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Forums » Smalltalk » Bacon for your thoughts? (Raffle)

Auberon Moderator

Yet another forum participation thread involving bacon -- exciting, I know! I took inspiration from DorianM's Epic Characters raffle, and I'd like to give treats to some kind people and the people they care about. Without further ado, here are the rules:

1) Post a one paragraph minimum and tell us about a player who has made your RPR experience a pleasant one. Tell us a little bit about how they've been a positive influence, give us the why. This is very much meant to be like kudos, but on the forums instead. Proudly tell us all about how awesome they are, and how they've made the RPR a brighter place.

2) Post as user accounts only, no characters. Similarly, only nominate users, not characters. Please link to their account in your post so that I know where to send bacon if you win.

3) One entry per person, but players may be nominated by multiple people.

4) Raffle winner will be determined by digital dice roll. (I'll be using Furcadia since it allows for custom numbered dice. A screenshot will be posted!)

5) If I draw your name, both you and the person you nominated will receive bacon.

That's it! That's all there is to it. Get out there and be excellent to each other! This ends on September 4th at noon EST.


1. Juls/Mipps
2. Hikari_Yagaza/Abigail_Austin
3. Mercyinreach/dndmama
4. emroidz/miarup
5. Volka/Raerae
6. LakotaSiouxWarrior/Sanne
7. DorianM/Demilicious
8. Dunedain-Ranger/ShanaPrimRose
9. 8_Stars_8/Jence
10. Tusitala2017/Guardian_Girl
11. Kungfu6453/MangoNekros
12. Valie/Essie
13. Guardian_Girl/Sweet_Little_Sock
14. Sweet_Little_Sock/DragonChild
15. Voldarian_Empire/SylOfficial
All these raffles and contests are so great! Thanks for hosting this, Auberon! :)

I shall nominate Mipps. <3 While I have fun with a lot of my 1x1 RPs, I was beginning to feel a little bit burnt out. But not now! Our game has simply been a blast and I find myself thinking about it even when I'm off doing other stuff. What might happen next?! Her character is fun, as well as her ability to move the plot along with every post. There's never a lull in the story, even when there was several exchanges of characters traveling for hours telling jokes back and forth! Don't know which way something should go...? we'll just roll the dice and make it awesome no matter the outcome. There's a great mix of humor, character development/revelation, action, and story! Plus, she's fun to chat with OOC as well.

She's putting my writing / story telling skills to the test! But inspiring me to write quite a bit more than my usual post length and even turn an NPC into another full-fledged character...just because it's fun!
Super cool raffle! :)

I am going to nominate Abigail_Austin:

Abigail is such a sweetheart and she is so supportive and kind. Shes constantly sending messages of love and support to those on the RPR who need it. Abigail is a blast to talk to OOC as well and its always a pleasure.

Plus, she is super awesome at Roleplaying and like me, loves to Roleplay about the emotional stuff. Abigail understands how mental health issues work and understands how to make a wonderful sort of hurt comfort Roleplay. Shes also great with romance as well.

I always get super excited when I see a reply from her.
Ugh this is so difficult to chose!!!! I love so many of you, I could literally list all of you and go on forever but I really have the feeling to write about someone specific today. Don't let that make any of you think I don't love you <3 <3 <3 <3

I nominate Dndmama.

Feb 28 2018, 12:32am, is the time that Dndmama messaged me for the first time! The first time we ever spoke - and is the whole reason we are RP partners and friends today. We got an RP started up super quick and I knew immediately that I loved the way she wrote and how her character came to life! Unforunately that RP just wasn't made for us. I lost muse for my character quickly and we lost touch for just a little bit.

Until! Dndmama took the chance to tell me how much she loved my character Seraphina and really wanted to RP with her! Her character Chanda was created and he blew myself and my his lovely Angel out of the water, the sky, out of hell and heaven. The way Dndmama writes Chanda continues to amaze me every single post, spark emotions that are genuine and cut deep. I adore every single post I get from Dndmama.

Even more... I am so grateful for her friendship. Several times she spoke to me about quite personal things, making me feel comfortable talking to her about it, being comforting and supportive. She puts up with my constant pinterest pinning, puns, song-spam and weirdness OOC as I fangirl about our couple, and fangirls, pins and has fun with me. She makes me feel beyond cared about and valued as a writer and a friend. I have been there for her during rough times and good times the last year especially and will always be! Our current RP is going strong still and we have another one just starting. I am so excited for the present and the future. <3

Thank you Dndmama for being absolutely amazing and making my time on RPR and life in general better with your creativity, talent and friendship. I am absolutely flattered and honored and amazed that you take the time to post to me with such craziness going on in your life and will be forever grateful.

Picking someone is tough, REALLY tough!

But I choose Mia. She's here to make your roleplay gayer (best roleplay sales pitch I've ever seen ngl). Not only is she a dynamite roleplayer serving up big pussy energy and girl power vibes, but she's one of the most fun, energetic, enthusiastic, and universally pleasant people I've had the pleasure of knowing. Like me, she likes putting her characters through the ringer, so much so we've got agony planned for our girls Jaheira and Aurumy for DAYSSSSSS. It's devastating, to be sure, but oh-so-satisfying and worthwhile. She's kept me going on a personal and written level in more ways than I think even she's aware of lately, but that's why I'm taking the time to let her, and all of you, know: Mia, as well as her characters, are next level, grade A, primo babes. They will ascend you to a higher plane of existence. She's amazing and all the other synonyms thereof. And I look forward to ALL of the era-roleplays we may stumble ourselves into, far beyond and before the Cosmos.
Mina Moderator

Oh cool! Hmm..Let's see, I've already nominated a few friends in other raffles so I will pick a different friend for this one so that everyone gets an equal share of appreciation and love from me. I think that's fair!

I'm going to choose Raerae this time! She's so sweet you guys, seriously. I can't even tell you how refreshing conversations with her can be. She meets everything with a nice dose of optimism and I wish the world had more of that. She's more creative than I could ever be when it comes to a lot of things, and has produced so many labors of love with the templates she so kindly shares with the community just out of her own goodness. She's beautifying our collective information one profile at a time. Even though she has so many templates out for free, I really have enjoyed the one I was able to commission her for, also. She took a great deal of care in dressing up my character's profile and the attention to the smaller details of how I build my profiles really gave it a personalized edge. I am continually in awe of how thoughtful she is.

Template work aside, she makes a really fantastic friend. She's just easy to talk to, and doesn't make socializing feel like effort at all. Rae always knows how to make me laugh, and has been a shoulder for me a few times in the past too. I don't tell her enough how much I appreciate her kindness. In a social climate where we are expected to be an amplified personification of one thing or another, she stays true to herself without adding any uneccessary airs. She is never ever "too much" or "too little". She's just right in terms of humanity and I love her. Witty, wordy and wise are just a few of the words I could use when talking about her! She's a trip, and if you got to know her, you'd love her too.

I nominate sanne. Along with her impressive line up characters. She is the founder of a wonderful group called here for you. I went through the most horrible December last year. She really helped me through a lot of the hurt and sadness.Sanne, bless her has a gift for saying all the right words to cheer you up.She gives great advice and is constantly supportive to everyone in the group. She is also a great moderater.
Auberon Topic Starter Moderator

Happily, I'm familiar with Sanne and don't need a link. ;)

But please be sure to link to user profiles in your nominations so that the bacon for sure gets to the right party, just in case I don't know someone!

Auberon wrote:
Happily, I'm familiar with Sanne and don't need a link. ;)

But please be sure to link to user profiles in your nominations so that the bacon for sure gets to the right party, just in case I don't know someone!
sorry I do everything on my phone. Someday when I can afford it I'll get a laptop. Thanks for understanding.
And thank you Auberon for organizing this raffle! <3

Especially because it gives me an opportunity to thank Demi. It was serendipitous that I found his posts and profile not long after I joined RPR in October last year, and then discovered the group he created Tam'nýer—a'. This lovely fantasy world has captured my heart and helped me so much in so many ways! <3 My creativity exploded and my writing improved, and I found some genuine friends and writing partners I would not have met otherwise I think. I am so grateful and happy to have found this nice home!

This is a tough one. A couple good current RPs I have going right now are with Anonymous characters, but if I knew who their writers were, the would be in the running for my nomination them here. Being this is for a Writer not a character, I will have to pick ShanaPrimRose!

Shana is my longest-running RP writing partner here on RPR as we started an RP early last October! It hasn’t gone fast and we both have taken breaks along the way, but the story is epic, and it's always an enjoyable read when I see her character’s posts. We recently a month or so ago started another one, and it is of the same calibre as the first! We stay in touch OOC and I have to say her style of writing is easy on the eyes to read, and the content is always deep and engaging and inspires me to write! Shana has been a wonderfully positive influence on me and my writing since we met within this realm.
I'm nominating Jence. She is truly a good friend and RPer. I've had three different RPs with her, with 3 different characters. She has shown so much passion and care in every single RP we've done. She is understanding with my (admittedly) horrid reply times, and, even though she isn't a native English speaker, I'm pretty sure she has better grammar than me (a native speaker). She's not only great at RP, but is such a nice person. She is obviously caring, understanding, and nice. She creates phenomenal characters and wonderful roleplays. I definitely recommend RPing with her if you haven't yet.
It has been tough to decide because I do have a list of top 10 players that rank above the very best, but on this occasion I want to nominate Guardian_Girl.

She is one of the first people I had the privilege to roleplay with on this site and we are still roleplaying together to this day. Since I joined the site, we have had many IC adventures and many supportive OOC conversations too. As a person, she is very friendly and understanding. Even when things get tough, she is one of the reasons for sticking around RPR.

As a writer she also excels because she knows how to bring stories to life with her thoughtful replies and her very well played characters. Their detailed reactions, well described, often keep you in suspense. Their actions are realistic and well set into the IC environments and different situations. If you get a chance to RP with her, you won't be disappointed

It hard to choose. But I choose

MangoNekros is amazing. Just how they play there characters and how they make them is awesome. I personally wish I meet them sooner. They are very nice and fairly active. They are amazing as I don’t normally like anything that realistic. But they make it fun and thrilling to the point I can’t wait until they post. They don’t Rp with huge responses. I never thought fantasy and realistic Rp would be so much fun. They really taught me to expand my willingness to try new Rp styles. We are doing a military Rp and I love it. One of my favorite Rp going on right now. If you ever get the chance Rp with them they are amazing. They have the most interesting characters fantasy and none fantasy. I can’t wait to Rp with them even more.
Auberon Topic Starter Moderator

Thanks to everyone who's entered so far. Entries have all been updated -- keep that positivity coming! :)
Let me tell you about a gal that is two sugar cubes away from being too sweet. I nominate, , the sweetest little lady on this side of the Mississippi. She is a kind person with a loving and endearing heart. If that wasn't enough, her roleplay talent knows no bounds. She is creative, witty and delightful to encounter icly. Her characters have depth, charisma, and those addictive flaws that no other character could possibly resist. She is a wonderful addition to any roleplayer's top ten must encounter list. Give her a shout, a message, or a kudos. She's worth every syllable. <3
I want to nominate SLS.

I have only known SLS for a few short weeks, but I am already amazed by their writing talent. They play their characters so well, and always have so much to add to the RP. Their head is also so full of great ideas, that they've been able to help me flesh out a character I am working on.

I'm so grateful that I was introduced to them, as the RPs I have with them, keep me coming back and begging for more. I'm refreshing the website so constantly, it's become so much of a habit.
Boom! I wanna throw DragonChild onto the playing field!!!

DC is just so amazing, their writing style is perfect. Their characters are so much freaking fun. They are overly creative! And just generally a wonderful person to be writing and talking with! I'm so glad I meet them because I would have missed out on such a sweet and wonderful person!
I would have to nominate SylOfficial.

Syl and I have been through a lot since we've known each other and through everything she has never acted as anything short of a true friend. We've discussed a lot of character and racial ideas and shes has even helped to mold a few new ideas for major races I've worked on for years. Every discussion I have with her is a pleasure and even when we have our disagreements I know undoubtedly she will always be there for me like the true friend she is. I daresay my rp experiences as a whole wouldn't feel complete without Syl being involved.
Auberon Topic Starter Moderator


Dunedain-Ranger and ShanaPrimRose are our winners!

Thank you all for spreading positivity. :D

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » Bacon for your thoughts? (Raffle)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus