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Forums » Smalltalk » What are your most irrational fears you've had?


The title says it all- what were some of the irrational and/or ridiculous fears you've ever had?

I'll share mine too~
  • From age 7 - 11 when I was constipated (And I didn't know what constipation was) I was terrified it was because I was trying to poop out my intenstines.
  • I'm still afraid of elevators: I'm afraid they'll break down and I'll be stuck on there forever.
  • I'm also afraid the wires will break and I'll plummet to my death
  • I'm afraid of sleeping- it's called Hypnophobia
  • I'm afraid that- when it's really windy- that it's a hurricane coming to kill us all even though I know it's practically impossible for England to get one due to how hurricanes travel over seas.
  • Whenever I see the slightest crack in my bedroom ceiling I freak out about how it could cave in and kill me in my sleep even though it's solid concrete as has barely any damage to it.


Basically the opposite of Claustrophobia, I fear open spaces. I rarely leave my house or go outside because... it just causes me such stress, I get paranoid over the smallest stuff. So basically the smaller the room the happier I am ^-^

and yes, because of this I'm paler than Casper the ghost
Necrophobia - fear of things that relate to death...not death itself (no more than average), but an abnormal fear of things like cemetaries and...things like that. Don't even want to write the words of related things but you get the idea. I don't like skulls and skeletons at Halloween or Dia de Los Muertos decorations, etc.

We all have something! Lol
A fear I would consider irrational (for myself as I live very far inland) that I still have to this day:

Tidal waves.

There is no natural disaster that terrifies me more than this one. A massive, unstoppable wave that engulfs everything and sweeps you out to the open sea. How would you come back from that?

If we go to the beach, it rains, and the ocean starts rising, count me out. I'm gone.

There's a video of these people dining in a restaurant in Santa Barbara and the storm outside isn't even that bad, but the ocean slams into their window and the whole thing shatters. No one was hurt by the flying glass, thankfully. Not even the couple sitting right next to the window.

"We have a high surf advisory right now with our high tide at 9:15 this morning, at over 6 foot, combined with estimated swell up to 12 feet causes some pretty dangerous conditions," said Eric Engebretson, with the Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol.

12 feet.

No thank you.
nightmqre Topic Starter

Scary crap
Peachcakes wrote:
A fear I would consider irrational (for myself as I live very far inland) that I still have to this day:

Tidal waves.

There is no natural disaster that terrifies me more than this one. A massive, unstoppable wave that engulfs everything and sweeps you out to the open sea. How would you come back from that?

If we go to the beach, it rains, and the ocean starts rising, count me out. I'm gone.

There's a video of these people dining in a restaurant in Santa Barbara and the storm outside isn't even that bad, but the ocean slams into their window and the whole thing shatters. No one was hurt by the flying glass, thankfully. Not even the couple sitting right next to the window.

"We have a high surf advisory right now with our high tide at 9:15 this morning, at over 6 foot, combined with estimated swell up to 12 feet causes some pretty dangerous conditions," said Eric Engebretson, with the Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol.

12 feet.

No thank you.

Jesus Christ... I'm going to have to agree with you on that one. I'll move to the other side of the world if I have to XD

i am terrified of house fires. i’ve never even lived through one but the idea of it has scared me since i was a little kid. my grandpa and my school both drilled fire safety into my head and i got a fire safety book for one of my birthdays for some reason (i think because i wanted to be a firefighter?) but it all made me so terrified of the idea of a house fire that i developed OCD-like rituals that i would have to do every night before bed to make sure nothing would catch on fire in my sleep. i actually couldn’t sleep sleep until i checked everything (usually multiple times a night) and sometimes i would stay awake for over an hour just checking everything over and over again. i didn’t get an actual alarm clock until my freshman year of high school because the idea of leaving something plugged in basically all the time scared the hell out of me. when i was a little kid i would also obsessively go over fire evacuation plans before falling asleep in case something happened overnight. i would remind myself to put the back of my hand up to my bedroom door, stay low to the ground, don’t run back in for everything, basically all Fire Safety 101 stuff you learn in elementary school lmao. fires still freak me out but not like they did when i was a kid at all.

i dont know if this counts as irrational or not but for as long as i can remember i’ve also been deathly afraid of dogs. i’m talking “i have a panic attack if i see one running around without a leash” afraid. i’ve been attacked a few times in my life and the phobia has never gone away, if anything it’s gotten worse.
I'm still somewhat terrified of lakes. Even small ones. In water where my feet can't touch the bottom, I'm always worried that there's something massive, ready to swallow me up. Since I can't see what's going on, I get really unnerved. I just don't do good with things that are vague or unknown in general.

I'm also somewhat terrified at concerts or movies because I feel like there's gonna be some horrible shooting or something.

Edit: I have OCD and when my symptoms were at their worst, it was a very supernatural thing for me. Having OCD, thoughts stick in your head and you can't get them out no matter what. And I'd be worried if I was thinking of anything like a death or a tragedy, I would have to redo whatever I was doing or else it would come true. I also once believed that if I wore red on a road trip or just about anywhere, it was increasing my chances of death. Because... Red? Blood? Who knows. I used to be terrified of the number 666. Genuinely terrified. I also used to refuse to wear mismatching socks. Even if it's almost entirely unnoticeable. Because I feared something would happen to my feet I guess. Like something that would injure me. OCD is weird, man.
I have a few fears, including bugs / roaches, but, my most irrational fears are:
  • Tape / Stickers / Sticky items. If these are on packaging / handed to me / not opened and directly used by me and me alone, I hate them. I will actually freak out if they touch me. I cannot handle sticky items. My brain has connected stickers with kindergartners, and therefore has connected sticky things with germs of nasty children. I hate this lol. If I use it all on my own - like I open a thing of washi tape and keep it where only I can get to it, I'm fine. But yeah, sticky items are... gross.
  • Hair... I hate hair. It's taken me until very recently to even fathom cleaning out my own brush without something to guard my hand from even touching my own hair. Hair is gross, I hate it lol.
nightmqre Topic Starter

OkaruAudo wrote:
I'm still somewhat terrified of lakes. Even small ones. In water where my feet can't touch the bottom, I'm always worried that there's something massive, ready to swallow me up. Since I can't see what's going on, I get really unnerved.

If it helps in any way, my mom is afraid of me being in water XD she dropped me in the bathtub as a baby by accident and I almost drowned. So whenever I go swimming she refuses to go lol
Makes sense, if you ask me. I'd get uneasy too.
nightmqre Topic Starter

OkaruAudo wrote:
Makes sense, if you ask me. I'd get uneasy too.

I guess. I just find it a little funny. Like I'm 14 and I'm a decent swimmer now- there's a small chance I'm going to drown in a public pool XD

I was in a totaled car crash when I was 20. The deputies and the sheriff's said it was amazing I lived through it. I stay away from the intersection where it happened to this day. Your life does pass before your eyes I still remember it vividly to this day like being in a movie. I got a huge gash on my left arm as a permanent scar. I'm leery of huge semis and their truckloads.
When I was a kid I was freaked out by marine dinosaurs. I knew, logically, that there were no marine dinosaurs in the lake, but I was afraid of them anyways lmao
When i was little, I was freaked out by the loud, deep noise the drain made whenever I flushed down the toilet. I tought there was a big reptile-like monster on the drain that would suck me up if I reached too close to the drain when it was making noise.

Im also dead-terrified of cockroaches. There's no particular reason why, but regardless they scare the living crap out of me lmao.
I'm going to sounds so silly

But I'm terrified of Earthworms. Don't know why but seeing one of the little pink strings of ... Whatever they are crawling on the ground makes me so unbelievably uncomfortable
I hate centipedes. Millipedes are okay.

When I was little, I was scared of escalators. I thought if I didn't jump off at the top or bottom that the gears would grab me and suck me in.
nightmqre Topic Starter

DarkonDreams wrote:
When I was little, I was scared of escalators. I thought if I didn't jump off at the top or bottom that the gears would grab me and suck me in.

Oh my god. Actual mood! I was afraid of the same thing. Especially after an incident where my trainer shoe lace got stuck in the bottom and almost tore my foot off XD
I was terrified of lions when I was younger, I couldn't even watch the lion king
If I touched a spiderweb by accident as a kid, with or without spider in it, I would spazz and flail about trying to get the web off like I was having a seizure.

I think they're pretty now, but touching spiderwebs still weird me out a little to this day...

There's a few things that I'm afraid of besides my usual spiders and needles.
  • Basements. Basements always make me squirm because they feel so creepy and almost threatening. I've heard that even when I was younger they were a big fear. Funny that now my bedroom is in one...
  • Touching the tiles in my shower. My house is old and the tiles they used when they built the place are kind of nasty from age so I refuse to touch them and if I do accidentally I have to scrub whatever body part touched it until I feel it's clean again.
  • Ice. Not the ice in your glass but the ice on the ground. Three or four years ago I was walking up the driveway after school and slipped, landing on my ankle and spraining it. Now I'm ever cautious about it.
  • My food touching. I guess it's not really a fear but it is something that I dislike very much. My food can't touch or mix unless I want it to.
  • Touching leftover food in the sink. We have a little basket that sits in the drain of the sink to catch food and I'm afraid of emptying it because I often touch the contents accidentally. It's all slimy and nasty and just generally ew so, no.

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