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Forums » Smalltalk » What are your most irrational fears you've had?


An irrational fear of mine that I still have to this day is things sticking to me when wet. Getting out of a pool and walking through grass to get to the porch? I hated it. Always wigs me out. That dance you do when walking into a spider web? That's always what I do. It's itchy and invasive and weird and gross and blehleleleh nasty. I hate it so much.

(( These few are kind of dark, read at your own risk)

Coming home to either find my mum or dad dead from alcohol poisoning

Death, Though I've wished Death on myself many times.

Sleeping for too long with really bad anxiety

Mine was probably escalators, they give me so much anxiety like I was going to just fall over and die(?)

Riding over bridges in a car, I'm afraid that it will just crumble under me or something.
God, Now that I've typed these I'm so anxiety driven. hi.
I was always scared of going into the bathroom when I’m home alone... I’ve watched a few horror movies, and Psycho kind of got me. I was scared a killer would come in and kill me while I was in the bathroom. But, I’m alive.
When I was a little kid, I was terrified that there was a monster in the toilet that would attack me if I didn't get out of the bathroom fast enough once I flushed...Yes I still washed my hands.

Also during middle school I was scared of falling asleep in the car. Though to be fair, waking up in the car to enough smoke coming out from under the hood to fill a sauna is pretty scary. Yeah car fire.

Lastly I'm terrified of driving. You see before the age of 18, I was already in two car accidents, plus the aforementioned car fire. One I don't remember very much of because I was like...4 maybe? The other one was something running a red light, though luckily it was minor. On top of that, my dad crashed into a deer that ran out into the road in the middle of the night, then a guy going 20 over the speed limit t boned my parents car some years later. Then my dad got hit by someone who was on their phone just a few months ago. At least it was the old car that we were going to replace...though they were hoping to get another year or two out of it first.

Notice how none of those were my parent's fault? Yeah when we went to buy a minivan some years ago, my aunt said that we didn't need a van, we needed a tank.

As a result of all this, I have anxiety attacks behind the wheel which doesn't help the fact that I had serious trouble trying to control the car anyway. So for everyone's sake, I decided that driving wasn't in my future.

psoliver wrote:
i am terrified of house fires....

Me too, although I don't think that's irrational, fires are a real danger. When I was little, my family had to evacuate once because of a spreading fire, although I wasn't home at the time, I was at a friend's house and I was told to stay there. I cried almost the whole night because I thought my house would burn down. Luckily our home was safe.

OkaruAudo wrote:
I'm still somewhat terrified of lakes. Even small ones. In water where my feet can't touch the bottom, I'm always worried that there's something massive, ready to swallow me up. Since I can't see what's going on, I get really unnerved. I just don't do good with things that are vague or unknown in general.

I used to refuse to wear mismatching socks. Even if its almost entirely unnoticeable.

I still am very nervous in deep water that I can't see down to the bottom, it's incredibly uncomfortable… and I'm slightly OCD too, it drives my family crazy because I have really bad bouts of it where i just clean and clean and clean and rearrange everything . Mismatched anything bothers me, my clothing colors have to match, I'm not really into fashion, but my closet is organized by color and style; and if it's not it bugs the heck out of me.
That's not really a fear I suppose, but… ya lol.

Spook wrote:
If I touched a spiderweb by accident as a kid, with or without spider in it, I would spazz and flail about trying to get the web off like I was having a seizure.

I hate, and I do mean hate spiderwebs, they're absolutely terrifying, spiderwebs mean spiders… and spiders mean I go running away as far as I can screaming for help. They find me, and only me, everywhere I once had a massive brown recluse chill in the shower with me, and when I saw it, I screamed, slipped, hit my head and then ran out of the bathroom dripping wet and only partially wrapped in a towel… lol?

Also… I'm extremely scared of thunderstorms and lightning, I will legitimately get anxious and upset and hide under a blanket… :’)
I was scared of loud toilet flushing.
Generally dying in any shape or form.
Apparently lady bugs, according to my family.
Seeing some one yawn and then watch their jaw snap off. (Still kinda scared of that)
That something will be there when I look - turning around, opening a door, coming around a corner, etc.

That that still-moving cars I cross in front of will run me down, possibly even swerving onto the sidewalk to do it. I stare down drivers, even if I can't see them, as I cross.

That if I sit straight-legged, without support under my knees, something is going to break and invert them.

Vaguely political
That we're going up have a second civil war break out, and the rest of my family will be on the wrong side and still never realize how bad it is.

I'm also nervous around confident people for some reason, as if they're going to do something to me or talk me into something I don't want to do.
Crabs. Crabs terrify me so much.

Cartoon crabs are fine though! It might be the mouth, and how the eyes are... Just thinking of them gives me shivers.
DarkonDreams wrote:
I hate centipedes. Millipedes are okay.

Also hate earwigs. A little because of the name, but mostly just because of how they look.

I'm mostly cool with spiders, though. I like them to keep their distance, but I don't freak out if I see one, and I think tarantulas are downright cool. And li'l jumping spiders. So weirdly cute...
nightmqre Topic Starter

I just remembered, I'm deathly afraid of maggots. Their so small and white and gross... I touched one when I went fishing and almost threw the rod into the lake.
I'm not. I used to play with them as a kid. Because impoverished family in a trailer, and my room was only separated from the kitchen by a sheet on a clothesline, and I think we didn't have an actual trashcan, just bags.

Yeeees. Nova was trailer trash.
SINDragon wrote:
Crabs. Crabs terrify me so much.

Cartoon crabs are fine though! It might be the mouth, and how the eyes are... Just thinking of them gives me shivers.

As far as I'm concerned, crabs and so on are arthropods just like bugs and I don't like them either. Lobsters, etc. That whole group. With you on that. Yuuuuuuck. I hate them. I mean I'm sure they help the habitat somehow, but yuck.
Novalyyn wrote:
DarkonDreams wrote:
I hate centipedes. Millipedes are okay.

Also hate earwigs. A little because of the name, but mostly just because of how they look.

I'm mostly cool with spiders, though. I like them to keep their distance, but I don't freak out if I see one, and I think tarantulas are downright cool. And li'l jumping spiders. So weirdly cute...

I don't kill spiders unless I have to because spiders eat mosquitos and flies and things. They're the good guys in my opinion. Except brown recluses, those things are scary, of course.
The Open Ocean: I think the technically term is Thalasaphobia, don't quote me on that though and my fear may not be to the extent of Thalasaphobia depending on its specific definition, but the thought of being out on the open ocean scares the piss out of me. As a general Animal and paleontology enthusiast, I know what does, and used to live in our oceans, and the thought of having hundred of thousands of feet of empty space below me with god knows what swimming around in it scares the piss out of me.

Dogs: When I was little I got bit my family's dog Chance. Since then I'veb een terrified of dogs. Calmed down a little before an accident at work I ahd with two very territorial dogs and a pretty lazy careless owner. Wasn't hurt, but the dogs both started barking and growling at me and it just made things worse. The owner wasn't any help as he jsut kinda sat in his truck and said "Shut up" to the dogs. Why someone takes their two, fairly large and territorial dogs to the grocery store, and leaves them sitting, with no leashes or restraints holding them in the back of the truck, is beyond me. Thankfully my fear seems to be calming down again.
nightmqre Topic Starter

0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T wrote:
Dogs: When I was little I got bit my family's dog Chance. Since then I'veb een terrified of dogs. Calmed down a little before an accident at work I ahd with two very territorial dogs and a pretty lazy careless owner. Wasn't hurt, but the dogs both started barking and growling at me and it just made things worse. The owner wasn't any help as he jsut kinda sat in his truck and said "Shut up" to the dogs. Why someone takes their two, fairly large and territorial dogs to the grocery store, and leaves them sitting, with no leashes or restraints holding them in the back of the truck, is beyond me. Thankfully my fear seems to be calming down again.

Mood. Though I'm not scared of big dogs. I'm scared of small ones. They're so squeaky and loud and jumpy it just scares the hell out of me. Big dogs are cool tho XD
- I do have a fear of heights and climbing up ladders although stairs are fine.

- I get paranoia of someone trying to break in the house or being jumped when no one else is around.

- As weird as this is. I am afraid of other people because I have no clue how they will react or will respond to me. I get scared talking to people over the phone too.
nightmqre Topic Starter

TheFoxyDemon wrote:
- I do have a fear of heights and climbing up ladders although stairs are fine.

- I get paranoia of someone trying to break in the house or being jumped when no one else is around.

- As weird as this is. I am afraid of other people because I have no clue how they will react or will respond to me. I get scared talking to people over the phone too.

This whole post is a big mood.

Why can I relate to all these fears? XD
Oh. Until I was like 18 I refused to wear lipstick. Transparent lip gloss was fine. I didn't want to get lipstick on my teeth, because it makes you look so damn cheap. Not to mention people won't call you out on it, but rather just sit and stare.
nightmqre Topic Starter

My mom said that I was afraid of hairdresser places until I was 10.
I have no recollection of this lol
Oh. Oh, I completely forgot my fear of needles.

I can deal with it now. I can go get my blood drawn for tests, I can go get vaccines when I need to, I even gave plasma for awhile to have a little money (and because I haven't asked again if I'm allowed to donate whole blood again yet; got a false positive as a teen and that got me an indefinite deferral, but c'mon I'm O- take my blood!). It's nerve-wracking, but I can do it, and I am eternally grateful for skilled phlebotomists.

But when I was a kid, it'd take three people to stick me. One to actually have the needle, and another and my mom to hold me down and try to keep me calm.

Freaking needles.

Incidentally, mom's pretty sure it's from childhood trauma with a couple nurses who she really, really wanted to punch for what they did. I was, like, maybe two or three. I retain fragmented memories of it.

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