What items can't you be trusted to be left alone with? This can be for whatever reason, be it tendency toward irresponsibleness to attention-claiming fidgeting to just annoying the absolute heck out of everyone.
As for me...
Never leave me alone with an Otamatone. Not if you don't want to listen to out-of-tune Muse covers played on an instrument with all the tonal qualities of a kazoo played by a robot that replaced its vocal processor with a rusty gate hinge. Don't let it lull you into a false state of security with its cute little face... it's the spawn of satan!
As for me...
Never leave me alone with an Otamatone. Not if you don't want to listen to out-of-tune Muse covers played on an instrument with all the tonal qualities of a kazoo played by a robot that replaced its vocal processor with a rusty gate hinge. Don't let it lull you into a false state of security with its cute little face... it's the spawn of satan!
Never leave me alone with...
With a dog. I will want to keep it and love it forever.
With a dog. I will want to keep it and love it forever.
never leave me alone with...
a book...i will literally sit there and read it forever and then find the next book if its a series, i will not move for years
a book...i will literally sit there and read it forever and then find the next book if its a series, i will not move for years
Never leave me alone with sharp objects... idk what it is, but for some reason, I'm compelled to fidget with them (or worse - chew them). Often resulting in me cutting myself. Or in the case of more fragile objects (such as an extendible crafts knife
)... snapping them, causing a fairly deep cut in the process.

Never leave me alone with..... anything I can draw on and with. I will literally draw for hours or even days on end and sometimes it is the weirdest stuff
Never leave me alone with the remote control, if we're watching Netflix and supposed to go to bed at a certain time. I cannot be trusted. Even when Netflix finally puts up the "Are you still watching?" screen, I will click "Yes" and watch 5 more episodes of whatever cheesy science fiction show they come up with.
Dark Matter
That cute show where Carol Burnett asks kids to give adults advice (ok that's not sci fi but yeah)
Dark Matter
That cute show where Carol Burnett asks kids to give adults advice (ok that's not sci fi but yeah)
Never leave me alone with any pointy objects - cacti, needles, any of that. I will have to touch them to see how pointy they are.
Never leave me alone with a pair of scissors. I will find the things to cut or, worse, I'll annoy the pants off people in the other room with the snip, snip, snip.
Also, don't leave me to pick the music. I like a lot of weird instrumental stuff with minimal vocals.
Also, don't leave me to pick the music. I like a lot of weird instrumental stuff with minimal vocals.
Never leave me alone with my music and books. I will sit there with my earbuds in, blasting music while reading and I will not hear you, even if you call me several times in a loud voice. I have a tendency to drown people out when I'm really focused

Never leave me alone with a pack of Yakult. I love drinking those things eversince I was a kid.
My thoughts.
Because I will overreact to everything. And I will overanalyze everything.
Because I will overreact to everything. And I will overanalyze everything.
...a can of Monster and whatever game system I play on at that time. If you do, there's just no reaching me. Give up.
Food that isn't mine.
Forta-ver wrote:
Never leave me alone with a pair of scissors. I will find the things to cut or, worse, I'll annoy the pants off people in the other room with the snip, snip, snip.
One of my favourite things to fidget with is scissors... and chew.
I've eaten half the plastic handle of my current pair. They're really awkward to use now.

Never leave me alone with matches. There's something addictive about the sensation of lighting them. And the smell after they go out...
Apologies, didn't think fire wasn't PG-13.
Never leave me alone with any instrument, im bound to start messing with it. Especially string instruments- im terrible at violin, viola etc, but that won't stop me from trying.
Never leave me alone with any instrument, im bound to start messing with it. Especially string instruments- im terrible at violin, viola etc, but that won't stop me from trying.
Seems to be getting a bit 'dark' in here with discussion of cutting and setting things on fire. Please, let's keep this PG-13 and friendly to all users! Not everyone is comfortable with these themes. Thank you.

Never leave me alone with: A pen, especially one that clicks. I will annoy people with the clicking and also doodle on my hand and arm.
Gab wrote:
Never leave me alone with: A pen, especially one that clicks. I will annoy people with the clicking and also doodle on my hand and arm.
SAAAME, THO. That's why I have to use pens with caps, but even then I find ways to make it click. Don't leave me things with button clasps for the same reason.
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