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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Puzzle2 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

Ilmarinen Moderator

Maybe, like... on the two portal images, we have the arrows arranged in a certain order. Maybe the order of the arrows, if you overlay the images, gives the order of the letters in the keyword.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Before we go galloping off - you have the right order.
Ilmarinen Moderator

*steeples fingers*
Ilmarinen Moderator

I'm so naming a character Bhartvog.
Ah, alright. Thanks Kim!
TheNightmareSavage wrote:
You can shift in directions other than forward
I know it's not helpful for the comic version, but any chance there's multiple shifts going on, and the order shown in the video (the pointers sliding forward and back into place) are an indicator?

Sorry, throwing ideas out without much time to look over discussions or review stuff.

TheNightmareSavage wrote:
Shift the number of displaced letters
Your cipher is your key, but shifted
For a moment I though "well if some of the alphabet is actually in order, maybe count the letters that aren't and shift it that many over." But that other clue sounds more like it's the letters you're probably already looking at, but that's the part that needs to be shifted?

My brain hurts
Yeah. I say it's time for a little break. I'll keep thinking about this.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

ACTUALLY you know what BHARTVOG is very very close to the order you'll need but now that I look at it, it ain't it.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Dragonfire (played by Dragonfire)

*also squint*
Ilmarinen Moderator

I was also considering BHARGOTV... let me try zis also
Dragonfire (played by Dragonfire)

Mmn, that's if you take the letters around the video-portal in alphabetical order, no?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Yeah, like when it zooms out.
Ilmarinen Moderator

But still leaves the comic letters before the video letters.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Like caveman with club, I just ran BHARGOTV through all the Caesarian shifts (1 through 25), and tried ALL of those as keywords for the garbled phrase. I got nothing but gibberish. Unless the keyword decrypter I'm using sucks (and uhh... it might)
I honestly want to help but have no clue how. Fill me in?
Also now I want to own a koi cat :/
Ilmarinen Moderator

Let me track down the summaries that were posted!
Ilmarinen Moderator

More brains more better!

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Puzzle2 symbol discussion (SOLVED)

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