dancer``
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I don't fall asleep. Instead I walk down to an abandoned dance studio down the street, where I hung out the first week I moved here. I smile, happy that it's still cleaned up, just the outside walls a little dirty. No big deal. I put on old slippers in a small compartment in the corner of the room. I turn on loud dancing music on my phone, starting to dance. Plies, releves, sautes, etc. A few of the more advanced ones as well, Grand Jete's, Soubresaut's, etc.
"I took lessons growing up. Ballroom mostly, since it's popular at social functions," Lex admitted. He felt weird to say that out loud since it wasn't a normal male activity. "Kinda glad right now though." He liked dancing with James. Very different from with Ritz or stuffy instructors or his mother, heaven forbid.

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