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Forums » Forum Games » Cursed Loot Drop

Kiran (played by Leighoflight)

Cursed plot armour

Makes you immune to all physical damage because you say so.
Increases emotional damage by 200%
G. Hectic (played by GLiTCh)

> Cursed Green Waistcoat

- Increases Magic DMG & Dapperness by 20%
Eisha Schade (played anonymously)

Cursed Silver Locket?! Prolonged wearing results in permanent bruising, sharp claws, and emotional distress. On the bright side, it might be worth a pretty penny...
Iskandar (played by hexblading)

Cursed Rosin. Perfect for stringed instruments, but when you play with a bow that's been coated with this strange and magical item, the notes you play will allow you to ensnare the minds of others. Sounds extremely good until you play for the wrong crowd that'll turn into a mob and accuse you of witchcraft.
Nasty Little B*****d Amulet

An amulet which hisses when it is held and burns the skin of whomever it touches, if it dislikes them. It has a bitter and angry personality, picks up swear words from people - in all different languages, and is atrociously rude when spoken to. The more irritated the wearer/holder becomes, the more irate the amulet gets, too.
Sophia Sanders (played by CrystalDisc)

Cursed Mechanical Wings! While this glorious pair of wings may grant the wearer true flight, the fairy dust that they shed will induce a sneezing fit when one comes into contact with it until they wear themselves out into a coma-like state!
Cursed Onyx Choker:

Functions as intended; allows the wearer to teleport between shadows. But now that it's cursed, you take damage whenever you use it. Ouch! Better hope wherever you're going is worth the pain.
1x Cursed Demonic Eyeball

"What the-" Too taken aback to remember his faux repulsion reflex, Randle crouched by the puddle of defeated hellspawn and scooped up the black-with-red eye. "Hadn't figured that this would be the sole survivor of the whole ordeal. Funny." Bedazzled, he squeezed the ball between his clunky fingers. Of course, as the rules went, there had to be a catch here: either this gnarly orb of mush would bring dishonor upon his family and cow.. or? "Well then, dear cyberspace- let's hear it." Not in the mood to watch his misfortune unfold, Randle presented the eyeball to the metaverse heavens above, and soon, the curse lain upon the poor orb of sight was revealed.

When ingested, the Eye will grant the user eternal life while also cursing them with a voracious appetite for anything that moves. Yikes..
Cursed Mechanical Claws:

Metal claws that can be worn and used as a melee weapon. Unfortunately, anyone who wears them will be infected with tetanus. Looks like you'll have to book yourself for a tetanus shot any time you wanna equip these...
Amukhat (played by Leighoflight)

Cursed glasses:

Gifts you with the ability to shape shift however you gain the intelligence of that animal, turn into a duck? good luck remembering how to turn back.
Rosaline (played anonymously)

Cursed Feather:
While in possession of this item you begin feel light headed. Your eyes will begin to turn green, and you may become blind. After this, numerous eyes will begin to appear on your body, eventually killing you.
Cyphrus (played by Anakisuto)

Hair extensions that make all your hair fall out.
Xailah Alptraum (played anonymously)

x1 Hooked Tool- Cursed Object- Non-sentient

Rusted from years of neglect, due to separation from its original wielder. Though it is not sentient, there is an eerie organic quality to the object; it's fingers, though metal, still reach out as if grasping in hunger. It's base is wrapped in synthetic flesh, perhaps that of it's first owner.

Mercy be upon you, for whatever creature you took this from was one most foul. Careful where you point it, it may take out an eye.

A hooked contraption, otherwise referred to as "The Claw", was an object retrieved from a being locals called "One-Who-Wears-Many-Faces". The item was thought to have been a tool used by higher beings; a theory drawn from the objects crude, yet forward-looking design. What was not understood- until far too late- was that the item was not a gift granted from those above, but an instrument of phycological torment.

Those who wielded The Claw found themselves graced with the ability to steal others memories and faces. A great power, but the price to pay was far greater: those who abused the artifact often lost their sense of self after frequent uses, eventually reducing themselves to nothing more than a hollow husk of the person they once were.
Azura'ellys (played by CrystalDisc)

Cursed Moth Diorama

Moths are drawn to you... or is it your clothes? Either way, they're so numerous and ravenous that you'll be in dire need of a wardrobe.
Sherlock Holmes (played by Atheist)

> x1 Phial of an Aqueous Grave
Curses the user of this item with malignant dreams of a watery demise

Sherlock tilted the ill-boding little bottle inquisitively. The murky contents swirled ominously in his grasp, and despite the safe proximity the glass of the jar granted him, the urge to discard the item was intense. However, he carefully inserted it in the pocket of his long coat, keeping as much distance from it and him as he could muster. He feared if he left the phial behind, it could end up in the wrong hands and had absolutely nothing to do with his insatiable curiosity...
Joot (played by Jooters)


A magnifying glass that allows the user to pass every investigation check limitlessly. Once used, user is now immortal and magnifying glass is now indestructible.
Bell of truth

The person adorning this silver bell of truth can only ever speak the truth which they speak, sometimes even random thoughts are spilled from their mouth when they are about to speak. However you get a few extra life points depending on your current exp/level.
(Whoops- it sent early hold on QwQ)
Update: (fixed it-)
James Moriarty (played by Atheist)

[ Seeing as this is your main account and not one of your characters, I selected Karma to pull from. I hope this is okay! ]

> x1 Luminous Orb of Discontent
What was once the soul of a being not of this world remains now as a bleak reminder of a life taken in vain. The individual who obtains this item will feel unrepressed ire. If consumed, the orb will meld with the user's own soul resulting in corruption in perpetuity. Another side effect of the curse is the constant illumination of the eyes.

The dust cleared and the battle was won... The victor stepped forward to claim what was rightfully his.

Professor James Moriarty carefully procured the glowing white ember of a soul from the pile of ash and examined it with profound interest. A gentle glow illuminated the pale, nearly disheveled features of a madman as he reveled in the wares of his victory. At long last would he be able to prove to the world his unyielding discontent with the aid of an unbridled fury.

A small smile crept along his blanched lips, and a look of pure mania seeped into the inky abyss of his cold, dark gaze. The item he cradled precariously within his palms was assuredly cursed, but with little regard for the consequences, Moriarty was content to accept the repercussions of his choices. He raised himself to his full height, embraced the luminous sphere against his chest without a second thought, and succumbed to the effects of his damnation.

There he stood, the lord of crime, with eyes black as night yet somehow illuminated by his ill-fated acquisition. The time has come to set his plans into motion. Things were going to be much different from here on out...

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